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Just got back. Fantastic match as usual, with awesome staff, stages and scenery. This was without a doubt a very good test of shooting skills.

I on the other hand shot the worst match of my life.... :(

90 penalty points in 9 stages...73...yes 73% of the possible match points....and a totally missed target (didn't even know it was there) on a nice 150 point stage. I don't know what the M stood for today....but it definetely wasn't Master. Next month...Indiana...I will have my revenge. ;)

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Jake, good to see you again at the Blast...Nik, BDH, Flex, Steve Anderson, Smoney, Bill Seevers and a few others...

What a match...was, too me, an accuracy match, and a tough one for open sight shooters. Lots of long range target, small steel far out, awesome pendulum swingers...just what we have come to expect the last three years for any match at Rayners Range!!

Virtually no rain, save for a drizzle while we shot Flex's favorite (Xmas). Then some nice hot sun...a rarity for us Saturday match shooters over the last few years. One of the better parts was BDH's commands to "enter the loading craft"...hehehe, what a hoot.

But no Seever dogs..... ;)

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The coolest eight day shooting period of the year concluded on Steve Anderson’s terrific stage “Choices” at the Buckeye Blast on Friday. The (long) week started at the really terrific Summer Blast last Friday; continued at our local club match on Sunday, with another hard fought C-class Production battle between fellow forum member KAL, a friend of ours, Phil, and myself; and ended on what has to be one of the prettiest ranges in the country --- Rayner’s in the middle of bucolic Ohio farm country. If you have the chance to shoot a match here --- go! It’s worth it for the scenery alone. The day started late --- at 11 a.m., because I was shooting with the staff following their 9 a.m. staff meeting. It was warm and humid ---- and by Buckeye standards apparently decidedly unmuddy. (By my Jersey sandpit standards there was mud ---- but not that much of it; I was almost disappointed --- after having seen pictures of Flex’s timer and gun following another Buckeye Blast.)

I had the good fortune to be squadded with the seemingly tireless Kyle Farris, who as embedded CRO ran most of us all day long, while putting up impressive scores; fellow forum member Doug Peters, the loudest and often fastest shooter on the squad; the Rayner’s elder son Jesse, who kicked my butt all day long, while helping Kyle with the R.O.ing duties; and some guy I used to see on Nationals videos who could shoot a little --- Henning Wallgren, who burned up L10 division with an E.A.A. witness. The weather and not wanting to look like a total buffoon in front of such exalted company were my biggest obstacles. Of course I managed that on Stage 4 in the middle of the afternoon --- where I decided that a recalcitrant popper that just wouldn’t fall to my 127.2 PF ammo just needed a bill drill to encourage it. When I had problems on the Texas star in the next port my mental game really took a dump --- I totally forgot to engage two paper targets and somehow managed to leave two poppers standing as well. The good news? I didn’t zero the stage! I eked out a .1978 hit factor --- good for 5.5 points out of 130 --- but that might change if any of the GMs that have yet to shoot beat Kyle.

The next stage found us in one of the coolest bays on the property --- where targets were tucked in among trees and other natural vision barriers. At a moment when my confidence was low following the stage 4 debacle, Steve Anderson came over to watch us shoot, and provided some much needed and calming affirmation of my stage plan. Thanks Steve!

The stages were cool and varied --- from the use of classic targets on Stage 1; to the door on Stage 2, that when opened activated a clamshell, a dropturner, and a swinger; to all that (many expletives deleted) steel that gave me so much trouble on Stage 4, to the International truck front end that deflected one of my should-a-been-a-miss rounds into just edging the B-zone perf on Stage 7; to the shaky bridge on Stage 8 that I liked so much that I was happy to get to shoot it twice because of a timer malfunction; to the inclusion of a classifier (99-35) XMAS, that I shot 30 percentage points better than the last time; to the use of so many disappearing targets that presented a very short opportunity to score some much needed extra points. When it was all over I was exhausted --- but I’d really like to shoot this entire match again. There’s not many matches that I’ve shot where I’d like a crack at the whole thing again --- I think that says something about the quality of the Buckeye Blast this year.

