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First let me say that Robert and Steve along with all the behind the scenes staff were great. Next I would like to congratulate all the shooters that weathered (no pun intended) all the adversity of Saturday and Sunday. This was my third trip to WF and the DTR. Weather be damned it was a great time. I enjoy meeting and talking to all the competitors and the the other ROs. I have made some friends. I will continue working the match as long as I can get the time from my job and as long as Robert will continue to invite me. You'll hear good things about the match and bad things about the match, but it is a sport that we all elect to participate in and no one twists our arms to do it. If bad weather is not your thing then you can elect to stay home. There were some complaints that it didn't seem fair the Friday shooters had better conditions. that is just the luck of the draw. With that said I did not have a bad competitor come through our stage. Everyone was very respectful and friendly. Even when we had a steep learning curve on how to move competitors around or when the Palm was slow to respond. Thanks again to everyone and if you have not done so please send your thanks to the sponsers soon.

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everyone keeps thanking the RO's, which is definatley deserved, but I would have to say that the people who stayed and shot on saturday, my hats off to you, you wouldn't see me out there in that cold.....

The ROs for sure, but even more so the people behind the scenes, the ones that don't even get their hands shaken by the shooters. The setup and design crews, the stats people, the runners, the prop designers, the guys and ladies who took a week or more off work to set everything up and don't even get that handshake at the end.... Also to the MD, there is a thankless job that, at it's best, you only hear bitching here and there.

:cheers: The MD, prop designer, setup/design crew is ROBERT PORTER and Jeff, he set this match from start to finish. The other folks behind the scene are the ladies that do the food Tiff, Janie, Pam, Sandra(also registration)they did a great job, stats and scoring Lee Neel and son Nick, Ken Cobb(range whore) and David L. I wish I could Take credit for the match but I can't I just did RM and sponsor stuff. We will be shooting these stages a couple of times in our club matchs for the next month or 3, if you want to come out and shoot the stages in good weather. My sponsors came thru with so much stuff, please be sure to thank them.


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everyone keeps thanking the RO's, which is definatley deserved, but I would have to say that the people who stayed and shot on saturday, my hats off to you, you wouldn't see me out there in that cold.....

The ROs for sure, but even more so the people behind the scenes, the ones that don't even get their hands shaken by the shooters. The setup and design crews, the stats people, the runners, the prop designers, the guys and ladies who took a week or more off work to set everything up and don't even get that handshake at the end.... Also to the MD, there is a thankless job that, at it's best, you only hear bitching here and there.

cheers.gif The MD, prop designer, setup/design crew is ROBERT PORTER and Jeff, he set this match from start to finish. The other folks behind the scene are the ladies that do the food Tiff, Janie, Pam, Sandra(also registration)they did a great job, stats and scoring Lee Neel and son Nick, Ken Cobb(range whore) and David L. I wish I could Take credit for the match but I can't I just did RM and sponsor stuff. We will be shooting these stages a couple of times in our club matchs for the next month or 3, if you want to come out and shoot the stages in good weather. My sponsors came thru with so much stuff, please be sure to thank them.


"I just did RM and sponsor stuff." surprise.gif

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....I know from personal experience of many a match I have helped run that is a huge task. THANKS!


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Though i was fortunate enough to shoot on Friday, kuddos to those who braved the weekend!!

Though the weather itself can not be controlled the mud can, 12 Bays = 12 loads of small limestone or similar aggregate = $4000 give or take. This would be an easy and somewhat inexspensive solution to the muddy bays. There were a lot of guns being shot at the match that were more exspensive than that! Just my thoughts.

Thanks again for a great match!!

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Though i was fortunate enough to shoot on Friday, kuddos to those who braved the weekend!!

Though the weather itself can not be controlled the mud can, 12 Bays = 12 loads of small limestone or similar aggregate = $4000 give or take. This would be an easy and somewhat inexspensive solution to the muddy bays. There were a lot of guns being shot at the match that were more exspensive than that! Just my thoughts.

