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Just wanted to say that I was happy to meet a lot of BE'ers and put names and faces with the call signs. It was a lot of fun running with the "Ohio Crew", and getting to know more range staff in my area. Running under JenCatFlex was a pleasure. For a newer CRO, she was INCREDIBLE!!! She made all the right calls and was the model of what a CRO should be...firm, yet approachable, and have a caring, friendly attitude. I continue to marvel at the quality of range staff that USPSA continues to produce!!! I hope to see these same people at Area 5. With staff like this, we can't help but be successful. No power trips, everybody worked good together, and there was just good, clean fun. It felt good to get that congratulatory handshake and "thank you", as the shooters left our stage. Buckeye Blast really draws the good ones. Thanks again to all, and I hope to see you all again soon!!!

Jeff :D:D:D

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That was me.... :D...and I regretted not promoting you to Admiral before I shot that stage.....

Vince, I thought that was you but did not want to give you credit for the comment without being 100% sure!! :P Glad you umm.... 'enjoyed' my stage.... ;)

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Jake...yer my favorite monkey****...er...master class shooter!!! I can't wait to see ya at areas!!! "Open W" was not to kind to ya...beware the shaky bridge!!! Dem folks down in Circleville is kanivin'!!! Can't wait to see what they dream up for next year. It's safe to say, that Buckeye is going to be part of my match schedule for as long as the Rayners will host it. I told Caroline that doing these majors is like experiencing the seven stages of death. First there is denial, then anger, then bargaining...and eventually...acceptance. Often, you find yourself saying "never again!!!", and when all is said and done, and the praise starts coming in for a job well done, you think "well...that wasn't really that bad!!!". A month or two later, and you're planning the next one. I sensed that she has resolved that there are simply too many people who would be heartbroken if they didn't host this match. After all, how many state championships draw nearly 200 shooters?!?!?! It speaks volumes for what they have accomplished. I enjoyed working it, shooting it, and camping out there in the "fresh" air...suey!!! They are coming up to our neck of the woods for the Area 5 3 Gun, and I hope to return the hospitality. I think Josey is planing his revenge...oh the horror!!!


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This was my first time to Rayner's and the country is just beautiful. It's hard to believe how flat northern Ohio is (and boring to drive through) compared to where we were shooting.

Stages looked deceptively simple until you started trying to figure out how to shoot them, a lot like some Single Stack Classics and Factory Gun Nats I've shot.

Got squadded with the Super Squad again, just like Area 5 last year. I didn't crash and burn like last year trying to keep up, but being consistently the worst shooter on the squad tends to warp your perspective. I thought I had a mediocre match (except for the Classifier, which I shot at 109%--figures. If this trend keeps up, look for me at the big matches, I'll be the GM that gets beat by half the A's). Hope I can come next year. JT

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Wow...soooo much to talk about (now that I have a minute to post).

- Golf carts. The ongoing comment throughout the whole match was..."these things are fun". If you came, and didn't get a golf cart...I think you missed out. If you did get a golf cart for the match...you should have seen what they would do after we figured out how to "make them go Major".

Here is how the 2004 Golf Cart Derby went...

After the shoot-offs on Sunday, when most of the shooters had left, a few of us sat around to tell lies and "cool off". After about my second port-a-potty break, I came back with the question to Tom..."how many beers would you have to drink before we could all jump in those golf carts and race them?".

Tom started to laugh...and laugh. That was all it took. About 6 guys jumped up and headed to the pits to pick out their carts.

It was on!

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After the shoot-offs on Sunday, when most of the shooters had left, a few of us sat around to tell lies and "cool off".  After about my second port-a-potty break, I came back with the question to Tom..."how many beers would you have to drink before we could all jump in those golf carts and race them?". 

So THAT'S what happens when the range staff leaves the range! :o:lol:;)

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Note: The results on the interm USPSA website have been updated to correct for a shooter listed in the wrong division.

Nastiest trick..... Tom Rayner locking me in a Port-O-Let by pulling his quad up against the door..... 

That was after you told him you thought your stage was going to run short on score sheets, right? :lol: And, he started to count them...got to about 60, then realized your where yanking his chain?

I liked when Gary Stivers got locked into the Port-O-Let, and little Josey blocked him in with his cart. Soon after, little Josey ran his cart into a ditch...and Gary started to chase him down for revenge. The chase proceeded thru the tall grass...all the sudden...Gary takes a header and disappears into the grass. Up he pops....only to go down again. LMAO!!

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(Stage 4 results)...but that might change if any of the GMs that have yet to shoot beat Kyle.

Ummm... :blink: Phil bested my 26 second run...by 5 seconds!

Kyle worked his butt off all day long, shepherding us through the stages, all the while shooting well. I have just one bit of advice to him: Double swingers are not generally disappearing targets!   

Yeah...leaving those two targets really hurt. Henning (running the timer on that one) felt pretty bad about having to give me the FTE's to go with the mike's. I certainly earned them though.

he was getting ready to shoot some of the auto-resetting steel to make sure it would function well for the shoot-offs.

Some might call that practicing (don't tell Phil and Turtle) wormsaw.gif

Jeff1911oh, I had a few "fubar's" that were a bit out of character. Looks like you put together a pretty good match.

BTW, i heard a rumour that Rayner's next monthly match will shoot the same stages...so anyone within 3 hours of Zanesville could shoot this great match for the 2nd time. Flex can maybe confirm or deny this rumour.

Sounds like it. Minus the classifier.

Stages looked deceptively simple until you started trying to figure out how to shoot them, a lot like some Single Stack Classics and Factory Gun Nats I've shot.

JT...I thought they turned out to be pretty tough shooting challenges. You seemed to handle them pretty well. ;)

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I really enjoyed this match. We were on a great squad. Got to see Mike Dame do some smoking runs. :D Everybody helped paste targets.

