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Friday Flame War 6-26-2009


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Friday Flame War

For those that may not be familar, we used to do a Friday Flame War about every week. It was in the Hate Section. Some treated it as a place to exhale all that went on during the week.

Others... :devil: ... treated it as a good natured poke fun with your forum buddies festival of love. :sick:

Flame on.

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So, what brought this idea back to my conscienceness?

I just read a thread with two of our most moderated members (who are still with us) debating on what was and what was not appropriate for the forum. I couldn't help but chuckle.

On one hand, having felt the harsh whip of the jack-booted moderators sooooo many times...who better than them to know the rules. On the other hand...


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Ok we had a server outage this morning - a memory failure. We pay a ton of money each month for a top notch hosting facility and considering that hosting is now a commodity, if you charge top dollar, you HAVE to offer top dollar service. So the maintenance guy shows up to the broken machine with 4 new sticks of ram. The problem is that the machine takes 8. The guy should have had an up to date checklist for each machine and know what he needed before he even left his desk.

Now the big update that we were planning on Monday is probably going to be delayed. The failure occurred at 8.30am this morning, it's now 2.30pm. How long does it take to grab some ram and stick it in the server?

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Now the big update that we were planning on Monday is probably going to be delayed. The failure occurred at 8.30am this morning, it's now 2.30pm. How long does it take to grab some ram and stick it in the server?

Sounds like it will take until an hour before quiting time on Friday.

(in my unofficial capacity :D ) You'uns are hereby officially authorized to flip that guy the bird. :excl:

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If I could clone myself I might be able to keep up with all the crap dumped on me. My shovel broke twice this week. I hate taking over as the boss when the previous boss royally F@#$ed the shop and just up and left me with a big pile of crap!!!!

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So, what brought this idea back to my conscienceness?

I just read a thread with two of our most moderated members (who are still with us) debating on what was and what was not appropriate for the forum. I couldn't help but chuckle.

On one hand, having felt the harsh whip of the jack-booted moderators sooooo many times...who better than them to know the rules. On the other hand...


Hey! I resemble that remark!!! :P

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I'm so sick of people not knowing the difference between 'Reply' and 'Reply All' in email...

A lot of folks can't seem to get a grasp on that "quote" feature, either.

And a lot of people quote when they don't have to, thus eating up bandwidth unnecessarily.

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I'm so sick of people not knowing the difference between 'Reply' and 'Reply All' in email...

A lot of folks can't seem to get a grasp on that "quote" feature, either.

And a lot of people quote when they don't have to, thus eating up bandwidth unnecessarily.

lol - yes!

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if you can remember when there weren't cars...you shouldn't be driving one in the fast lane...move over grandpa...

And while I'm at it...they aren't "blinkers" they ARE turn signals...use them.

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Anyone who drives slower than me is an idiot <_< ....... and anyone who drives faster than me is a maniac :goof:



That is the now over forty old man talking there!

I hate that I'm becoming that guy ! All new music, and lots of new fangled styles just turn me off. If I'm listening to something "new" it was probably recorded in the late 80s, early 90s! Aaargh! I said I would never become the grumpy old guy! :angry2:

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Anyone who drives slower than me is an idiot <_< ....... and anyone who drives faster than me is a maniac :goof:


We think alike.

Anyone in my class that beats me is a sandbagger, anyone I beat is a grandbagger.

I third that statment.

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i hate that when you are within 6 months of retirement, the big boys start dangling large amounts of coin in front of you.

Sucker to the Golden Handcuffs!!! ;)

I hate that my employer, after I do a lot to give them better value for my time, given that I'm back in school now, let's me know on Monday afternoon that they wouldn't be paying for my ARNG time this week (had 2 days of training during the week).

Long story short, in the ARNG you're required to do AT (annual training). My guard unit let me split it out over the year given that my "real" job needs me here as much as possible. So...a couple of days every couple of months. Not a big deal when I was a salary employee.

I'm now hourly as when I decided to go back to school, I'm only in the office 30+ hours per week in stead of my normal 40+. I offered that I be switched from salary to hourly so they got a better value for my time. Great right? See above.

