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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Any registered participant can play. If we've got some extra time I'll even take spectators.
  2. It's interesting. Your split times, shot to shot sounded just about exactly the same between guns. Did minor make any difference recoil wise? Or are you just so used to major you didn't go as fast as you could with the .38. Looked like any difference in the .38 times were based more on reloads than anything else. I'm betting RN bullets and a bit more time behind the .38 and the times will get better.
  3. Stage gun, provided ammo, show up and shoot. It'll be fun. Basically CQB with a 7.5 inch full auto PWS in cowboy town.
  4. Here's a thought. If everyone is not answering your question because they didn't read it...maybe you didn't write it clearly enough in the first place. I read your post and it looks like most of the answers are pretty much on point. There is a difference between what shows in stock on some websites and what actually is. You talked about 2900 for a 3200 dollar gun. Unless you're talking about a custom 2011, you really are getting ripped off. Just because someone answered a post in a way you didn't want, doesn't mean they didn't read your post. If something is overpriced, don't buy it. You seem plenty savvy at Internet shopping, go find it somewhere else. I have seen a few posts where people were asking too much for something. I didn't buy it. They may be uninformed, or they may be trying to re coup some of the cost they paid for it by someone that gouged them. As far as paying $100, or 300 off of the cost of something new, that depends on your perception of value. I've often recommended to someone buying a used 2011 over a brand new one. But only from someone reputable. I'd rather pay $1600.00 for a used edge with a few thousand rounds on it that I know works as opposed to a factory new gun that I'm going to have to pay to ship to a smith once or twice. As soon as you have to ship the gun you're out money. If it's a Glock, who cares if it's used. It's gonna last forever anyway.
  5. I can't imagine why the recoil system would bump the shotgun to Open. It's just a buffer in the stock. Not porting, or comps. I've never seen a rule set that would make it an open gun. Sounds like Nordic is making extension for the Extreme Unico.
  6. Taran does all the features, plus some new ones. My M2 is at Taran's shop now getting converted. I've been keeping an eye on the various custom Benellis at all the matches I shot this year. I had my pick of smiths to send it to, and Taran got my business. I don't know if he's working on Mossbergs but if you're going to spend the money on a fancy custom gun, why start with a Mossberg? I'd rather spend a couple hundred more for a Benelli. Not just for the cool factor but the resale value when you finally upgrade will more than make up the difference.
  7. Ya know Kurt, some people aren't as awesome at 3 Gun as you. Some people, particularly the new people, it might help. You remember what it was like to be new right? Back when stages were timed with sundials and all the guns had to be reloaded one round at a time because they were all black powder. : )
  8. The hope is that all Revolver shooters will benefit by having some actual competition take place. I ran these numbers the other day for the BOD but I'll post them again here. (I'm probably going to have missed one or two, but it'll be pretty darn close). In 2012, the last complete year, there are 38 matches listed as majors where Revolver was an option. I'm not including the Single Stack Nationals and other matches that don't recognize Revo even if someone wanted to shoot it. Of those 38, 30 didn't have enough to recognize Revolver under the rules. 4 of 8 Area matches couldn't even pull enough revo shooters to hand out a plaque. Other than the Memphis match, Nationals, and a 4 Area matches there were only 2 matches that had 10+ shooters. And the majority of the matches that did have enough, just barely had enough. 10 maybe 11. Revolver is not working as is. There are a small handful of people shooting it that are die hards. Not a lot of new blood coming in. Unless something changes I don't see the numbers going up, but down. I also don't agree with the folks that say that 8 minor will dominate 6 major. It may, but it's certainly not as clear cut as people seem to think. I'm certainly not basing that on my own experience since I suck with a revo and you can time my reloads with a sundial. But I talked to a handful of hard core revo guys and they can't even decide which will be better. It's going to depend on the match. I also think it's going to depend on the skill level of the shooter more than anything. I think the GM's will be better served by 6 Major, and the rest of us by 8 minor. The reload speed for someone at the top is significantly less than a C/D class shooter. But hey, what do I know. As far as the classifiers. That's an easy fix. Remove some, tweak others, add some new ones. It's easy enough to make the classifiers neutral to 6/8 shot differences. Make them 6 before a load (which a bunch already are), or 9-12 rounds so both have to reload, or ... There are a lot of different options. But until it's decided to make the change there's no reason to mess with the classifiers or decide the best way to fix them. It has been discussed and there are plenty of options to even the field. (Actually if I had to bet it will probably favor 6 shot guns since they will be scored major)
  9. The discussion only part is the only reason I seconded it and voted for it. I really don't know for sure where I'll end up on the issue. But I figured its the easiest way to get feedback.
