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Yet another example of entitlement


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On my way home I had to stop at the supermarket to pick up a few things....no biggie. I followed an older Lexus (about ten years old) with huge 20-22" chrome wheels and blacked-out tint into the parking lot. None of that is very unusual here...so I didn't pay any attention. So, I park and I'm walking up to the store when I see the same Lexus park on the opposite curb right in front of the store. This is just a two-way traffic area, no room for parking....heck, they weren't even remotely close to the curb so it was even worse. To my surprise, two young men, obviously in their 20s, get out and walk to the entrance. These guys were young, fit and didn't seem to have a care in the world. I couldn't help myself :devil: I was about ten feet from them, made eye contact, looked at their car, then back to them and loudly said "WOW, you must be famous, you've got a personal parking spot!" and walked into the store....they seemed a little surprised and then just gave me a snotty smile. In the store I saw these two bozos walking around with a cart doing normal shopping....they couldn't even use the lame excuse that they were just running in to the ATM or something like that.

I've seen other folks do the same thing and it really causes a safety problem there. People walk out of the store near the same spot and the cars trying to get around the parked car aren't watching for them....I've seen a few near-misses because of this.

If some senior with bad joints can make it from the handicapped spot, two healthy young men should be able to at least go the same distance, but these punks think they're special. What made it even more annoying is that I walked ten times as far and I tweaked something in my leg this morning and it's been killing me all day. :angry2:

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I have seen that same thing multiple times. Either in a no parking zone or better yet a handicap spot. I had a bro back in St. Louis who had a leg blown off below the knee in an unnamed country in SE Asia. We were pulling in and saw some punk whip into the handicap spot, hop out and cooly slide into the store. After walking half an aisle down from where we parked Joe took the driver's side and I took the passenger. Let the air out of all four tires.

When we walked out after our shopping the owner was cursing at the world. Joe looked over at him and said "Man, life is a bitch sometimes huh?"

I always liked Joe.

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My favorite part of work now being retired on Days is writing Fire lane violations at the strip malls, Food stores, and Walmart. I have gotten more complaints and terse, tense situations just because of this.

I love my job......

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[They parked] on the opposite curb right in front of the store. This is just a two-way traffic area, no room for parking....heck, they weren't even remotely close to the curb so it was even worse. To my surprise, two young men, obviously in their 20s, get out and walk to the entrance.

I'm with you on this one. Every time I see/hear this sort of thing, it brings back what one similar person said when I called him on it --

"Hey, I ain't here to please you. Get over it."

The 'I'm special and you can't do anything about it' mentality. Confident that no one is going to make a scene out of these inconsiderations. Their momma shoulda raised 'em better. :angry:

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Don't get me started on this one! But to tie into another thread about what we are teaching our children.

My office (mine as in I own the building) has a very small parking lot in the rear that is shared with the neighboring office. You have to drive down a driveway to get to it so it's not like someone could mistake it for public parking. But still, on rare occasions, someone I don't know from Adam will park there. I'd have them towed but there's no room for a tow truck. On one occasion, I moved my car to block them so they had to come to the office.

Now, there is a small office across the street that belongs to a psychologist who treats children with behavioral problems. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of metered parking spots on the street. One day, a woman and her son parked in my lot (my office overlooks the lot). I opened the window and told her it was private parking, and she got all snotty and said she was only going to be 5 minutes. I told here I didn't care if she was going to be 30 seconds it was still private parking and if she didn't at least have the courtesy to ask she could get her car out of there. She was furious - called me every name in the book. As she walked back to her car, I couldn't resist and commented on what a fine role model she must be for her son.

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When I lived in an apartment complex people would sometimes park in my reserved spot. It was the same person a couple of times and after I put one of those big green hard to remove stickers on his windshield he never did it again. If he did I was going to get some of those big car moving dollys, move his car out of my spot, park, and then put his car in the middle of traffic if I wasn't going anywhere that night. I never got a chance to do that, though.

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When I lived in an apartment complex people would sometimes park in my reserved spot. It was the same person a couple of times and after I put one of those big green hard to remove stickers on his windshield he never did it again. If he did I was going to get some of those big car moving dollys, move his car out of my spot, park, and then put his car in the middle of traffic if I wasn't going anywhere that night. I never got a chance to do that, though.

I had the same thing happen to me many years ago when I lived in a large apartment complex here in Albuquerque. Young lady in a VW whips into my parking space (ex was out shopping at the time), get's out and hops into another girls car and off they go for the evening. I hop in my trusty Ford pickup and hook up my tow strap. Pulled the VW across the lot to the entrance and left it there blocking everything. The girl came back about 1:30 in the morning to find her bug's windshield covered with nasty notes from other folks in the complex. Never saw her or her car again.

