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Everything posted by kaiserb

  1. A three gallon bucket of 9mm is 7000 rounds. A 5 gallon bucket full should be appx. 11K rounds
  2. I assume you are referring to Bear Creek HB 45 ACP 200 Gr. RN. If so Solo 1000 and HP-38 work the best and can make PF.
  3. You could do a slide change out but for optimum trigger pull the FP block will need work and so will the striker face.
  4. No, the first part of your example doesn't relate to shooting. How you always thought is correct. Who brings the fork to the mouth? The mouth is the target, the fork is the gun, and the fingers, hand, and arm - you. If you tried to assume a certain position with your hand/arm before you aimed the fork, wouldn't you be complicating the whole process. Maybe that's the real analogy or lesson - everything originates from at the mouth! When I first read the fork to mouth, I thought of it this way: Bend elbow to move fork towards mouth (gross movement). Move wrist to adjust fort to mouth (fine movement). Insert. I think the point of NPoA is to take care of 99.9% of aiming with the gross motor skills. So rather than Move fork to eye, and bend wrist severely to get food in mouth the scenario would be: Bend elbow to move fork towards the gap between the lips Move wrist very slightly while inserting food.
  5. Everyone just needs to get on board with the biggest socialist prevention program in the US: Home-school your children
  6. Reading between the lines on the HOA agreement it looks as if the HOA does not want any business entities in the neighborhood. However, I can tell you from personal experience that I have ran a business in a similar neighborhood, with out incident. The reason HOA's put that boiler plate statement in is to keep someone from running an auto body shop out of their garage. If you have a business that does not use up street parking, is not visible and is unobtrusive you will find "Don't ask don't tell" works best and you will have very few problems.
  7. If this was the case maybe the bike rider was focused on the genitalia and not the firearms. That could be quite distracting.
  8. kaiserb

    M&P Pro

    My M&P and M&P pro were both gritty. Polishing and rounding the FP block did wonders.
  9. Dillon Super Swage or the Lee primer tool work well for S&B The only problems I have had with S&B is some of the cases are steel, coated in brass.
  10. The boat stage was fun to shoot. Only 6 targets and 1 steel, but 5 of targets moved (13 shots total for a clean round).
  11. The 2500 is slightly larger. As for the price difference, I think the 2500 is newer on the market and is a little bigger than most prefer. Thus economically cheaper. I will say the Autoflow is a nice novelty but makes a mess.
  12. One other good tip is to buy Nash or other rubber backed skate board tape. This type can be stretched and molded with heat. To get the exact shape of the grip for cut outs you may want to try: Taping up the grip in 3M Blue Painters Tape. Trim as needed. Slit the tape up the front of the grip Peel tape and stick to the skateboard tape Cut out skate tape using blue tape template. Here is my grip from using the Blue Tape method above:
  13. Chris I may be wrong but timing is in the hand and ratchet. The rounds "SHOULD" keep the extractor where it is supposed to be if nothing else has changed. The older style had pins to keep it all lined up and I have shot K frames with out the pins. I would put dummies or expended brass in the cylinder and see if there is ANY play in the cylinder/ratchet. I hope you understand it better than I write it. later rdd If you just dropped the cylinder you most likely did not put the gun out of time. Timing is set by the interface of the hand and ratchet. You may have damaged the tip on the extractor which could cause some drag as it holds the cylinder shut.
  14. In Mundons case, he has made the shot with a pistol both SA and DA from about 5-7 yards. There is another gentleman I saw shoot a card in half with a lever action rifle from about 15 yards.
  15. I recently read The Winning Mind by Bassham. I am trying to apply the Mental Program section to a sport such as IDPA/USPSA. Here is my first crack at developing a program from each of the points. The point of initiation. The load and make ready command. (30-120 seconds before stepping in the shooters box) The point of attitude. Ask "What does it feel like to shoot a clean stage with optimum time?" Decide to shoot a clean, smooth stage. The point of direction. Picture a smooth draw and engagement on each target, calling each shot. The point of control. Grip and draw pistol to engage targets The point of focus. Focus on a good sight picture ... see everything Please feel free to give me some feedback and help me improve this. I am not sure I have everything in the right category. Also I think there may be additional things that should go in each category. Thanks
  16. Very good... I will be interested to see sub 0.8 hits in the 0dn/A zone at the matches. Thanks, me too. Bear in mind, no concealment was used. I'm not real concerned with my draw speed while wearing concealment since I'm shooting mostly steel and USPSA these days. I will not count that against you... as I am sure you were demonstrating your draw speed to George or Bill
  17. My experience is with 9mm and Winchester Small Mag Primers. The mag primer adds about 75 FPS to the load if you have a mid-range load. If you are near the max load, I would personally back off a few tenths of a grain to get in acceptable pressure ranges.
  18. Very good... I will be interested to see sub 0.8 hits in the 0dn/A zone at the matches.
  19. Maybe Brian Enos is a long lost relative of the Santa Claus in Miracle on 34th Street. Seriously I have always found anything questions answered and items ordered have always been handled with the highest integrity. It is a trait very few have...
  20. I think Network Solutions (domain registry) takes the cake on renewal notices. I start getting them about 2 months after renewal and it continues for 10 months. Also they email every 2 weeks with a "RENEWAL DUE" notice. It aggravated me so much last year I set my email server to autoforward the notices to sales@networksolutions.com, abuse@networksolutions.com, and renewals@networksolutions.com
  21. If you try to remember it then you will be expecting no expectations... you need to commit it to your subconscious... Congrats on making IDPA MA...
  22. Sounds like your resize die is either out of spec, or adjusted incorrectly. The failure rate (gauge) I usually have is under 1%
  23. I don't think changing the internal parts to another configuration of the M&P would be considered an infraction of the rule. The rule "No disabling safety devices" is intended to prevent people from modifying the safety device mechanically. For example pinning a beaver tail safety on a 1911 so it does not have to be engaged when the weapon is gripped. Another example would be having an HK USP 9 in variant 1 and swapping out the parts to make the USP variant 3. Both versions of the weapon are common commercial variations and having a gunsmith change the variant does not make the weapon any more or less safe.
  24. Good stuff. It took me quite a while to figure that out. I also learned to include how I'd feel, in specific places throughout a stage, in the rehearsal movie. Always get started with a calm feeling. be I noticed after the last couple of club matches while trying "to shoot A's at my natural speed" I became faster on average. During the last club match I kept thinking about the speed I gained, and dropped back to slow shooting. It is really difficult to stay in subconscious thought mode, without thinking consciously about it.
  25. From the SO perspective and IDPA scoring it is: Points down X 0.5 Seconds = Time So you are correct in dividing the 7 seconds by 2 for 3.5 seconds down. Which in this case would make your adjusted time 89.97+3.5 = 93.47 Then you look this time up in the classifier table in the rule book.
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