Kicker to all this is that when I went and did my days of training this week, I logged it under sick time since I'm saving vacation time for my wedding (and when I leave this place). I was told I had to use vacation time as I was out for Guard not for sickness. I actually did visit my orthopedist (knee) while there. That counts right? :D

Just annoying. Working for someone (private sector) is officially old. Every day it makes me miss the Army, when you could look someone straight in their face, tell them they are wrong and their feelings aren't all butt hurt. They fix themselves move on and later that night any "issues" are squelched over a beer. Apparently that's too freakin' difficult in 'modern' society. Heck...I've already been told that I threatened someone because rather than argue in the studio where there's 15 people, I asked the person to, "let's step outside so we can talk about this away from everyone else". Now I can see how it could be construed as 'threatening' but give me a break. We're adults and fighting is the last thing on my mind.

I have less than 40 days 'til I can leave this place comfortably but am financially stable enough to make it before hand. Just biting my tongue between now and August 1st when I can make them crap their pants over me leaving when I manage about 50% of the projects in the office.


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Anyone who drives slower than me is an idiot <_< ....... and anyone who drives faster than me is a maniac :goof:



That is the now over forty old man talking there!

Oh no ........ I've always thought like that. But now that I'm 40 it fits me more. :)

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So I find out this afternoon 1hr before leaving the office that the dimwit who was supposed to fix our server now finds out that the ram he tries is the wrong type, mismatch on clockspeed or something. I don't know how you can spend an entire working day trying to figure out how to put ram in a machine and still have a job.

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So I find out this afternoon 1hr before leaving the office that the dimwit who was supposed to fix our server now finds out that the ram he tries is the wrong type, mismatch on clockspeed or something. I don't know how you can spend an entire working day trying to figure out how to put ram in a machine and still have a job.

With all due respect to any competent IT professionals on this forum, I find that ones with an IQ over 20 are few and far between. Maybe its just where I work. :angry2:

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I'm so sick of people not knowing the difference between 'Reply' and 'Reply All' in email...

A lot of folks can't seem to get a grasp on that "quote" feature, either.

And a lot of people quote when they don't have to, thus eating up bandwidth unnecessarily.

OK, now you guys are talking about me again.

So where's the instructions? :wacko:

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1. Wife had her money stolen out of her purse.

2. I'm in Chicago all week at a conference, and I HATE CHICAGO. I really hate Chicago--more than words could ever explain.

3. I ran out of loose change for the tolls, pulled up to one with no attendant. Now I have to log on to Illinois' website, try to figure out which toll I was at and pay the 80 cents. Last night, it happened again. I was 5 cents short. Now, I have to pay two tolls online.

4. Someone door-dinged my rental car in the parking lot

5. I paid $25 bucks for a club sandwich at the hotel only to find out later that conference attendees get the same thing for 7.50!! And I was told I couldn't pick up the lunch, it had to be delivered. So I told them to deliver it to the conference. They apparently couldn't put two and two together.

6. I specifically asked that maid service be held during my stay. I don't like people in the room when all of my stuff is strung out all over the room. I came back and discovered my request had been ignored.

7. I'm paying $28 bucks a day to park my car.

8. deleted

9. Half the speakers at the conference don't speak English very well. And their thick accents make it very difficult to understand what they are saying.

10. Internet access is $8 bucks a day, and I've been on the phone with T-mobile four times this week because their system can't seem to recognize when I log off. So when I try to log in again, the system locks up. It's very irritating.

11. I really hate Chicago, and I've been stuck here all week long.

12. I went out to get some dinner two nights ago. I left the first three restaurants I found because they were so filthy. I hate Chicago.

13. I ate at McDonald's and hit the restroom to wash my hands. When I walked into the men's restroom, I see an employee basically taking a bath at the sink. I hate Chicago.

14. The hotel is full of snobs. I hate snobs, and I really hate Chicago.

15. Three nights ago, I went out to dinner. I was the only one in the restaurant (which should have been a clue) and waited almost 15 minutes before the waitress came to my table. Dinner came and my drink was empty. I asked for a refill. She brought it to me right as I was taking the last bite of my sandwich. I ask for my check and wait another ten minutes. The whole time this is going on I'm watching three female employees gabbing at the bar. Apathy pisses me off.

16. The traffic in Chicago is terrible. I hate Chicago.

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