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My Van wrecked


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While taking a detour through Atlanta GA, due to a flooded interstate highway, someone took a left at a red light, directly into my path. I have a lot of bruises & soreness, but am otherwise okay. My minivan, however, sustained nearly $7000 in damages and will take nearly a month to repair. :(


Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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I know you're upset about your van Linda but it could easily have been you that it will take a month to repair. I'm just happy that you're doing well all things considered. Thank your lucky star on this one.

Edited by XD Niner
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Hi Linda. Total bummer-I am glad you are not more seriously injured. I am driving through Columbia on Thursday-need any help? Going to Circleville.

Thanks for all the offers to help, but I'm doing okay. Walking around like an 80 year old at times . . . but otherwise fine.

By the time you drive through Columbia, I should have been in Ohio for over a day. I am leaving for Circleville tomorrow. Just home today to do laundry & re-load the rental van. And, yeah, I insisted that the rental car company find me a minivan. I have too much 'major match stuff' that lives in my vehicle to try a standard sedan.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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Sorry to hear Linda. Glad you are doing OK, given the situation. :cheers:

Ouch....glad to hear you're okay though!

I'm frequently amazed at how safe cars have gotten. 20 years ago that could have been far worse :surprise:

Yea, the car would have been fine. The occupants on the other hand... :sick:

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