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3-gun match at Atlanta today. Great time! Shot fairly well, shotgun needs some work tho. Need to get some more rounds through it as well and work on keeping my head down. I felt like I did when i started shooting pistols. I just need to slow down and get my hits, plain and simple. Was quite happy with the pistol stages. Some long shots on steel but made it through ok and all my equipment ran without a hitch. Hopefully, videos to follow.

2 weeks until the Michigan Sectional match. Time to really crack down and get prepared for it. I want this to be a strong finish in the way of major matches for my first season.

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Loving the Dillon thus far. Ammo making is much quicker now and the rounds are coming out quite nice looking. We'll find out how they shoot tomorrow.....

Results came back in from the 3-gun at ACC last weekend. Looks like i got 5th in Tac-Ops and 8th overall out of about 40 shooters. makes me feel pretty good about my first 3gun match, especially with the shotgun troubles I had (OE, nothing equipment related).

Final warm-up match before the Michigan Sectional is tomorrow at the Fort Wayne club :sight: . I'm wanting to focus on being smooth and being penalty free.

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Shot ok at the FW match. Tanked the classifier, need to work on headshots I guess. :mellow: Not really worried about the classifier scores as im plannin on a classifier match later this year to work on that. was trying to be smooth with reloads ( i dont think i missed one all day) and work on stage breakdown and planning. Only one real course that needed a thourough breakdown (i expect that to change for the Halloween match and especially next year with regards to stage setups)

Was fairly happy with the way I shot the field course, especially the plate rack and 11 poppers, haha. Plates have ben giveing me trouble and i think i took out the plate rack in 7 shots so i felt pretty good about that run.

Dryfire this week is going to consist of reloads onthe move, getting into/out of shooting positions, and some empty gun/empty belt starts as there is one in MI next weekend. Ive run into this empty belt scenario before and i know of a much better way to handle it now, so i expect a better result this time around

Forgot to add, finally got the scores from the Multi-gun 2 weeks ago @ ACC. Got 5th in Tac-Ops and 8th overall out of 37 shooters. didnt think that was too bad for my first go-around with 3-gun :). woulda been better if i would have run the shotgun better. loading was very slow and missed some shots by trying to go too fast....kinda like when i started this whole pistol thing, haha. My best stage and highest finish was the all pistol stage (go figure). i finished 6th overall with my SS gun against a ton of hi-cap guns so that made me feel pretty good-even beat 5 Open shooters (altho i dont know what they were using for a pistol in Open division).

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Was able to get to the range Friday morning before work. ran about 100 rounds through the SS gun, mainly wanted to function test after a thorough cleaning and also function test my new mag springs. I upgraded my CMC mags with the power+ springs and followers. Between those and getting my crimp nailed down where it should be, i think my random feeding problems are over. Ran 7 mags worth of ammo, basically as fast as i could pull the trigger, just function testing, but also working on picking up the frint sight in rapid fire. about the 3rd or 4th shot in the first mag, it almost seemed like it was in slow motion and i could see it perfectly! And wouldnt you know, there were bullet holes in the target when i got done, haha. they'll be there, i need to stop looking for them when Im shooting and get to them during the scoring, they arent going anywhere!

Worked on some accuracy shots as well, put up no shoots at 25 yards as well as some closer range head shots (tried to duplicate some that Ill be seeing at the MI sectional). I feel much better about them than I did after the last local match. A few head shots from 25 felt good as well. took a long time to get the sight picture i wanted and hold it through the shot, but knowing I can do it feels good.

Not looking forward to the early morning, but should be a good match this weekend! :cheers:

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Michigan Sectional was a blast. 8 great stages and a good day on the range. Overall I shot ok, but there were a few points I could have imrpoved on. My first stage was a rough one (one of the harder stages of teh match) and i didnt shoot it too well. that put me into a hole off the bat. once i got rolling i was fine, ended up winning the next stage. i just need to figure out a way to knock the early morning rust off and start well out of the gate. Maybe i need to slow myself down a bit on the first run. :mellow:

As for the rest of the match, i was fairly happy with how i shot, minus the couple of Ms and No shoots. I ended up 3rd overall in SS so not a bad day but i think i could have done better. The misses and NS hits cost me the match i think. I looked at a couple of the stage scores that I did poorly on and had i made the shots, HF would have been significantly higher on them.

On the bright side, my new mag springs/followers showed up last week and i was able to use them for the match. between that and figuring out my crimping problem a few weeks ago, i think my feeding problems are over. Gun/mag/ammo ran like a champ in MI which does make me feel better. still kicking ideas around about a new gun, but we'll see.

I was thinking last night and was feeling weird about the match. i knew i had shot ok, but could have done better. I didnt know why, but i was kind of upset about how things turned out. then it hit me.....this is the first time i can think of that I set a goal for myself for a match and didnt get it. (really one of the first few times i had set a hard goal for myelf) i was wanting to win my division and fell short. Not gonna lie, I dont care for the feeling of failure, haha. Now that my gear is back to top notch workign condition, its time for a software upgrade to go with it. couple more local matches as the season looks to be drawing to an end. Looking to finish strong... :sight:

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You shot a good match Corey. I know the feeling you are talking about. I wasn't planning on winning the match, but would have liked to do better. I was looking forward to the classifier, and wanted increase my %. Miss and NS on color blind dropped me 20. This had some tough stages for us shooting SS. I had a few feeding problems and it cost me time. I also wasted time on the car stage. I put my mags in my back pocket to save time, but I went to the belt for each reload.(so much for saving time) Looking back I think I have been wasting a lot of time pausing between groups of targets, or waiting a second before I move. Well, I have plenty of things to work on, but had a great time at the match.

