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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Unforunately it looks like this match has been cancelled due to the range closing. I just checked the match website and it lists cancelled.
  2. I was a little disappointed with Leupold's new mini. The dot (triangle) seemed huge and blurry. They advertise as 3.5 and 7 MOA, but the demo models I looked at were much larger than that. I liked it when I shot one of the prototypes last spring but the models at SHOT were not as impressive. Not sure what happened. For the poster looking for info on them, google Leupold Deltapoint and you'll find lots of info.
  3. It is a bit on the blocky side. I'm hoping it still fits in kydex holsters but they didn't round the corners of the slide as much as a Glock. As long as it still fits I'll be a happy camper. If it doesn't I might take the belt sander to it. The slide is steel which is a nice change over all the other Glock conversions. I talked to Tac Sol yesterday and ordered mine. They are expecting the first ones in June. I asked if they sold 10,000 at SHOT and the answer was no. They did sell all they expect to be able to make this year. I imagine most of those went to dealers so they should still be available.
  4. A little North of N. California but Tri-County Gun Club in Sherwood, OR will but running our first AP match on February 20, 2010 at 9:00 AM. We plan on doing it the same weekend every month. Not sure of March though because of another match that weekend (in Northern California) that I'm going to.
  5. That's the plan. I'm still hoping to get on the Beta test list but I think they already sent them out. I'm pretty impressed with them at first blush. If they shoot as well as they look they're going to sell a ton of them. I'm hoping to talk my agency into buying several of them to do our initial firearms training with. I've had some terrific results with problem shooters starting them with suppressed .22's and working them up to real guns. But that's a bit of thread drift. Bottom line is I'm really looking forward to getting my grubby little paws on one.
  6. Yes they had them on display. Yes they looked better than anything else on the market. Yes lots of people have lots of problems with the AA kits. No they are not available yet. They're being beta tested until late Spring early summer. They will have standard models as well as those with threaded barrels. I have an Advantage kit and will still be buying one ofthese when they become available.
  7. Warne has a new scope mount as well called the RAMP. It is a similar to the Larue SPR mount, extending the scope forward a bit. On the back of the mount is an angled rail that can be removed and placed on either the left or right side. I've been trying it out and I like it. Haven't had a chance to give it a really thorough shakedown. But it will be staying on my rifle through the Ironman.
  8. Doubt it. IPSC made their rules more inclusive of many more guns. Opening USPSA to 15 would make many guns less competetive.
  9. I doubt more than one or two are shooting it for three gun. And those won't be factory sponsored shooters. They're probably just people that already have the guns and want to shoot them. 5.7 is a horrible round for three gun. Fine on paper but crazy low PF when it comes to trying to knock steel over. If it was my only pistol, I'd probably shoot it for three gun, if I couldn't borrow a gun from someone else. As far as reloading, I'm sticking with the Dillon folks on that one. New ammo only for me.
  10. Yep, we do the same type of thing. Local match is $12.00. Annual "Man of Steel" championship is Order of finish with prizes and $55.00 (?) entry. Always overfills every year. If it's a good match, it will fill. If it's not, it won't. Prize distribution really doesn't have that much to do with the decisions of most shooters.
  11. Wow, that's a lot of griping in a day or two. And most of it is unwarranted. Yes we just missed a window of time for Jim to put in for vacation. If your partner hadn't picked that particular week would it have mattered if the dates were announced a month later? As far as the mix of divisions, it was different several times over the last few years, and I know you've been shooting long enough to remember those matches if you tried. Racegun Nationals, Factory Gun Nationals, Stand alone Limited or Open matches, LPR, OPR, L/L10, all sorts of different combinations. The match can't be announced until the contract is signed. We tried that in 2006 and got burned by a club who used it to try and extort money from USPSA. As far as Vegas. We're in a down economy. Vegas is hurting. There are thousands of unfilled hotel rooms and empty seats in restaraunts driving prices down cheaper than I've ever seen them here. The plane fares are cheaper from everywhere in the country to get here than to just about everywhere else. Mike has asked clubs on the East coast to host Nationals before. There hasn't been an overwhelming response. Rockcastle is not ready for a USPSA Nationals yet. But would be cool when it is. There are a ton more reasons to go to Vegas. No where and no time is going to make everyone happy. Hopefully this will make enough people happy to fill the matches. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to Mike about it but my guess is next years dates will be released earlier.
  12. A year and a half? The first I heard of it was in September this year at the Nationals, 4ish months ago. Was there some other announcement that most of us missed?
