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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Jake Di Vita

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Last night I was surfing through a bunch of MMA forums. The people on some of these sites are so ridiculous I had to get out of them. Constantly flaming people for having an opinion, a ridiculous amount of cussing, etc...

I just want to thank Brian, Kyle, and everyone else who continues to help out, contribute, and make this forum the place to be for shooting sports. I don't even think I've ever seen the "F" word in nearly 100,000 posts.

I think that is something to be proud of, and something that should be pointed out and never forgotten.

Not to mention the information. I'm willing to bet this site and BE's book alone have shaved over 2 years off my development as a shooter. And I know for a fact there are others who feel the same way.

I will put the people on this forum up against anyone.

Thanks guys.

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This forum is a quantum leap above many others. Kudos to everyone who contributes and to those who carefully administer this incredible reality. Let alone the socio-political benefits. We rock!

The Internet has changed our lives as much as television, the airplane, the railroad, the telephone, mass media and many, many more phenomena of our time. Let's take advantage of our opportunities....! :)

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What's really amazing, is that this forum is one of the best of ANY type I've ever seen. If you want to see a pathetic bulletin board in action, surf over to a skiing site sometime. There's probably 10,000 times the numbers of skiiers as competition shooters and their "help" forums are absolute stinkers.

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I think the best part is that the people here actually know what they are talking about. I used to go onto a lot of jeep forums until I realized that is was just people that were just reading magazines to get info. Some of the biggest advice givers had barely ever worked ont their own stuff or ever been offroad. I found one that had tremendous knowledge but it was always jsut a pissing contest. This place really has a tremendously friendly and "adult" atmosphere.

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EVERYBODY here does their part to make this place what it is...and that is why it is so great.

Jake is a good example. In case nobody noticed...I tagged him as:

Contributor of the Month (October 2003)

Jake had been on hiatus for a while, but came back strong. And...he continues to do everybody's math for them in the classifier section.

Two thumbs up!

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I agree, ;), there's few forums like this one.

The only other forums I can stand for any length of time are couple computer related forums, like InvisionPower's, for example. Good people helping out.

An outrageous THANK YOU to everyone involved! Especially to the admin/moderators who keep everything running smoothly, day in, day out, in addition to ceaselessly answering questions and offering top-notch advice.

My best wishes to everyone.


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I just want to thank Brian, Kyle, and everyone else who continues to help out, contribute, and make this forum the place to be for shooting sports. I don't even think I've ever seen the "F" word in nearly 100,000 posts.

'F' word?














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I must say that I NEVER come online without checking here first. This place rules. I found this site thru Matts videos. Saw the website address and decided to check it out. I must say I'm very glad that I did.

I've had a lot of experiences with different types of forums. The Martial Arts forums just banter back and forth about what style is better etc. Then the auto forums are just filled with ego-powered close-minded motorheads. Those guys are the worst.

Everyone here has been very helpful...


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This forum is great! I've learned alot here. Sometimes I think I don't have much to offer, because after a check of (Erik Warrens favorite) the search, the question has already been answered.

Thanks to all who make this a decent place to hang out!

Ray C.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As a newbie here, I have to second ... uh (counts on fingers) ... 20th :D the comment on how good these forums are.

I've been reading "boards" since before there was an internet and it's *so* rare to find one where the tone is generally positive and helpful - and has stayed that way through thousands of postings.

Kudos to benos for setting the tone and for the moderators for preserving that feeling.

This forum is something special ...


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My congratulations to BE as well. With him and the administrators/moderators watching over the site and taking the actions needed to maintain it's credibility, it has become to me THE place to go for gun/competition information. And the various misc sections help give one a place to vent, pontificate, or just laugh when needed,

Well done,


now for a dumb questoin (i hope it isn't in the faq) what is "Maku mozo" ;)


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This forum is the only one I frequent anymore. The best. The admin., posters and the host make it what it is. I can't even put into words the appreciation I have for all of the people here, who aren't posting as their ego driven internet alter ego. And the people behind the scenes who must work their hineys off to keep this site running smoothly. And Benos , who in addition to starting it all, and keeping it real, wrote " The book " , which has benefited myself and many others.

I can only hope my posts are worthy of such a fine forum.]

Travis F.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to bring this thread back to the top. The people here just rock. I've never seen so many likeminded, friendly, helpful congenial folks in one place before, real or virtual.

Thanks for making this place feel like home everybody.

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Am I the only one around here who thinks this place absolutely sucks?

LOL, just kidding of course. I could never tell where I would have been without these forums, but I can guess.

Great people, great info, great atmosphere. Hard to find a place like this anywhere, let alone on the internet.

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This is the ONLY web site that I log into alomost EVERY day, and more often that not multiple times per day.

Great to have a place to talk about the sport I love, with people who try to keep an open mind about the fact that there is ALWAYS a different/better/new way to solve a problem.

THANKS B.E., and all the people who make this such a great site! :D

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