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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Mark Wills has actually been shooting for awhile now. He really dumbed it down when he was learning from Travis. I've seen him shoot and he knows better than some of what he was demonstrating. He was actually behind me in line at registration for the Bianchi Cup, texting back and forth with Robbie who was way ahead of us in line. Seemed like a good guy. I think it was a good idea to have someone with name recognition hosting the show. Makes for a bit broader appeal.
  2. It is .45 only on HM Limited. The BOD minutes show that the single stack 1911 was changed to L10. The requirement to be .44 was left unchained. HM Tactical is the place for .40 pistols and semiauto shotguns. There should be a document with the actual equipment requirements listed out. Should make it very clear.
  3. I'm not sure what power factor I was making for the Open match. I started the match with my ammo (okay a buddies reloads since I ran out and didn't have time to hit the press). After having several light hits on the first couple stages (high primers) Jessie Abbatte took pity on me and loaned me her ammo to finish the match with. I did get burned on a few poppers in this match (nice center hits and they didn't go over). That's one of the things with the Pro-AM, no calibration. If your ammo doesn't take it over, tough. It's just not worth shooting ammo that's marginal. I saw a ton of malfunctions while ROing. Much more than I'm used to at a USPSA match. My guess is some folks downloaded to minor for this match and didn't fully test their guns. This is not a good match to have a malfunction at.
  4. I really doubt there is anything nefarious at work here. My guess is they just thought it would be better and more dramatic for the TV series to have wildcards come in at the last minute. I'm kind of glad they're doing it this way. I still really don't have much of a chance, but at least I have a chance. I wasn't able to go to the 3 gun matches earlier in the season because I was still doing my rehab. MGM was the first I could get to and after that I couldn't get into the RM3G. The only way I'll get in with only two matches is to be a wildcard. It's selfish on my part but I'm glad 3 Gun Nation is doing it this way. As far as Voigt pulling the puppet strings you guys give that guy way too much credit.
  5. I don't mean to offend. Arrogance is not necessarilly a bad thing in my book. I'm always looking for an advantage and even when shooting with the Super Squad I'll occassionally do my own thing. Sometimes it pans out, sometimes not so much. You're right to a point. It's not always faster to shoot two. I had a couple targets at the Ironman that I singled with the pistol and rifle. But I think the times when it's advantageous are a lot less frequent than you think.
  6. But what I'm saying, is that defaulting to two rounds is the most efficient way. We're conditioned to shoot two rounds at every shot from every other USPSA match we've shot. Look at the classifiers that have 3-5 rounds per target required. They give people fits. Spending the time in course analysis to determine, 1 shot, 1 shot, 2 shots, 2 shots, 1 shot (multipied by 30 or more targets at times) is a recipe for disaster. Jake, you can through all the theory you want out there. Until you go win a major three gun match people are always going to look at your logic as flawed. Right now your argument (against Kelly and Kurt, as well as the other 2 shot per target major match winners mentioned) is equivalent to you getting in a room with Rob Leatham, Todd Jarrett, Dave Sevigny, and Travis Tomasie and telling them they don't know what they're doing. It's about the most arrogant thing I've seen, and I've seen a lot.
  7. It's posted on the USPSA site. We didn't specify a waiting period and it was meant to be passed in time for the Multigun Nationals. I believe it's effective now.
  8. Is it faster to burn a .12 split on a full IPSC target at 5 yards than to guarantee an A on the same target? For me, yep, less set up, stance can be more messed up. I don't have to retrain my brain for half the stage either, okay on T1 and T2 I'm going to fire one shot each, and it has to be an A. On T3-5 I have to shoot 2 because they're at 25 yards, but I can shoot outside the A. Jake the breakdown in your reasoning comes from being used to USPSA scoring. There is always a benefit for shooting A's. In IMGA a pair a D's on opposite ends of the target score exactly the same as an A. In USPSA if you shoot 1 C you lose a point or two. If you only have one on the target you might pick up a miss penalty which could be worth a couple seconds depending on HF. IMGA an unneutralized target is worth at least 5 seconds if not more. If you take your one shot at a target and it gets picked up by a barrier, like a barrel it could be worth more than that. We can't all be perfect. And it doesn't take me an extra second to fire a second shot at a target. Close range targets, including the transition are likely to be around .38 for both shots. A called A on the same target, including the trasnistion will be .3 to .32. I'm just not saving that much to reward my risk. Also, what is your result when you shoot your one A on a target at a dead run and call it a C. Stop and go back for it? There goes every bit of your time savings.