Thanks again for a great match!!

Not quite...this would need to be done in layers with small and large aggregate to make a good bed. And remember that this will also compact and need to be added to periodically. The "MUD" will suck up this stuff pretty fast in my opinion but it is A solution. Just not sure if it is THE solution. During the Mmatch Robert mentioned that he was working on a solution to this very issue......Give him time.

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Improper application of aggregate will not solve the problem, but it will cost a lot of money. One possible solution might be fabric under the aggregate. One other item that might work, if properly applied would be a layer of compacted quarry dust. Any solution will likely involve grading and drainage.


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I have to admit responsibility for that one.

My bad.


Which one? By the time I got there (last squad on the stage), he'd eaten two on the left side! :surprise::lol:

Heh, the first one. I have mixed feelings about not being the only person to tag it - I'm glad I wasn't the only one, but feel bad that it took any hits at all! The props were great, and I wish we'd gotten more pictures of the podium, the stages, and the fireworks to kick off the match on Friday. What a great idea that was!

I had a great time at the match, but I also had the benefit of shooting on Friday with phenomenal weather. I tried hanging out with a couple of people I knew on Saturday, and lasted about 10 minutes before I gave up and hopped back in the car. Kudos to the Range Officers and match staff that toughed out 2 days of blowing snow and mud.

My first time in Texas, and I'll definitely go back if I can work it into my schedule. I stuffed myself on Barbecue while I was there, although I will admit that the restaurant that had draft beer options of "Bud, Bud Light, Miller, Miller Lite, Coors or Coors Light" left a little bit to be desired. :)

Everybody else seems to be getting their videos uploaded, so here's mine:

We accidentally taped over the bowling ball stage, and luckily missed taping the stage where I tore that big jagged tear through the brontosaurus.

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Well folks I think I am finally thawed out from the Saturday part of the match. Wow! a 45 degree difference from Friday to Saturday.

I would like to thank everyone that helped with the match. My brother in law, Jeff Piazza, he put in countless hours working with me to get the range ready and all the stages put up and nailed down (the set-up/prop crew was him and me). Lee Neel, for keeping the palms / printers going in the cold and damp and doing the scoring. The ladies in the Bedrock Cafe... Tiffani, Jamie, Pam and Sandra for keeping us feed with some Brounto burgers and other prehistoric fare. Kevin Schinder for coming out and helping on stage 9 on sat, that took dedication. Ken Cobb for helping with the prize table and such, it was great to hear him say over and over “Wow there is a lot of stuff in here”. We buy alot but most is due to the generosity of both new and past sponsors. I especially want to thank STI, USSA and LaRue Tactical. Please send them a quick note and thank all the sponsors.

A big, big thanks goes to all the RO’s that did an outstanding job in the worst weather I have ever seen at a Match. You guys and gals are GREAT! Of course have to thank the man of the hour, Steve Menzik, the Match RM, with his unending enthusiasm for the match and the shooters, he really busted his arse to keep things rolling. He has been studying up on the rules and it made him a very knowledgeable and fair RM. He also stayed up late several nights before the match and made some of the coolest Trophies for the division winners we have had. He was pretty frazzled when it was all over as was I.

My biggest thanks goes to you guys, The Shooters, for all the great comments about the stages, the props and the match here on Enos, thru e-mail, and at the Match. Everyone on the whole had a great attitude even with the less than ideal conditions on Sat. I could not figure out if the sat guys were having that much fun or if the smiles were just frozen on their faces.

Post on here are correct, we are moving the match, To later in the year when the weather is a little more predictable. We will post here and on our web sight when we figure it out.

Also if you won your division or class and did not get your trophy or a friend did not pick it up on Sunday, Please drop me a e-mail and let me know. We had to have 5 in a class for first, 9 for second and 13 for 3rd place.

