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Question about match appropriate attire


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So this is quite random as Im trying to keep from freaking out over this football game, but I do have a question about match appropriate attire. I think this is the best place to put thi.... I have a colorful hawaiian shirt (see pic to the left or below), but it has a Miller Lite logo on it. As much as I am against drinking and shooting together, would it be inappropriate to wear such a shirt to a match??? What do you think? I personally like the way it looks as well as it is VERY comfortable in warmer weather.


Edited by Corey
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Why not? How is that different they wearing a John Deere cap, its not like we endorse driving a tractor and shooting at the same time and both are tractors and beer are legal last I checked.

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Well, all I can say Corey, is that in all the years and matches I've shot, I seriously can not remember a shirt like yours "out there".

I personally could give a rats butt what a guys shirts says :). But yeah you'll see that shirt at the track, at the match, not so much.


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Local match sure. A bigger match that may receive some coverage I would say no. Reason being all the uneducated anti's out there would have a hay day with it. Not trying to start a politcial debate or anything, that's just my reason.

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A local distributor sponsors a loosely organized team known as "The Good Time Gang". Here's a picture of several members of the Good Time Gang shooting at the TN sectional in 2008:post-14972-126438944501_thumb.jpg


Edited by bbbean
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Very,slight drift. I have read/heard that camo gear etc is in poor taste as well due to linking the sport to para military. Is this written, or an otherwise official stand?

5.3 Appropriate Dress

5.3.1 The use of offensive or objectionable garments is not allowed. The

Match Director will have final authority in respect of what garments

competitors are allowed to wear.

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I'm gonna have to disagree with the last two. I think this is a horrible thing to wear to a match.

Miller lite tastes like watered down piss.

Any reason you should know what "watered down piss" tastes like? :roflol:

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Local match sure. A bigger match that may receive some coverage I would say no. Reason being all the uneducated anti's out there would have a hay day with it. Not trying to start a politcial debate or anything, that's just my reason.

I know you may think because its guns people may think people are drinking and shooting but that isn't the case. If it were then everyone would think all the Nascar guys are driving drunk :roflol: Its an accepted fact that beer companies support sporting events.

As for local matches we have had major matches sponsored by Beer Companies. Area 5 was sponsored 2 yrs in Wisc. when it was there and we had media coverage there. After the last shot is fired for the day and it was verified it was free beer :cheers: It was a good time. Everyone was talking and relaxing without any problems.


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This may have to come out for at least semi-local stuff. prolly wear it to nationals or anything that big (gotta be good enough to go to those first anyway, haha) Anyone in moderate matches in IN be on the lookout for it ;)

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I'm gonna have to disagree with the last two. I think this is a horrible thing to wear to a match.

Miller lite tastes like watered down piss.

Any reason you should know what "watered down piss" tastes like? :roflol:

Well there was that time in Mexico..........

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I am totally offended.....NOT....I went a little more discrete but have the logo on most of my shirts (at least the favorite ones)....

I've been waiting for you to find this thread.

I'm surprised you didn't ask where to get one just like it!

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if i had a bunch of sponsors Id do the same thing, but i dont yet, haha.

As for where I found it, Walgreens, $7.99 :cheers:

The logo was already on the shirt? If so I will be stopping at Walgreens tomorrow.....as for the sponsors....If you pay them enough money they will let you put their logo on your shirt.....hell, Miller Lite should buy me an entire wardrobe...more like a HOUSE...

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if i had a bunch of sponsors Id do the same thing, but i dont yet, haha.

As for where I found it, Walgreens, $7.99 :cheers:

The logo was already on the shirt? If so I will be stopping at Walgreens tomorrow.....as for the sponsors....If you pay them enough money they will let you put their logo on your shirt.....hell, Miller Lite should buy me an entire wardrobe...more like a HOUSE...

Yep! bought it that way! they had another one that was mostly red/yellowish with Dos Equis on it. Almost went back for that one, haha

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