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2009 Pro-Am Championship UPDATE

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"rumor" has it that Bob Vogel took Overall Limited and Open (with a Limited gun!) Pro, wow!

2nd/3rd Limited Pro Shannon Smith and Dave Sevigny

2nd/3rd Open Pro Dave Sevigny and Shannon Smith

Jessie Abbate Overall Lady Limited and Open.

WOOHOOO SMITTY!!!!!! Not bad for a real estate appraiser! :cheers:

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Vogel was ON FIRE! Didn't win one stage in the Limited match, but won the overall in Limited. Open gun broke right before the Open match and then he WON two stages in the Open match using his limited gun on the way to collecting his 2nd overall title of the day.


Fun times, Phil and the boys put on a great match and I'm ready to go back to bed. Got home last nite at 2AM and I'm whipped.


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Bob Vogel is my new hero.

If youre reading this Bob,

I hope youre signed up for the open nats...:)

He either guarranteed a huge turnout next year in Open,

or all the open guys will come back with irons next year and the open division goes away..

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I check that webpage before I posted, and checked again just now ......... I still dont see any scores posted there. <_<

Scores from 2008 are at the bottom of the page. Seems to me the 2009 score will be posted there too.

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WHEW! I'm beat! First of all, thanks to everyone who came to the match. I wish the weather could have cooperated, but it IS Tulsa after all. Also, I apologize for the delays and miscommunications on Sunday. The absence of radios was severely detrimental to keeping all of the RO's on the same page. I think they did a great job, though!

In my disarray last night, I forgot to thank two people who, without their help, would have turned this into a 7 stage match. Karl McKeever from GT Targets (Stage 5), and Tom Drazy from Drazy Metal Works (Stages 1 & 3). Please ensure to give them a call or email to say thanks!

Also, I forgot to mention that towards the back of your match booklet has all of the contact information for all of the sponsors. Please send them an email thanking them for their support. Sponsorship is a thankless gesture that needs to be addressed by us, the shooters. If they get enough contacts from you about the Pro-Am, they're almost a lock to get involved next year!

I've attached all of the results in PDF format. Three amazing performances stand out to me (personally). First, of course, was Bob Vogel's iron sight Open win! I REALLY wish I could've been there to witness it. Next is Jessie Abbate finishing 3rd out of 74 in Open and 6th out of 160 in Limited. Jessie is continually proving her dominance in the shooting sports...actually, it's amazing to see how similar she is now to Julie G during her 1999 miracle season! Lastly is Tom Hamilton (1st C Limited). It was barely a year ago that Tom came to me for his membership orientation at USSA as a brand new shooter in the competitive sports. Awesome performance Tom!

As much whining and complaining I've probably done for the last few months about this %(@&ing Pro-Am, it's all worth it when I see you all having such a great time. I loved walking around Saturday seeing all of you (well, most of you) with smiles on your faces. Thanks so much for all of your compliments and suggestions. I hope that I can do the match again next year. If so, I will make a point to not conflict with the STC, IRC, or MGM3G for next year. It was a shame to not have Doug K, Jerry M, and Bruce P. there. I know they wanted to come again, but I completely understand why they couldn't. Maybe I'll look at some time in October! Gotta go out and tear down stages now.

A heart felt thanks,

Phil Strader

Match Director

2009 Pro-Am Championship





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Gotta go out and tear down stages now.

Aw, leave 'em up for the club match;-)

Wow, great match, thanks Phil!

Bob 'The man in black' Vogel's performance was awe inspiring...we knew we were witnessing something special.

It would be neat to see Ben S or Travis T shoot this thing.

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Kick-ass match, Phil.

I just wish my Glock had been able to handle it through 9 stages instead of only 6! My trigger spring broke on the first shot, and I got a whopping 1 on the Texas Star stage... :angry2:

Thanks much to Lance Jensen, who rescued me with a spare, allowing me to finish the 3 remaining stages!


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Anyone know if the Open Amateur winner, James McGinty is a junior or not? He's listed as a junior on the Limited Amateur scores, but not on the open scores.

He's not a junior anymore. I think he turned 18 pretty recently because he was at the MGM-AMU junior camp last year.

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This was a really fun match, weather and all. Big thanks to Phil and the crew.

The format is super easy to understand but just different enough from everything else that it'll trip up the unwary and give you plenty of chances to say "if only I'd...." :D

This was the first time I'd been and I shot both Limited and Open Sunday. That was a long, but overall fun, day. Limited was pretty much a walkthrough-with-noise for me ;) I shot it like I was shooting Open and it showed. With the rain-delay I was dragging by the end of the Open match. I can't believe Phil & co were still standing after four days of it.

Next year I'm going to try and shoot two days, but its on the must-do list in any case.

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Had a great time, JUST got home. Shot Limited OK, and that is all I have shot this year but I still got my arse handed to me. Oh well, it was fun. I shot open dismally bad, first time out with the Open gun this year and it really showed, only beat my Limited score on one lonely stage, but it too was trigger time and I had fun. Sore as hell and will NOT shoot a one day-two match format again, winter hadn't ended when we left and we end up shooting 18 stages with most of it extremely hot and humid (for us). Ouch. Phil and crew are the KINGS of prize table, it was an INCREDIBLE prize table.

Nice to see a bunch of friends as well. Great match!!

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Way to go Corey Estill for placing 9th in Limited! I don't know who you are (and neither does anyone else) but it is one heck of an accomplishment :cheers:

and 35th in Open!


Yeah, I pulled a Vogel....with Irons lol. Thanks guys I tried my best and after I shot open the first day and got all the gitters out, its not easy shooting shoulder to shoulder with Julie G, I finally put it all together on sunday morning with my limited run. Wish the scores showed it.

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The only bad thing about the match this year is that it is over......and well, the rain too..... :rolleyes:

Kudos, Phil and crew, for a premier match. If there was a made for TV match this is it.

Let's all remember, We all wanted to shoot limited and open, and Phil made it happen! I am again nothing but impressed with the range and staff there. They were there to make our weekend fun, and bent over backwards to do so.

A big thanks to Tom Drazy from Drazy Metalworks......He brought a Big chunk of steel with him and was always around to make sure everything was running well.

This continues to be one of the best prize table matches in the circuit, so take the time to thank the sponsors.....

Sponsors like Secure Firearms Products spend a lot of time and effort supporting the matches, not to mention the products they donate to the prize table, and the money out of their pocket to be at the match when they could be home running the business and spending time with their family.

When you see the sponsors at the matches, please stop and tell them thanks, and shake their hands (hell, buy something from them too.... :roflol: ). Matches of this caliber (pardon the pun) can't be done without them.

Looking forward to next year's match and spending the weekend with my shooting friends!


Edited by DougCarden
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