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Everything posted by MemphisMechanic

  1. I'd check the para barrel with an FMJ first in a similar test. It sounds like there's a good chance it might simply have a very short freebore, and a date with a finishing reamer could fix things up nicely so that both guns will take loads out to 1.150-1.160. Or it could indeed be bullet diameter, but I'd want to be sure first.
  2. In a shorter chambered aftermarket barrel, Or a factory gun like a CZ or M&P or XD... Many round nose coated bullets won't load longer than 1.100" The profile is everything. A fat round nosed ACME 124 has to be 1.080" to feed in my M&P. A 125gr truncated cone (TC) black bullets international projectile? Loads perfectly out past 1.150" long pointy bullets vs short fat shoulders If you're looking to load long, a 147 FMJ or a coated flat-point 147 like Blue Bullets makes? That'll be the easiest bet to load really long.
  3. Everything you do to the gun to produce a better trigger is going to reduce the force with which the DA hits the primer. Mine is eating pretty much everything at a 6 pound DA so I'm done, but getting it there with all the go-fast goodies is an exercise in patience in gunsmithing... ...And in ammo loading. Until this gun "flush or better" was always good on Glock and M&P. If they weren't high, it went bang. Now? I can tell you how many thousandths below flush my primers are seating, and combined with removing all drag inside the gun, it runs pretty much flawlessly. The bolo, even modified, doesn't crank the hammer back as far in DA. That's just the way it is. So you can take you're time shaving down it's nose, but your ammo and chamber reaming and firing pin block fit still have to be on point.
  4. Hey I was all about making A class. Now I'm looking forward to having time to devote to "making M" next year when I'm shooting again. Classifications fuel the competitive nature in us to keep showing up and improving. "my calculator says..." isn't as satisfying to thecaveman inside.
  5. Using less gas means the bolt isn't slammed back into the tube as hard, and gentler cycling. It also means less force to operate the gun's action reliably. A lower mass BCG will require less gas to move than a heavy one. Because Issac Newton.
  6. What do you like shooting the most? If it's a Glock, CZ, Beretta... then Production makes sense and you'll enjoy it. If the idea of a custom tuned dedicated wise body 1911 platform appeals to you... then begin playing in Limited. Regardless, most Production guys shoot their first 2-3 matches in Limited minor so that they can get through the match with 3 mags and 2 mag pouches... then makes the switch to the 10rd division when they buy additional gear after the bug has bitten.
  7. I get Winchesters .005-.008" deep on Dillon 650 after shimming the primer punch. Even before modifying the bolo for more DA travel, it lit them off 100% on a 13lb P.D. hammer spring. I had quite a few light strikes when they we less than .005" deep.
  8. Thats a wonderful straw-man you've set up there. We better not shoot faster than the novices, shoot on the move because they might trip attempting it, or draw in less than a second. Imagine all the novices blowing holes in their own feet - the horror! I flip the round clear safely and cleanly, and it has nothing to do with showboating. The alternatives are to hope you can find it on the ground, or to cup the ejection port, which actually has resulted in documented injuries when the primer freakishly hit the ejector.
  9. I'd shoot a .150 height front for sure. Didn't realize that was an option: the last time I looked at Dawson options was in December and they didn't make any .090" wide Tanfo sights at all.
  10. I've knocked a holstered handgun off the nightstand, or off the seat of the car once or twice in my life. Life happens. What title you apply to it isn't a huge concern to me.
  11. I'd buy a .140 by .090 too. I'm currently running a .140 by .100 and love the height of the front blade.
  12. Be aware that a picture is a crappy representation unless the camera is eye-distance away from an extended handgun, then the photographer CROPS the image (or zooms in the camera) to get a closeup of the sight picture. Most people put the camera a foot behind the slide for such a picture, and the rear notch looks artificially wide as a result.
  13. I run a .100" and the sights look like you'd see on your average M&P or Glock fitted with Dawson sights. I'd be interested in trying a .090" now that they're available.
  14. I have actually not met a top level shooter yet who admit to shooting anywhere near 100k rounds a year, let alone 365,0000... I think your estimate is high by a factor of 5 - 10.
  15. I'll take your advice gladly - a gun that runs 100% is worth more than a gun with a featherweight trigger that might go bang. Laziness also appeals: the 15.5 is already in the gun.
  16. Fine. I'll leave the 15.5 in it since it shoots the damn same unless you're slow-firing with a digital scale in your hand... I was basing that off the "softer than Winchester!" test someone did early in this thread
  17. Loaded my first 200 on my 650 tonight. I've been loading Winchester SP and CCI Magnum SP recently, for reference. I'm a fan. Unlike Winchester, they're more likely to actually be properly sized and don't jam 3 times per 100 when fed through a vibraprime. Primer seating felt easier than CCI or CCI Magnum, about the same as Winchester. I haven't shot any yet - that'll happen on Saturday. I'll run them with a 13lb hammer spring at my local match. The Tanfo will light Winchesters with that spring, but fails a dozen times per 100 with CCIs in double action.
  18. Strong clicky reset is a marketing gimmick used to sell guns to recreational "tactial" guys who don't know any better. Go shoot a match with a silent-resetting gun that has identical trigger travel to one that you are used to from a thousand reps of dryfire. It'll make absolutely zero difference. No one actually uses the reset in a match at any kind of speed. Especially the guys who yell loudest that it's the one true way. I had to film a buddy (who preaches reset) coming almost completely off the trigger before he'd beleive me.
  19. Send it to me and I'll do it. That's a ten minute job.
  20. No idea, personally. I'm just glad it's in now... because I run a handgun at a subconscious level of skill. Rifles make me stop and think and pause and... not just shoot. I'm excited to build a PCC and run and gun with it until my shooting/moving/loading AR15 skills are really solid, then return to Production.
  21. It still is. Shooting an 18 rd stage with a rifle nearly exclusively "from cover" is not nearly as cool as running and gunning with one.
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