  9. www.photomotionphotgraphy.com They said they would have them up by this coming weekend.
  10. Nobody even brought it up. I'll certainly mention it to the MG committee. Especially since I have a Saiga being built.
  11. The new version of EZ Win Score handles multiple power factors so there is no reason to use San Angelo scoring any more. Rifle Targets can be scored minor while Pistol and Shotgun remain Major or whatever the shooter is actually shooting. San Angelo was an interim fix because EZ Win Score couldn't deal with it, it can now. Limited with 1x Optic is allowed in Rifle only or Multigun events. It just changed the definition of Limited.
  12. BTW, here is the actual motion that was approved. Remove references to Time Plus scoring method being used on a trial basis for LI and LII matches for the 2009 season EZWS version 4.03 or later must be used to score MG matches Remove references to San Angelo scoring Add an appendix defining MultiGun divisions Allow Limited rifles to have one non magnified optic Heavy Metal Limited handgun requirement changes from Single Stack to Limited 10 Heavy Metal competitors failing to make major pf with any firearm (but does make minor) will be moved to an appropriate division instead of shooting for no score Area1: Yes Area2: Yes Area3: Yes Area5: Yes Area6: No Area7: Yes, Rollcall Requested Area8: No President: Yes
  13. Sorry Trap, we held onto HM Limited as the one remaining Iron Sight only division. I pushed to have at least one spot for irons only. If the HM shooters want it I'm sure we can look at allowing them in. We did change the HM Limited Pistol rules though. No more 1911 only. Now it's just L-10 compliant gun in .45 or bigger. Wanna shoot a Glock 21 go for it. Wanna shoot a Smith 625 go for it. (I actually had a request for that one)
  14. Both were mentioned and considered before approving the rule change. Both are now okay in Limited. If you want to mount your EoTech with multiple aiming dots on the side of your gun and use your fancy target irons on the top go for it. There just isn't that much of an advantage there. We didn't want to restrict the folks who have co-witnessed iron sights, or flip up back up sights unnecessarily. The idea behind the rule change was to attract new shooters to Multigun. The shooters out there who bought black rifles and threw red dots on because that's what they see guys carrying in the sandbox. This gives them a chance to come to a Multigun match with the equipment they have, and compete in a division with guys using similar equipment. I still remember the first USPSA 3 Gun match I came to. I had a Trijicon Reflex on my Duty rifle and had to compete in Open. (This was before Tactical). Totally turned me off from USPSA 3G and it was years before I tried it again. Telling the new guy with a red dot to compete in Tactical against the guy with the $1600.00 Swarovski is a bit like telling him he's competing against the guy with the full custom 2011 with his Ruger P85. The top Iron sight guys are still gonna beat them, red dot or not. Heck I can't beat Piatt or Miller with my fancy magnified scope (don't tell Kurt) The hope was to not drive any existing shooters away, and attract new ones. There was quite a bit of consultation with some of the major 3 gun MD's in the country. Some are already allowing red dots in limited. They saw a large in flux of new folks come to matches. If we can get more people shooting Limited, without just shuffling the Divisions around, I see it as a good thing. If we find out after a year or so that no one is competing in Limited still and we haven't gained anything we can always revisit the decision. But I think this is going to be a good thing for Multigun in general and Limited specifically.
  15. Nope, it specifically says 1x only optics. Not optics set at 1x. It was written specifically to prohibit using a varible powered scope on 1x.
