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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Uhh, that's a bit different. I didn't realize we had max time in USPSA. At least not in pistol matches.
  2. Don't let getting beat by a cripple get you down. If you want to feel down, feel bad about getting beat by a fat, old, cripple shooting a gun he hasn't shot since last year that had an ejector that wasn't fit right and jammed twice during the match.
  3. Any chance the Production discussion would include a two-tiered approach to the trigger pull rule? i.e 3.5 for all shots on DAO or Striker fired guns, and 2lb for SA shots on DA/SA guns (first shot must be DA). This would put DA/SA and Striker guns on a fairly even playing field. Striker fired wouldn't have to deal with the first DA shot and the DA guys would have a lighter pull after the first. Might make it easier for more guns to play. I know I have a lot of DA/SA guns and Revolvers that wouldn't meet the 3.5 lb rule in SA.
  4. Gotta say I was really impressed by this match. The change over of the stages from Saturday to Sunday created two completely different matches, and it was done in only a matter of hours. I wish we could have seen a changeover like this at Nationals. The RO's were very professional and knowledgable, both in USPSA rules and IPSC rules. The stages were truly freestyle with several different ways to shoot each. Normally there is one or two ways that stand out as the "best" way to shoot a stage. At this match several of the stages had 4-5 ways that were each good. The shooter could pick which one suited their skills and go with that. The only downside was the three stages in the upper bay created a log jam on Saturday. But this was fixed by the match staff and went very smooth on Sunday. Flex, you mentioned that we should thank the club and let them know how impressive the match was. Do you have contact info for them?
  5. Since I don't have a mover yet I was trying to calculate mathmatically what the lead would be. Did I get this right? Distance to target in feet / FPS of load x 120 (target speed in FPS x 12 inches in a foot) = lead I came up with the following values using this formula for different bullet velocities ----------1000-----1050-----1100-----1200 10-------3.6-------3.43------3.27------3 15-------5.4-------5.14------4.91------4.5 20-------7.2-------6.86------6.55------6 25-------9---------8.57------8.18------7.5
  6. I have a buddy of mine who just had to drop out as well so that's one more down. Linda just finished working the Ohio Sectional/IPSC Nationals this past weekend. I imagine well see some movement in the coming weeks.
  7. So, just out of curiousity to the folks that think this is unsportsmanlike would you try to DQ a shooter who ran dry after firing only one round on the last paper target of a stage. He's not complying with the stage to shoot two on each so that he doesn't have to do another reload.
  8. I don't think I'll do anything to the trigger on mine. It's just about perfect out of the box. I'm betting it'll smooth out after about the first 1000 rounds. The single action is perfect as is.
  9. If you're a stage designer that gets bent out of shape when some exploits a loophole in your stage you've got a pretty thin skin. USPSA is about freestyle. If you design stages where there is only one way to shoot them, the way you want them shot, maybe you'd be better off designing IDPA stages. The MD for this match, Flex, already posted there wasn't a hole. Sounds to me like they designed the stage to offer that option. I'm sure the possibility came up before the match. I know lots of stage designers that will often build in something that isn't the standard way of shooting the stage but might offer an advantage for the shooters skilled enough to find it. In fact I shot one the week before this match. I thought I found something new but the stage designer just grinned when I asked him if I could shoot from the sweet spot. As far as not taking advantage of this stuff at local matches you're not doing anyone any favors. Not yourself who will not be used to looking for gaps or the stage designer who never improves because he doesn't know there is improvement to be made.
  10. Done, it was easy. I recruit most shooters into either Production or L10, just for the fact they don't have to worry about losing to someone with a $4000.00 open gun, or a Limited gun with $200.00 22 round mags in a gun that only runs on reloads. Focusing on one part of an argument and calling it stupid is rather short sighted. The simple reason I tell people is that 10 rounds is there to level the playing field. It allows all sorts of guns to compete on an even playing field regardless of capacity or caliber. I can take almost any gun a shooter has and get them into either Production or L10 depending on what type of gun they have or what they've done to it, and they'll be able to compete and not be handicapped by equipment (just by their lack of skill). Open up the mags and you lose that. I think if there was never a mag ban Production at 10 rounds would still be a cool idea. Look at IPSC matches. There are really only a few guns that are common there. CZ, Tanfoglio, and Glock have the lions share. For USPSA look at our top 16. If memory serves there were at least 5 different manufacturers. I'm sure there are more than that when you get down a bit in the results.