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thanks for the support guys :)

I actually really liked the car stage, and i think I won that one in SS. i copied the belt loading idea from the other Corey when i saw him do it at the Buckeye Challenge. I should have vids by this weekend, most of the stages got filmed. Looking forward to breaking down my shooting with video.

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thanks for the support guys :)

I actually really liked the car stage, and i think I won that one in SS. i copied the belt loading idea from the other Corey when i saw him do it at the Buckeye Challenge. I should have vids by this weekend, most of the stages got filmed. Looking forward to breaking down my shooting with video.

glad I could help. Are your mag pouches beveled at the top?

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Now that my gear is back to top notch workign condition, its time for a software upgrade to go with it. couple more local matches as the season looks to be drawing to an end. Looking to finish strong... :sight:


I really like that play on words there Corey. Nice way to put it. :lol:

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So do we! :) ...... All Winter long at our indoor range in Miamisburg, OH. We shoot a normal 5 stage match every 2nd Sunday, and we shoot a 3 stage indoor only match every single Monday night (barring major holidays) starting about 5pm for $9. Cheap fun, all winter long! :rolleyes:

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glad I could help. Are your mag pouches beveled at the top?

not yet, thinking about it tho. It was the way I loaded the mags into my pouches two at a time then grabbed my gun. saw you do that at Buckeye and it looked way faster than my way!

BGSL may be a bit of a drive for me for a monthly match, Miamisburg is a tad close and may be doable....

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glad I could help. Are your mag pouches beveled at the top?

not yet, thinking about it tho. It was the way I loaded the mags into my pouches two at a time then grabbed my gun. saw you do that at Buckeye and it looked way faster than my way!

BGSL may be a bit of a drive for me for a monthly match, Miamisburg is a tad close and may be doable....

Then do that. Don't stop shooting just because the weather is bad. At least don't stop working to get better. Keep dry firing, working on conditioning etc. If I get my new house in a few months it has a room I'm going to set up to work out in and work on shedding a few pounds and gain some endurance.

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Oh, I dont plan on taking the winter off completely. I've got a spare room dedicated to my airsoft shooting with plates, poppers, targets and a star as well as my dryfire targets in my living room (its great living by myself :roflol: ). I'm planning on working on the conditioning part as well to drop some weight and get in better shape.

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Angola match this past weekend was a good time. It was their "special" Single Stack match, so i fit right in :). tons of hardcover shots, lot of headshots, some at some distance :mellow: . I know what Im practicing next time i go to the range. Merle's Standards was the classifier and I did shoot it much better than back in april, maybe i wont get a 0% this time. The bright side of the match was my WHO on Merle's had all my hits (SHO had a couple of misses tho.), my SHO on another stage was pretty good, altho the shots were failry close but through a port, and i went 1-for-1 on all steel (wasn't a bunch, but its a goal of mine from here on out and yesterday was a good start). no video from the weekend, but i did finally get some footage from the MI Sectional, not all the stages got filmed but here is what we have:

Next week is Warsaw's classifier match. Planning on shooting it at least twice, once in SS and once in L-10 (with the same gear :sight: ) and maybe once more in Limited if i borrow a buddy's rig. Dryfire plans for the week are reloads (they arent as smooth as they have been) while moving, efficient movement and SHO/WHO trigger control.

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shot a classifier match at Warsaw today, opted to only shoot the 4 classifiers and not the field courses. Shot them with my SS rig twice (once as L-10) and used my buddy's LTD glock setup for a run in that division. A variety of good runs with the various guns, but none that put all 4 together. Not sure on the %s yet, will know more later. Pretty sure I didn't get an A classification in any of them. SS may be the only chance as a couple of really good runs could get me there, but I'm not sure if the HFs were good enough. I mainly just wanted a classification in more than 1 division in case I decide to play in more divisions this winter/next year. Working a fairly early shift this week, so plenty of dry fire in preparation for the Fort Wayne Halloween match next weekend.

Scores are in from the classifiers. Not making A this month uin anything :-/. I had been worried about myself the last couple of weeks as my classifier scores were not representative of my shooting (30ish%). Turned in 3 mid-high Bs in Single Stack which makes me feel good. A little extra reassurance that I AM a B shooter and can run in this class. Ran them in L-10 with my SS rig with so-so results. it was the 3rd run through and my performance suffered a bit, with the exception of one stage (75+%), first A run i've had-had a bunch of shoulda-coulda runs, but finally got one put together.

My speed is fine, but I'm dropping too many points and its starting to hurt me. Time to kick up the accuracy concept. Im going to set a goal for myself thi weekend at the FW match to make it a clean match-No misses, no No-Shoots, and as few Ds as physically possible. I need to get back to getting my hits. :sight:

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Tom was talking about some 30 rounders. i know he has his "pumpkin patch" planned again. every steel plate the club has gets put out in one bay with a random popper as the ghost (and to make it a legal stage). ill post some details when i know more :cheers:

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Just ordered my airsoft package and it should be here in a couple days. Really looking forward to adding this to my dryfire routines. Also ordering a CED7000 today so I can get used to the sound of a "real" buzzer.


You should try out Eric Graufel's airsoft pistol and drill book. His airsoft gun can be found in an local Walmart. The pistol is sponsored by Colt. Eric has really taken IPSC main stream. If you want to win, train like a winner. Goodluck lad!


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I've actually got a 1911 airsoft gun already and a few targets set up in a spare bedroom of my house :) with winter coming soon, im sure ill get plenty of trigger time on it this "off-season" (i dont want to take the whole winter off if i can help it,just not near as many matches in my area)

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