  13. It was Mike's call. I imagine it was a lot easier to negotiate a contract with one club than two. I think the Boulder club last year was more because they had to than a choice. Besides, Desert Sportsman has hosted some pretty awesome 3-Gun matches over the years, SOF, SWAT WC 3-Gun and USPSA's most successful 3-Gun matches as well. I'm looking forward to going back and shooting all three at DS again.
  14. I received this by email from the President. Dates should be posted on the Nationals website soon, but here they are for everyone in the Enosverse. My understanding is that all the Vegas matches will be at Desert Sportsman, where the 2009 Pistol Nationals took place. Sep 9-12 USPSA MultiGun Nationals Open, Tactical, Limited, Heavy Metal Las Vegas, Nevada Oct 1-2 US IPSC Nationals Open, Standard – others to be announced Columbia, South Carolina Oct 8-12 USPSA Handgun Nationals Open and Limited 10 Las Vegas, Nevada Oct 13-16 USPSA Handgun Nationals Limited, Production and Revolver Las Vegas, Nevada
  15. That is a weird looking scope. Wonder how close to 1 power it really is. I'd much rather have a true 1x than 8x at the top end.
  16. I've got 20 LR308 mags at the house. I'd much rather go with the Nordic plan than welding up mags. Is Nordic going to be at SHOT?
  17. John doesn't post here. You would need to email him directly. dnroi@uspsa.org. My opinion would be no. The frame of the gun has never been offered as a Production legal gun. (It's never been offered as a gun for that matter) I think you're out of luck.
  18. Not a moderator, but could we keep this on the topic of the Area 1 match. I'm looking forward to meeting Don and don't think we need to trash anyone for saying he's coming.
  19. Oh my. I think I just got hit in the head with a flying pig. Troy wrong? I thought it was impossible. (Not that I'm saying Troy wouldn't admit if he was, since he clearly just did. This is just the first time I've seen him be wrong)
  20. Actually that was the 2006 Multigun Nationals. Moved from Bend to Albany, OR.
  21. GSSF is also running a match on Jan 23 and 24 at Desert Sportsman.
  22. That's really unfortunate to hear. And frankly quite short sighted. USPSA was hard to manage precisely because they started out brief and looking a lot like the NRA AP rules. If that's the advice NRA got and followed then they did a disservice to shooters because this doesn't solve anything. It's the equivalent to sticking your head in the sand. USPSA rules were a pain in the butt, IPSC is a pain in the butt. Both sets of rules have now been vetted for over a decade now though. With thousands of shooters going over the rules with fine toothed combs looking for advantage. Both accomplish different things. USPSA Production allows for modifications to the guns, but doesn't require them to be competetive. IPSC requires essentially factory guns (and runs into lots of trouble trying to catch illegal mods). I'm not thrilled with either set of rules, but if NRA were to cherry pick the best from each they'd be a lot further down the road to consistency than where they are now.
  23. Just a couple thoughts. Short of taking away all the bullets and wrapping all of the shooters in bubble wrap. Someone will likely get hurt in USPSA. It happens every now and then. Our safety record is dramatically better than almost every other sport. In fact golf has more people chewed on by alligators than we have get shot. That said, we still need to take every opportunity to be as safe as reasonable. Not possible, just reasonable. If we were trying to be as safe as possible, we wouldn't have live ammo and we'd be shooting paintball. Before every lights the torches and sharpens up the pitchforks. Take a look at the description of the shooting that occurred in the first post. He was shooting at 10 and the RO was standing at 2. That sounds like almost the same position the RO was in at the start of the stage, give or take a step. Frankly it wasn't dangerous. I was thinking about a similar set up last time I shot a club match. There were several shooters about 5 feet in back of the start/180 line. There was lateral movement and targets were engaged. While the shooter was moving in the direction of the shooters he had his muzzle not breaking the 180 line and engaged targets at about 10. The shooters were at 2 or even 1. No one thought twice about being on the wrong end of the muzzle. A couple weeks before that I received some photos from a concerned parent who as at the MGM/AMU Junior Camp. One of the teaching techniques involved being downrange of the students. Basically the setup was 10 or so students on a line. Instructor about 10 feet off to the right of the furthest student and maybe 5 feet downrange. The first thought was oh no someone is downrange. But it was done safely. So here's my thoughts on this. The 180 works. If you break it you go home. If you do something unsafe, you go home. There are no warnings, no stage DQ's (which by the way drive me nuts, but that's story for another thread). Screw up once and you're done. Seems to work very well for the most part at controlling peoples behavior. What benefit would we get from Safety Points or arbitrary points where you can't shoot past. It would have solved nothing in this situation. It sounds like you help out a lot at your home club. I think you would really benefit from and be a great club asset, if you attended an RO seminar. A lot of rules and why they are there become crystal clear. And if you still have questions you can always fall back on your RMI to get the answers.
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