  11. Couple things. First it would be hard to DQ us for unsportsmanlike conduct after we asked the RO, CRO and RM prior to doing it. Second, there was no single hand shooting required, or even seen by me, on the squad. It was shoot the first group of targets, pick up the can, run to another table, put the can down. Shoot some more, grab another can and run it to the last table, then shoot some more. I chose to leave the cans because it required a lot less running and I'm not exactly quick on my feet these days. My boss has a saying. You can do whatever you want, you just have to be willing to pay the consequences. In this case the consequence per the WSB, as well as the statements by the match staff was 2 Procedurals. It was up to the shooter to decide if it was worth it to take the cans or not. FWIW, that decision changes as the shooters speed goes up. If you shoot a 3 HF on the stage you had to make up almost 9 seconds by not carrying the can. A 6 HF you only had to make up 4.5 (ish). Part of the sport is making the decision as to how get the best score. Whether it's taking a make up shot on a target with a D or passing up a Disappearing target.
  12. Restrictor plate racing. That's a pretty good analogy. That's exactly what it is to me. A Division where equipment matters less than the shooter using it. The 10 round rule allows just about any gun to be competetive in the Divsion, 9mm, .40 or .45. I've shot with guys on the Super Squad using each caliber. If they're using it at the top it can't be that bad of a set up. Open up the capacity limits and only certain guns become competetive. Anything with under 16 rounds will require way more reloads due to common 8 rounds target arrays. And there aren't that many 16 round .40 guns out there. So you will obslete a whole group of peoples current equipment for no real advantage. It's also a lot easier for me to explain to people that it's limited to 10 rounds than to explain that only 9mm's are competetive, and then only certain full size 9mm's. I just got done shooting an IPSC match with the mags loaded all the way up in Production. It was kind of boring. Never more than one reload per stage with my 19 round CZ mags. Didn't really have to worry about stage planning all that much. Didn't clean any of my mags either this match or the USPSA match the day before when I was only loading 10. As far as 10, that's the highest allowed in certain states, it's easier for the RO's to count, there are still competitors using 10 round mags so why make their gear non competetive, and it's what the current rule is. Why change it just to change it. I still haven't seen a good reason to change.
  13. Really? It's common knowledge? I know lots of people that do think it's about defensive shooting. I'm certainly one of them. While it's not about tactics, it is most definitely beneficial for defensinve shooting. Just because you don't think it's about defensive shooting don't assume that everyone else feels the same as you. I voted to keep it. I don't see any reason to eliminate it. You want to get better, practice. You don't care about how you finish, shoot with both hands and take your penalties.
  14. Matt, while you've certainly stirred the pot, I don't see any merit to changing things. You seem to be the only one with an interest in adding firefirghters. Let's hear some reasons why other than because GSSF does it. As far as categories go, I think they are fine as is. Junior, Lady, Senior and Super Senior recognize those folks we have shooting who, likely, wouldn't win an overall match. There are certainly exceptions at the club level but I doubt you'll see any of these categories recognized at the top. LE and Military (not the same) categories are there to draw new competitors from those who carry for a living. Which surprisingly doesn't seem to be a priority for many of them. The last two years we've seen National Champions in both categories, Bob Vogel, Ted Puente, Travis Tomasie and Max Michel. If any were to be cut, these would be my pick. But I don't see any reason to cut them. I'm not a fan of change just to change.
  15. I had the same problem. If you shrink the window ( middle button top right corner ) it shows up right
  16. There are lots of revolvers that you can shoot shot out of. CCI makes a bunch of different calibers with snake shot, .22, .38, 44 and .45 at least. Or you can go with something purpose built like the Judge. If it was me, I'd carry a single shot load and the rest would be real ammo. It'd suck to need it against a two legged predator and be stuck with a round that will likely only piss off anything over about 5 pounds. I also wouldn't count on the .22 being all that effective. If you stick to the .38 and larger calibers the cheapest are going to be the ton of old police .38's that are still floating around. A beat up Model 10 will work just fine for snakes. A stainless gun like the 64 would require less mainanence though. Or just get a gun you can do multiple things with. Nothing says you can't carry a 625 or a 627 around the house and use it to shoot matches on the weekends.