I’ve never seen so many Enosverse members in one place. Vluc and Tom Novak introduced themselves. Brian Hanna (BDH) started the eight days ROing me at the Summer Blast, and was on the squad behind ours at the Buckeye, trying to give Rhino a run for his money in complaining about his lack of shooting ability. At one point he was almost entertaining offers for his limited gun, by the end of the day though he seemed to be having fun. Steve Anderson shot more guns than anyone --- he was manning the chrono --- and commented that I had the softest shooting Limited gun in the match, not really surprising since it was a 127.2 PF minor 9mm. He also designed one of the best freestyle long stages I've ever shot. Henning was an absolute joy to watch shoot --- incredibly smooth, and therefore fast, he also provided an incredible lesson on gaming a start position. Doug Peters shot fast and loud --- never has the dark side felt more alluring than watching him shoot. Jesse’s little brother Josey provided the comic relief racing golf carts around the range as if they only had two speeds ---- *thumb rest [generic]* floored or stopped. When someone asked him if he’d crashed the golf cart yet, he answered: “Not this one!” Kyle worked his butt off all day long, shepherding us through the stages, all the while shooting well. I have just one bit of advice to him: Double swingers are not generally disappearing targets! :lol::lol::D:D When last seen --- just before I poured my totally exhausted self into the truck to head for home --- he was getting ready to shoot some of the auto-resetting steel to make sure it would function well for the shoot-offs. I don’t know where he gets the energy ---- it seems like he’s the only one who figured out how to hold on to all the excess energy kids have.

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Did anyone else notice the "Trunk Monkey Area" signs on US 23 around Marion? :huh:

The match was great, no huge stage backups, lots of hard shoots and there was just enough rain to officially call it the Buckeye Blast. I bet the owners of the Old Market Inn and Tumbleweeds are trying to wonder where all the extra rowdly folks came from. I just wish Mr Wallgren had stayed in Open Division, thanks for the reality check Henning :wacko: .

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It was a great match and I truly enjoyed RO'ing. Saw some familiar faces and met some new ones that Kyle spends so much time on here talking to! ;):D Mink, sorry you didn't make it out...I saw that you planned to a couple months back.

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awesome match.... .. didn't do so good though. first match of any kind this year...not pretty.

i'd like to thank everyone that put on the match, they all did a great professional job. .. weather was great. diddn't even feel like the buckeye blast!

i thought BDH yelled "board" the loading craft... for those of us with amplified ear muffs it rang in out head clear through the stage :D

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Finals results are up on USPSA's website.

Chris gave us a lesson in Open. Phil, flat out kick butt in Limited (go figure). Of the stages I shot well...Phil smoked me/them like a cheap cigar.

Fantastic weather today. Great weather for shooting...and shoot-offs. Not to mention the the after-hours golf-cart rally!!! (Glad we had Brian from "Bullet Camp Targets" to rig the governors on the carts for "freestyle racing"! ;)

More later...

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Thanks to the Rayner family for camping privledges. And BIG thanks to all the match staff that put on a fantastic match.

Nice to meet many of you BE'rs!

Funny how a couple of whiz-bang GM's can give shooting skills a reality check!!!!

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Thanks to the Rayner family for camping privledges.  And BIG thanks to all the match staff that put on a fantastic match.

ditto. challenging and fun match. very cool setup for the shootoffs.

Funny how a couple of whiz-bang GM's can give shooting skills a reality check!!!!

i had a few reality checks myself...from a turtle (production winner), a texas star and a triangle (XMAS stage) :wacko:

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It was a great match and I truly enjoyed RO'ing. Saw some familiar faces and met some new ones that Kyle spends so much time on here talking to! ;):D Mink, sorry you didn't make it out...I saw that you planned to a couple months back.

I had to do a double take to realize who this was! I wanted to make it, but couldn't.

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I think that the golf cart (governors zip tied to WFO) racing was quite possibly the most fun I've had in my adult life. ;)

There's nothing quite like careening down a slick-with-dew rifle range hill at the very edge of control and looking up to see three perfectly executed 180 brake slides from the other speed crazed nutjobs.

We didn't hit any dogs (in spite of my intense paranoia, I'm a big time dog-lover) We didn't kill or injure any Rayners or property, and my hipsy dance off of the front of my cart only hurt my pride. (it's very difficult to Riverdance in the confined space of the floor of a golf cart)

As for the match...