  10. With 8 shooters in the mix "scoring everything minor like we do in Production" would obsolete all the 6 shooters. Major 6 and minor 8 makes it workable. Making it viable for more 6 shooters should make for more participation. 165PF for major .40 and up, 110 PF for major for sub .40 (.38)? Sorry, that would be leaving the 8 shooters out. We'd lose some potential ICORE folks but there are a lot more Model 10 Smith's out there than Model 627's. And, no way would I agree to drop PF down to 110. We'd have to change how we calibrate steel and some just doesn't want to be set that light. To be blunt, and this is only me speaking, it's not worth it to make that much of a change to cater to what is likely less than a 100 shooters it would effect.
  11. I wouldn't be willing to score a 126 PF gun major but what about scoring everything minor like we do in Production? It wouldn't make any guns obsolete. You can always down load a 625 to super light loads without worrying about making the gun run and they are really easy to load. The .38 loads would still have to make minor, but that's not terribly difficult. I'm not in favor of taking a small division and splitting it into two and certainly not three.
  12. No specific date yet. The rules were put out for review for 90 days so ball park end of September or early October. Implementation would be around January, 2014.
  13. Dang, well there goes my 2013 budget. Missed the first FB3G. Not gonna miss this one.
  14. Next up, LED Lenser. This was a new company to me last year. But they supported last year and this year in a big way. I'll admit, I've always been a SureFire guy since I bought my first one in 1994. I've never really seen the need to use anything else. That was until last year. I had a chance to see some of their bright lights. Holy cow, this stuff lit up the whole hillside. We passed a couple out to the RO's last year as thank you's. Had one RO that was nice enough to give his to a buddy in LE. He's been kicking himself since after seeing it. Take a look at the LED Lenser product line if you need lights for this match. They have some really great lights. Nike was a big sponsor for the match our first year and this year as well. This was another company that took me a bit surprised. Nike has it's home in the county I work and I've been on their campus many times. I had no idea they had a military products division. They came out last year and showed off some really comfortable boots and anyone who shot last year went home with a Nike match shirt. Nike must have thought it was a cool match last year because they are supporting use again. Thanks, Nike! Last up for today is Nosler. Last year they provided our match grade .308 to shoot out of the Colt Competition .308 rifle. The ammo was flawless. I managed to save a couple boxes for myself after the match and shot it out of a GAP-10 from GA Precision. Very, very impressive ammunition. Nosler is back again supporting us. This year every round of ammo from Nosler is going to competitors on the prize table. There are going to be some very impressive groups shot once you have the opportunity to shoot your prize.
  15. Our next three sponsors. Leatherman is a local Oregon company that has a lot broader product line than I realized until last year. They have some great product including the MUT tool I picked up last year. It goes to every three gun match with me. Rock solid tools and trust me, they put a lot into this match. Great to have them back again sponsoring. Gemtech is a new sponsor this year. Everyone is going to get the chance to shoot their 9mm suppressor off a Glock 17 in the shoot house. You'll also have the opportunity to shoot the G-5T titanium suppressor on Stage 1. Best part is, two people will get to shoot a lot more rounds through them because at the end of the match, Gemtech is donating them to the prize table. I'm hoping to get one of them for my duty rifle. Freedom Munitions is another new sponsor and one I am so happy to have. When we started this match last year, one of the things we wanted to do was give people the opportunity to shoot stuff they can't anywhere else. Belt fed machine guns, NV, Thermal, all sorts of cool stuff. Well, I can't really expect sponsors to give us guns and optics that cost well into the 5 figure range and let anyone shoot crap ammo through it. We need quality ammo that the sponsors will trust their equipment to, and will keep the guns running the whole match. Last year I was sweating coming up with enough ammo for the event. This year, we have even more guns for you to try out, everything from a short PWS Mk107 to the big Mk46 from last year. This year ammo seems a bit harder to come by as well (just a bit). Fortunately Freedom Munitions stepped up in a big way. Even in the middle of an ammo crunch. When ammo companies can sell as much as they can make. Freedom Munitions donated 12,000 rounds of .223. I've been to several three gun matches this year. I see Freedom Munitions at them all. I know I'll be looking there first from now on for all my ammo needs. You should take a look. I was at their website this morning. They have a ton of ammo in stock (literally, I'm sure it's well over 2000 pounds, probably several tons actually)
  16. Dang it. I read this before Kurt's edit and have been grinding away on my lifter. Nah just kidding. My smiths won't let me anywhere near a Dremel.