I got to meet some forum members. It was cool putting faces and real names to handles. ;)

I was happy with all my stages except for the Landing Craft. Had a couple of penalty mikes. <_<

For the people who think IPSC is all close range blasting; They ought to come to a match at Rayners. You have to be able to Shoot to compete here. B)

This will be on our schedule for next year. :D

Bill Nesbitt

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It was a great match and all the hype about the rain and mud must have been just to keep down the number of shooters. The weather was perfect. As for landing craft, I don't care about the six mikes, I called a shot in a match! I knew I hit the no shoot by the tree with the drop turner as I saw the sights lift! :lol:

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I had trouble, don't worry. I didn't have anywhere close to the fastest time on any stage, even the one I won. For my class, I'm really slow. But I've got a reputation for accuracy, and somewhere along the way the points added up. All the people from my club who shot it on Saturday told me it was my match to lose (no pressure!)

To anyone who wants to improve their accuracy, the way that worked for me was pinshooting. I've been shooting pins since two months before I ever shot an IPSC match, and still do it most of the year, including a league in the spring. If there's one thing you learn how to do with pins, it's fast aiming and trigger control under pressure--a four-inch-wide target at 25 feet is very unforgiving. You can't point-shoot a pin (although I forget a lot and still try).

BTW, on the Classifier(I know this maybe should be for another forum...but....), I hosed left and right targets, almost like a four-round burst each time (they're close and big, ignore the no-shoot), then slowed down for the center headshot. It FEELS faster, don't know if it is, but I can't complain about the results.

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Some might call that practicing (don't tell Phil and Turtle)

Practice or not, you're the man. You punked me out like Clint did Gene in Unforgiven! Good job. It was nice to meet you and hope to get to shoot with you in the future.

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Thanks Bill, but aparently they were not smokin enough, damn pro's. It was a pleasure shooting with you and Mike "the lurker", I know your out there :D

I only have 2 complaints about the match, I didn't have a Hosercam on "wrong door" and I missed out of the golf cart derby. When I saw the stage diagram I knew that door would be squirly but it takes on a whole new life when you actually shoot it.

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Congratulations on winning Revolver. I'm glad you made it. I don't think I have seen you and Sue all year.

Chad, you are right. the weather got better each day. It was a bit muggy on Friday (after the storm during Thrusday nite)...but, it got better as the day went on. Sunday was some of the best shooting weather I have ever seen.

AikiDale...he hates trees!!! ;):)

DVC247, I think you are on to something there. Pin shooters are some of the best shooters I know.

Turtle, I am really glad you and Team Strader (what is the team called again? ;)) made the match. You all are great ammbassadors for our sport.

I didn't get to see you shoot as much as I would have liked. I did see that Stage 6 run of yours...well executed!

Of course, Phil rocked us all. I have a feeling he would have liked a few more Alphas? And, he said he wasted at least one transition. I got to watch him shoot the stage with the "shakey bridge"...he had me beat even before he got on the bridge. Wish I had that one on film.

Ron Francisco...he seems rock solid. I'd call him James Bond 007, except he gets stirred (to performance), not shaken. I about came out of my shoes when the RO stopped him right after the BEEP on Stage 6 when that popper fell down. He simply stepped up and WON the stage...taking 10 points away from Tilley. Ron showed that same character in winning the shoot-offs.

And, Megan is an Alpha shooting machine. I didn't see her make any mistakes...she is going to be at the top before long.

Mike Dame, that door on Stage 2 sure is tough when you have to reload going into it!

Herky, Your up to ten post...better pace yourself now!!!

All of you made the match the great success that it was. Thanks for playing and having fun.

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Oh...I have to mention Chris Tilley. He and his brother (Mike) shot on Saturday...so I missed getting to see him shoot much (busy at my stage). Chris won Open (handily) and handled himself as a true gentleman (gave Mrs. Rayner a hug and thanked her for the match). And, so did his brother...even after going Minor at the chrono (sorry about that Mike).

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My compliments to the entire crew of the Buckeye Blast. It was my first major USPSA match in a while, and it was FUN.

I was able to make the top 5 in my division (so what if there were only 4 of us in Revolver :D ) The COF's were interesting for a wheel gunner. I had to approach some stages from a very different point of view then some other shooters. Fortunately, I did not run out of speedloaders and that was a good thing. (Stage 5: The Landing comes to mind) I came to shoot, spend time on the range with friends(and I spent lots of time on some of the COF's) and have a good time...and I got all that and more.

It was a pleasure, and I'm already planning on a return visit next year. (provided Flex forgives me for questioning him about his ability to operate a revolver)

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Had a great time at the Buckeye. As always the Rayner's did a great job. I learned a portent lesson this last weekend. Don’t go out on Fri night until who knows what hour and try to get up the next day and shot the match. Doing this is not a good thing.

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This was the first USPS shoot that I was at let alone ran our steel reactive targets at. All that I can say is this was the most fun I have had in a long time with my clothes on. The Rainer’s along with Kyle made me feel so welcome that I didn't want to leave. These new friends really gave me the shirt off their back; I can't wait to return the favor. Tom you changed my opinion of paper targets from being boring to challenging again, Thanks. I can’t wait to make it back down this Sunday to shoot it again. Hey Kyle I found a new way to make the golf carts go even faster for next time. Thanks to all who stopped at our both and gave us new ideas for targets and those who stopped and just chatted. The type of people that are drawn to this range just blew me away with their sense of humor and the way they carry themselves. Caroline I can’t believe how muck work you put into this and how well you keep everything thing going. Thanks again to everyone and I hope to see everyone there again next year, Brian Oldani (bulletcamp targets)

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