I worked Chrono on Friday, and stage 6 on Saturday. On the chrono side...I have always been a proponent of "your gear is good enough" and I still believe that...but I guess I should include the caveat: "but you will be disadvantaged by shooting a 190 power factor load with a 14 lb. trigger and a 72 lb. recoil spring."

Most of the limited guns shot about the same, Henning's was my favorite for a while until I shot more full dustcover Sti's and SV's.

The open guns were all pretty similar too, and they reaffirmed my love for my Caspian. :wub:

I was squadded with Phil Strader and his crew on Sunday and had a great time with them. Phil doesn't get enough respect in this game. He is the man.

Ron Francisco was also on the squad, and impressed me quite a bit, as did his sig. other Meagan, who shot the best points of our entire squad.

Chris Tilley was there, and I wish I could have seen im shoot more than stage 6. His command of shooting on the move is incredible. Also, keep your eye on Brad Balsley, he reminds me of Blake Miguez from 2 years ago...

As for Me, I showed the squad where to do half an extra reload on stage two. I didn't bother to finish the reload, just proceeded to open a door that activated a universe of activating targets, dancing girls, neon signs and singing choirs with exactly one round in my gun. That was a great learning experience for me, and taught me a great lesson about stage prep and the danger of stage over-prep.

I shot very well on several stages and had a great time. These stages were deceptively challenging, possibly the most challenging match I've ever shot.

We in Ohio are truly lucky to be able to shoot at this beautiful property twice a month.

BTW, i heard a rumour that Rayner's next monthly match will shoot the same stages...so anyone within 3 hours of Zanesville could shoot this great match for the 2nd time. Flex can maybe confirm or deny this rumour.

It was great to meet and see everybody, I look forward to the next one!


(btw, I just realized why I did that half-load...we shoot a stage like that at most of our local matches there, and a reload is usually required at or after that door. It probably speaks to habit and subconscious that I wanted to load there.)

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vluc/smoney, come on guys, you KNOW I am a stickler for proper range commands. I would NEVER give an inappropriate range command on a stage. :D If someone yelled 'BOARD THE LANDING CRAFT' at the top of their lungs, it must have been someone other than me! :lol:

Nik, you're right, I had another really tough match. Part of it was that I am trying to follow SA and Flex's advice to take off the RO hat, and put on the Shooter hat more often. It is really hard for me to do both well. I had two new guys (friends of mine) on my squad that I was having to keep an eye on, and then when I had another guys gun go full auto, well..... let's just say I was pretty much back in RO mode, and my scores reflect that. :( BTW, I didn't sell my limited gun although I had offers of both $50, and $75 for it!! :P

Overall, a great match and I appreciate most everyone introducing themselves to me. I am pretty much whipped after the Summer Blast and then the Buckeye (and can NOT believe I leave for the 3 Gun Nats in less than 48 hours.... :blink: ), but I did have fun at the Buckeye. ;)

Funniest thing said to me on my stage....... following my 'BOARD THE LANDING CRAFT' command..... someone turned, saluted, and said 'aye, aye, Captain!' :lol:

Biggest disappointment...... sending someone home on his first stage with a full auto pistol. We insisted he shoot one of our guns, and he tried, but wasn't use to a light mag release spring, and kept dumping mags so he gave up. He came in all the way from Vegas..... :(

Nastiest trick..... Tom Rayner locking me in a Port-O-Let by pulling his quad up against the door..... :huh:

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Great match, weather, and people. It was a challenging match with many distance and hard shots. There were 2 stages I would love to run over and over for fun.

Bad performance from Dayton shooter. :D:rolleyes::blink:

Gary pretty sure results on uspsa sre final results

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Funniest thing said to me on my stage....... following my 'BOARD THE LANDING CRAFT' command..... someone turned, saluted, and said 'aye, aye, Captain!'  :lol:

That was me.... :D...and I regretted not promoting you to Admiral before I shot that stage.....

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I had a great time due in large part to the very friendly RO staff. Thanks for a great match!

The high point for me was no procedurals and only a few misses here and there.

The low point was watching my squad mate get DQ'ed for breaking the 180. I had a few failures to feed but these are nothing compared to being sent home :mellow: .

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