  17. You can shoot it well but not as well as you could a different gun. The SIG 226 or X5 would be much better choices, although certainly more expensive. Most guns, as long as they are reliable and reasonably accurate, will work for USPSA. Some will be ideal and will provide a bit of an edge over a shooter with a 250. If someone wants to take the time and energy to master one I'm sure it will work fine. As far as 500 rounds being any indicator on the reliability of a gun, it's not. While it might show that the gun works out of the box, it won't necessarily show that certain springs break after about 1000 rounds which was one of the rumors I heard. I don't consider a gun design durable until someone has 5K through it. I don't trust any gun I carry until it has at least 500 trouble free rounds out of it. And that's only on gun systems that I know have a history of reliability, Glock, Sig P22x Series, etc.
  18. To answer the OP's question, yes he gets the no shoot. The only way he wouldn't get the no shoot is if it passed completely through the barrel and it was not designated as soft cover. A corrolary to that would be an edge hit on a popper that continues to strike a no shoot. You're still stuck with the penalty. Also, it's not a good idea to rely solely on the appearance of the bullet hole to determine if it went through a prop. They either need to be taped or marked in some other way or not hard cover ir they're likely to absorb bullets. I've seen bullets do lots of weird things, some still have grease rings after a known hard cover penetration and other don't or tumble with no interference.
  19. I think the point he was trying to make is that, whether it is heavy or not it is different. A shooter is much more likely to crossover if the equipment he's already using will still be legal. Won't be ideal, but at least they can try the sport out and see if they like it before sending Nowlin a huge chunk of money for a AP pistol. I have a bunch of guns now that would be legal for Metallic or Open, but they all have 1 1/2 - 2 lb triggers in them. I'm not about to go tweaking my guns just to shoot one match a month or less. I probably would just shoot Production with my 34 if I hadn't won an STI that I'm going to set up for Metallic. You're right that no one likes rule changes. But, lots of folks also don't seem to like the 2lb limit, both current shooters and people considering shooting AP. The NRA has made a ton of progress in the last 10 years or so with opening their minds, both in competition and LE training. I'd hate to see any regression of that. I just have a hard time with the logic of a 2 lb trigger being safe but a 1 1/2 pound trigger not. Sorry, but I get my back up when someone tries to legislate safety on me. If someone is going to AD, they're going to do it with a 2lb trigger or a 5lb trigger.
  20. Chuck: One of the best ways to grow this match is to get Junior shooters involved. The time frame we are dealing with now run into finals, ballgame chapionships that time of year. We have to concentrate on the younger shooters, THEY ARE OUR FUTURE. (and by the way, I have no children in that age bracket, I THINK!) Kim M. Beckwith I'm well aware of the school year and the problems it creates with match scheduling. The USPSA National Junior Coordinator is about an hour from my house and in my USPSA Section. We have one of the most active Junior groups for USPSA in the country. I'm also starting a Scholasitc Steel Challenge group at my local club. I totally agree that Juniors are the future. However, you also have to realize that if you take an existing match and move it to conflict with other matches that are heavily attended by people you're trying to get to crossover, you're going to miss out on a lot of potential competitors. I'm not saying don't do it. You just have to weigh the potential new juniors against the potential new crossover competitors and decide. which will be of more benefit to AP. I know if the BC happens any time between June and August I won't be there. Just too much going on with other shootnig sports.
  21. If you move the match to June you're going to run into a month chock full of other matches. ICORE, Area Matches, MGM Ironman and a slew of others. Won't be a problem for the hardcore Cup shooters but it's gonna lower the number of any potential crossover shooters.
  22. SHOT will be in Vegas for the next couple years. They are not doing the alternating venues with Orlando for at least the next couple years. I doubt you would see many vendors show up at the range because of the SHOT Show. Most sink a sizable chunk of money and time away into SHOT. Few have any extra people or extra time to staff a table at a USPSA Nationals in addition. Also weather in Vegas in January is not that great. While it's better than just about anywhere else that time of year, it is still January. I've frozen my butt off at SHOT the last couple times it's been in Vegas.
  23. How many competitors generally attend the Bianchi Cup? And how many by division?
  24. Don't underestimate the forums power. Many BOD members view the information here and listen. Without the forum, who knows what Production would look like. Admittedly some of the ideas will never come to be for other reasons or lack of a consensus. But a lot of issues can be worked out here ahead of time. As far as not allowing striker fired pistols, why not? It's by far the most popular design of pistol out there, it's attracted hundreds of shooters to USPSA as well as lots of our major new sponsors? I seriously doubt it would be the Smith & Wesson USPSA Nationals without allowing the M&P to play in Production. You can get a lot lower than 3-4 pounds with a Production trigger as well.
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