  17. Delta point 3.5 MOA dot for me. Kind of weird. The 7.5 triangle is kind of orange and a little fuzzy. Actually works great on the shotgun. The 3.5 has the clearest and most red dot of any sight I've seen. The adjustments are a bit of a pain because of the crazy tiny torch heads but mine have held up very well.
  18. The tube is easy. I just called yesterday and ordered one for my new Benelli. In stock and already shipped.
  19. MGM Targets will be our target supplier again for 2013. Travis is also the RM for the match and I could not, repeat could not, do this match without him. Not only is Travis driving us up a big trailer full of MGM steel targets, he's also bringing the paper targets, stands, tape, clay targets and rebar to lay out the courses with. It's almost everything we need to run the match. And with the quality of the MGM products, I know we won't have to worry about reshoots because of broken targets. Travis' experience running big matches has been a great help for me as a newb match directort. I can't thank Travis enough. Colt Competition Rifles is also back again this year. CCR is producing some great rifles, and everyone will get a chance to shoot the same rifle I use in competition, the CCR CRP-18 Pro. This rifle will be set up on stage 2. The rifle will be equipped with a Leupold VX6 optic and Night Vision. Shooters will be engaging targets at 50 and 100 yards with this combo. CCR is also sending a couple of RO's to help out as well. Annie Foster is making her return to staff our match. You might recognize her from the match booklet as the model CCR used for their ad. She's acutally a shooter too! In addition to Annie, Dave Wilcox will be helping out with RO duties. Kind of cool when the VP of a company comes out to run shooters. This is why CCR makes such great rifles. It's a company run by shooters, making rifles for shooters. They know what they're doing. CCR is giving us two rifles for the match. They will be awarded separately from the prize table. Everyone will have a chance to win a great rifle. Ergo Grips will also be sponsoring and have at least a team shooter or two at the match. That's not counting the many, many shooters that will have Ergo Grips gear on their rifles. If I had to pick one single grip that dominates three gun it's from Ergo Grip. It's amazing how often you see Ergo Grips at matches considerning how many different people make AR grips. Ergo is there because they make a great prodcut and they been terrific sponsors for the multigun sports. Matt Foster was not a reluctant sponsor for this match. In fact he tracked me down to make sure Ergo would be involved again. Didn't have to call and bug him for sponsorship, it was the other way around with him contacting me. It's great working sponsors that are so enthusiastic.
  20. Danner was one of the original sponsors for this match. For those at the match last year, you might have noticed the RO's all wearing brand new Danner boots. Well they are back supporting us again this year. They are one of the four biggest sponsors for the match and have been incredibly generous. We also have two new major sponsors. Not just new to our match but companies a bit newer to multigun. Please welcome them. The first of our new benefactors is Optics Planet. Everyone will be receiving a bit of Optics Planet's contribution at registration and they have a discount code in the match booklet. I buy a lot of things from Optics Planet and DVOR. I'm actually wearing a shirt I bought off their site as I write this. They have a little bit of everything and an awful lot of some things. The last of our major sponsors is the National Shooting Sports Foundation. They just signed on about two weeks ago. I was actually at Crimson Trace for a meeting and was going to tell them I just didn't have time to do the match next year. Mike Faw told me NSSF has just agreed to a three year sponsorship agreement for a whole lot of cash. Oh well, guess I'm gonna be a bit on the busy side for the next couple years. Thanks to Danner, Optics Planet and the NSSF!
  21. Just wanted to give a thanks to our match sponsors. This match is a little different than a lot of three gun matches. If we charged competitors what it actually costs to put this thing on no one would be able to attend. Because of the limited time we can shoot and the extra staff needed to make this thing run safely this match runs at a huge deficit money wise. Thanks to our incredibly generous sponsors we've been able to make up for some of that difference. But even with all that help there is a reason the Crimson Trace name is on this match. They put in an incredible effort to support this match. From registration, sponsor contacts, the match book and stage diagrams, to just putting the match on the ground they are helping every step of the way. It's almost surreal as a match director so say you want $5000.00 for rockets and $2500.00 in grenades and not have them bat an eye. This really is their baby. They put in a huge amount of effort the whole year on this. I've been to more meetings at Crimson Trace this year than I have at my real job (Shhh, don't tell my boss). When you get to the match, take a minute to thank a Crimson Trace employee or three. There will be a lot of them there making sure the match goes off without a hitch.
  22. Survey received and done. Thanks for the opportunity to give feedback. And you guys really do listen.
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