My current peeve apparently took care of itself somehow. A lady who roars through my neighborhood to take her child to a daycare center. I planned on having a come to Jesus talk with her regarding the speed limit in residential neighborhoods. I,m out in the yard early one morning and who, dressed in a skirt, heels and blouse, is pushing her daughter down the block in a stroller to the daycare... yep it's the same lady. She either broke her car, crashed it or got her license yanked. Problem solved, for now. :cheers:



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Many years ago I was walking to the movies with some friends and some young guy with his gf in a convertible merc decides to park spanning 2 disabled spots. As his gf steps out to run to the counter to buy tickets, I say out loud "wow, nice parking". A bunch of people turn around to look at me and see what I was commenting on. The guy starts yelling and ranting at me, but I just shake my head and walk on. His gf comes up to me, obviously embarassed and apologises for him and his behavior. This make him madder and he starts yelling even louder drawing more and more attention to himself, while all the passers by just look and laugh at him.

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I think this bad behavior shows a lack of shame some people have. Bad upbringing is one thing. Not knowing how to act can be excused. Refusing to correct bad behavior when called on it is another. Simply giving a comment meant to show dissaproval or inflict guilt doesn't work. They don't care what anyone else thinks, and because they know there will be no real consequences, the bad behavior will continue.

There must be some punishment to correct behavior like this. Unfortunatelty, the people with ay standing to make it (store manager) are ussually unwilling to do anything. Me, if I were the manager, and you told me people parked their car in the traffic lane and came in to shop, I'd wait for them at the front of the store. When they were ready to check out, I'd ask them to leave without their groceries, and tell them they are welcome back if they park in the designated spaces next time.

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Illegal parking runs rampant where I work. We have a loading dock, right next to the employee entrance that everyone seems to think is there for their personal parking space. The issue is, we have to receive deliveries all day and we have to leave the area open for ambulances during the show. Recently we had a Lighting company park their truck in our dock for the night- without talking to anyone. I called the company the next morning and told them that was unacceptable. Two nights later- same truck, same place. I had one of my guys fire up the forklift and put a pallet of steel right behind the truck, while parking the forklift right in front of it. The guy came by at 2am to pick up the truck and realized he was screwed. He sat in the truck until 5:30 when the morning guys showed up to let him out.

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I like what my Father, who is 85 said one day. as someone parked in the handicap spot and starts to run into the store, he says loudly at least his handicap is not physical. As said person stops and turns with his WTF attitude he See's two people and stops stares and gets into his car and leaves.

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On my way home I had to stop at the supermarket to pick up a few things....no biggie. I followed an older Lexus (about ten years old) with huge 20-22" chrome wheels and blacked-out tint into the parking lot. None of that is very unusual here...so I didn't pay any attention. So, I park and I'm walking up to the store when I see the same Lexus park on the opposite curb right in front of the store. This is just a two-way traffic area, no room for parking....heck, they weren't even remotely close to the curb so it was even worse. To my surprise, two young men, obviously in their 20s, get out and walk to the entrance. These guys were young, fit and didn't seem to have a care in the world. I couldn't help myself :devil: I was about ten feet from them, made eye contact, looked at their car, then back to them and loudly said "WOW, you must be famous, you've got a personal parking spot!" and walked into the store....they seemed a little surprised and then just gave me a snotty smile. In the store I saw these two bozos walking around with a cart doing normal shopping....they couldn't even use the lame excuse that they were just running in to the ATM or something like that.

I've seen other folks do the same thing and it really causes a safety problem there. People walk out of the store near the same spot and the cars trying to get around the parked car aren't watching for them....I've seen a few near-misses because of this.

If some senior with bad joints can make it from the handicapped spot, two healthy young men should be able to at least go the same distance, but these punks think they're special. What made it even more annoying is that I walked ten times as far and I tweaked something in my leg this morning and it's been killing me all day. :angry2:

I don't even drive around looking for a closer spot. I find the first spot and just park. It makes me madder than HE!! when people do stuff like this!

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That also remind me of another incident where I chewed out one of my coworkers. When going to lunch she would ask to borrow another coworker's disabled tag so she could get in and out of the store quick during lunch.

She really didn't get why I was mad at her, she thought it was perfectly acceptable because the girl who had the tag wasn't using it, since she brought her lunch to the office.

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I would love for the shopping centers themselves to have a tow truck on duty all the time and when someone does as you describe, they just hook up to them and tow them away to another parking lot that is open to the public several miles away. No fine, no ticket just tow them away. I bet it would only take 1 or 2 times at the most for the people to get the message. :surprise:

The problem is the shop owners dont care or are afraid that they wont shop there again if they have them towed. This is the wrong attitiude, as I wouldnt want that type of person shopping in my store anyway. :angry2:

It is just another sign that our society is going down the crapper. <_<

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I keep a bunch of magnetic bumperstickers handy for people like this.

There a number of different sayings like "I Hate Cops", "I'm an a_-hole", etc..

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