As to folks that have a score on the web but did not shoot the match It was palm operator error the RO clicked on the wrong Name realized it probably after the first few targets and did not erase the score for the competitor that did not shoot (hence the low numbers), but got the right score for the person that shot. This is why we have you initial the palms with the screen that displays all the competitor score and info and print out a copy for us and you.

Please be Patient: Just because the Match is over does not mean the work is done. There is clean up, re-organizing the range, stage breakdown, trash to handle and so on and so on, not to mention I have a real job I need to play catch up on also.

Thanks Once again to all and we will see you guys again next year.


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I know who broke the plank on Stage 12...


I'm soooo sorry, Robert, we didn't know to press, not BAM! BAM!

Here's the full video:

Way to go Steve. Might have guessed it was you.

That's funny. I wonder how many shooters turned to the RO with the, "I'm waiting for the buzzer" look on their faces like I did?

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That's funny. I wonder how many shooters turned to the RO with the, "I'm waiting for the buzzer" look on their faces like I did?

I didn't turn around but it took a few seconds to realize it was up to me to get things started.


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That's funny. I wonder how many shooters turned to the RO with the, "I'm waiting for the buzzer" look on their faces like I did?

I didn't turn around but it took a few seconds to realize it was up to me to get things started.


Yeah, I wonder how long I stood there waiting for the "beep". hahahaha. That was a good thing to do. I like it a lot!


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craigsteffek No E-mail?

Hey Guys Had a Few Guys that had to leave early to catch a Plane or what not. call me and Say that they did not have a Miss on such and such a stage. Not much we can do about it now. This is why we have you sign the palms/Score sheets when you sign you are saying that the score is correct. So spend a few extra moments to actually look at the score and make sure it is correct and it is your name that the score is under. RO's are humans also. Have any questions e-mail me be glad to hear them. Once again THANKS to all, for a great match.

Edited by scorch
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We will be Working this year on getting the Bays More Tolerable in Moist Conditions. Thinking gravel Base with a Packed Sand Layer then grass or Mulch on top of the sand. But we are going to get expert advice from an engineer first. Also plan on GRAVELING the Road More. We want a couple of inches of Gravel on the road. Got 150 tons on the road now and another 150 or so on the parking and in between the bays and right now I see None of it. :angry2:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well we Have Narrowed Down the New Dates for the Double Tap Champ 2011 to Either April 1, 2, 3, or June 3, 4, 5, 2011

April dates puts us 2 weeks ahead of area 6 and space city

June dates put us a week ahead of area 5,

2 weeks ahead of the Desert Classic and

3 weeks ahead of Area 1 ( if they stay on the same dates as this year.)

May Dates Mississippi Classic (5-14) and Area 4 (5-20) But the Wettest Month of the Year.

You got Any preferences on which Dates? other suggestions?

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Good morning Robert,

I have absolutely no input on the dates for Space City, but they do try to avoid the Easter Holiday. Since Palm Sunday is April 17th, they may plan the match for April 8th, 9th & 10th.

For some that travel a distance to attend either match, this may entice them into attending both matches.


Edited by Flatland Shooter
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I think having the match earlier in the year brings in more shooters for the match. To me it seems like the Double Tap has been the first big match of the shooting season. If you move the match out into the middle of the season there will be a lot more competition for pulling shooters in. Not too many people can afford to go to back to back to back big matches one weekend after another so some of the summer matches will suffer attendance. From a pure attendance perspective it makes the most sense to keep it early in the season.

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I'd suggest holding it in the fall say October or even November. There's not a lot of big matches then. Plus the weather in WF is gorgeous that late. What a great season finally it would be!

Area 4 was in October in 09 & Area 2 is always in November. So there are still big matches at the end of the year.

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I'd suggest holding it in the fall say October or even November. There's not a lot of big matches then. Plus the weather in WF is gorgeous that late. What a great season finally it would be!

You weren't at Area 4 last year were you? Not exactly what I would call gorgeous.

Pretty much any time in the spring or fall, the weather is going to be a crap shoot.

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