  16. John, Mike and Greg shot the match for an episode of Sighting In. Doesn't get much more amatuer (at least shooting guns), than those three. But I know what you mean. You just need to RO next year. Then you can see your back ROing the Pro's
  17. You mean between when the RO weighed his trigger at thst stage and it was light and when the RO caught up to him after he ran away? Or before that?
  18. I saw more misses on the big steel plates of the Texas Stars than I did on the little 5" buggers. How about a Texas Star with all 5" plates...shot from 35 yards...with the pistol.
  19. I know they didn't at the match and it might cause more problems than its worth but any chance they'll score the match by the rules? 9.5.15 First Place (lowest time) for each stage, in each class, will receive 100% of the points available for that stage. Second place and below will receive points on a percentage basis from the first place time. 9.5.14 All classes will be scored separately. I'm guessing a couple people will move around a little bit, which is why I figure it would cause more problems than it's worth. The each class is the part I'm looking at. It's just depressing looking at a bunch of 50% stages.
  20. I would polish what you have for now. Glock is working on a - connector specifically for the Gen 4 guns. I'd wait to buy till that one is avail.
  21. None of the Remington's I've had worked without having the gas ports opened up. The Browning didn't either. The Benelli's have always been a bit finicky for me until I have the bolts trimmed. So I mean, not a single one would make it through a case of shotgun shells without malfunctioning at some point.
  22. I've been playing off and on with Saiga's for close to 10 years now. Back before you could get anything other than 5 round mags and when the guns were only 329.00. The guns I've had have all shot, out of the box, no problem. It was really depressing to have a 300 dollar shotgun that ran better than my 1K plus tuned competition guns. The only ones that I saw that didn't work were a couple our tac team had that were screwed up by the factory. (ordered with 14" barrels plus standoff, came with 14" barrels including the standoff. Had about an inch in front of the gas port). Guess I've been lucky. Very few guns we buy for three gun work right off the shelf. I've had horrible luck with Benelli's and my Remington's and Brownings all see the smith before being match ready. Why would I expect a gun at half the cost to work better?
  23. We're hosting the Ruger Rimfire Series Northwest Regional on July 31, 2010 at the Tri-County Gun Club in Sherwood, OR. You can find more info on the match at www.teamrimfire.com along with an application there. For directions and info on the club go to www.tcgc.org. Any questions you can send me a PM or email me at chuck@andersontactical.com We'll have 8 stages of .22 caliber fun. You'll need a .22 caliber rifle and handgun. They don't need to be Ruger, anything will do. Stages will be Steel Challenge "style". Some are going to be real familiar to Steel Challenge competitors. You won't need a holster, but having at least 5 mags or so will be helpful, but not required. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Chuck
  24. We're hosting the Ruger Rimfire Series Northwest Regional on July 31, 2010 at the Tri-County Gun Club in Sherwood, OR. You can find more info on the match at www.teamrimfire.com along with an application there. For directions and info on the club go to www.tcgc.org. Any questions you can send me a PM or email me at chuck@andersontactical.com We'll have 8 stages of .22 caliber fun. You'll need a .22 caliber rifle and handgun. They don't need to be Ruger, anything will do. Stages will be Steel Challenge "style". Some are going to be real familiar to Steel Challenge competitors. You won't need a holster, but having at least 5 mags or so will be helpful, but not required. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Chuck
  25. I got around this at the Ironman by just loading extra ammo. If I came up on a slug target with shot in, I'd just burn it out. If I had a shot target with slugs in, I'd do the same, just not in the direction of the shot only target. The ability to throw another stick in and have another 12, 15 or 20 rounds rather than having to load a couple at a time was awesome. Reload time was about 2 seconds (unpracticed). I'm sure I could knock that down a bit. Not a lot different than slipping a slug back in the mix. I'm actually looking to switch to open just so I can use the Saiga. I was a little worried but never had an issue keeping Slug/Bird separate. I would imagine an MD could come up with a stage specifically to screw the gun over. But I doubt I'd wanna go back to that match anyway. BTW, the biggest jams I saw at the Ironman were from folks using drum mags. They did not work well at all, and when they failed the wheels really came off.
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