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S&W Winter Match - seemed like lots of DQs


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I can only speak for myself but the stages were very good. I walked out at 1830hrs with 5 stages left and a 2.5hr ride ahead of me. I ride alone and I had been up since 4AM. Started 90 minutes late and the way the match was run caused delays like I have never seen before. I have only missed 2 of these matches since 1999 and will not go back.

My 4" 625 will have a 5" barrel in 2 weeks. Anybody want to buy night sights, pm me

Please let the MD know your concerns about the match, it can only make it better next year. It doesn't do anybody any good to bitch about what you didn't like on here. Craig is a member on here but this isn't the place to do it.

I shot on the Friday PM squad. Were there delays....Yes, no more than any other match I have attended. I have never organized a match of this size, but I am sure it is much more difficult that most of can imagine. I applaud the crew for a job well done.

If people followed the rules in the rule book and S&W's range rules, I would suspect a vast majority of theses DQ would not have happened

I experienced nothing at this match that would prevent me from attending again.

I do not agree that " It doesn't do anybody any good to bitch about what you didn't like on here" In fact it does me plenty of good. I was planning on attending this match but opted out for the Florida Open instead. Sounds like i made a good decision and i will definitely remember this post when deciding which matches to attend next year. My personal opinion is that this is EXACTLY the place to air the laundry. You are not going to read about match problems in the magazines or on the limited "Outdoor channel" coverage....... Like i said its my personal opinion.. i definitely could be wrong... i have been plenty in the past!!!

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General Observation here:

Pretty much every major match I have ever attended, or read about has some people that say they will never be back. I am sure these are sincere people with issues they perceive to be insurmountable, and aren't just doing it for affect. Yet the same matches keep filling up and keep getting bigger and better every year, and keep churning out great shooting experiences for the majority.

I'm not sure I would not go to a match because of something a few people wrote. There are probably 99% of the shooters that had a perfectly great time, but just don't write much about it.



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I had a great time and thought the match was excellent. It seems some people are upset that a match actually adhered to the rules and held the competitors accountable. Others are upset that there were minor delays. I don't see how shooting 13-14 stages in about 5 hrs can be anything to complain about. That's pretty quick if you ask me.

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Congrats on your great finish at the Nationals by the way!

You were only 13.2 seconds away from being promoted to ESP-Master! Nice job!

Thanks for the compliment. I'm working on it. Unfortunately having my head up my rear with two non-threats and two Mike's on easy targets kept me from getting bumped up. But the guy who finished first is a very good shooter and has had many near misses himself. He deserves to get promoted. Take care.

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I can only speak for myself but the stages were very good. I walked out at 1830hrs with 5 stages left and a 2.5hr ride ahead of me. I ride alone and I had been up since 4AM. Started 90 minutes late and the way the match was run caused delays like I have never seen before. I have only missed 2 of these matches since 1999 and will not go back.

My 4" 625 will have a 5" barrel in 2 weeks. Anybody want to buy night sights, pm me

You did not state what day or time you shot but as a working SO for this match I can clearly state that there was no chance to you were squaded on a morning squad and left at 1830 hours with 5 stages left to shoot. If you shot on Saturday, the day of a 2.5 hour delay from the AD, and left at 1830 i'm not sure how you still had 5 stages left as I am pretty sure that we were finished and back at the match hotel by 1915 hrs. Maybe I am remembering wrong. You also stated the the "Stages were very good"

On another note, your sig says that you are both an RO and a SO instructor so you of all people understand the need for complete understanding of all Cof's by every competitor proir to actually "making ready" and shooting a stage. To give every competitor an equal and fair chance we made sure that there was complete and absolute understanding of our stage before any competitor started on the clock. With that we only had 2 instances where another squad showed up before our current squad was completed. And that was in 3 days of shooting.



Edited by doncannon
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My comments on the match.

No shows, I'm not surprised. The weather for my drive up was terrible and I nearly turned around twice. I'm glad I made

it but driving that far in that kind of weather, I'm sure a lot of people decided not to risk it.

Equipment DQ's. RIF... reading is fundamental. The rulebook is very clear on what you can and can't do to your gun.

Your gun weighs too much or your safety doesn't work you're out. As for letting people finish the match for fun after their

guns were deemed not within the rules, well that's the MD's call. Nowhere in the rulebook does it say that a gun with a

disabled grip safety is unsafe, only that it is a disallowed modification. I think letting the shooter finish the match for fun

is well within the spirit of fair play given the expense of shooting the match.

Chrono... 25+ years of pistol competition and I don't think I've ever attended a major match where someone didn't

complain about the chrono procedures. Most will pass, a few won't. General unhappiness ensues.

Hot range Cold bays or what? I don't know, the SO's gave me some instructions, I followed them. It all seemed pretty simple

to me Thursday morning.

The Courses of Fire. I liked them. I know how hard it is too design good stages for an indoor match. Angles and safe

backstops really limit what you can and can't do. I think all involved did a good job designing and presenting the stages.

I wish I had done a better job shooting them. :) The standards were tough but doable. The speed stages were straightforward and there were some stages that used a lot of props to set the tone, like the house in the main range. Running a match is a careful balancing act, you want to give the shooter a challenging set of stages, but at the same time you have a limited amount of time to do it in.

Stage Two. I was sorry to see stage two get tossed, then again I understand completely why they did it. I was one of

(I think the first) shooter to get hit by a bullet bouncing back. It hit me in the face, directly on the left lens of my shooting

glasses; here they are, immediately after I finished the stage...


No match director EVER likes to toss a stage. No matter how good the reason it ends up upsetting some of the shooters but

when safety is a factor there is no choice.

I'll be back next year (but shooting a real gun:) ).

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Yikes!!! We you wearing glass lenses for safety on a range, or did plastic break like that? I doubt polycarbonate safety rated lenses would have broken from splatter. It's also worth considering some with side shields in case the splatter whacks you when you are not looking straight down range.

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Yikes!!! We you wearing glass lenses for safety on a range, or did plastic break like that? I doubt polycarbonate safety rated lenses would have broken from splatter. It's also worth considering some with side shields in case the splatter whacks you when you are not looking straight down range.

They are plastic lens. The second shot I fired came straight back at me. It was a full bullet, not splatter. Funny thing is, all the energy was used up breaking the lens, I was not cut, not even a bruise, although the impact was pretty hard.


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They are plastic lens.

The only reason I know what I'm about to say is that I recently did the research for an article on military protective eyewear. The problem with plastic lenses, from a using-them-as-shooting-glasses standpoint, is that if you hit them hard enough they'll shatter, just like glass. The polycarbonate used in quality, shooting-specific protective eyewear won't.

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Couple of years back we had a bullet come back from the backstop at an indoor range. There was range personel fixing one of the target return motors, and it hit him on the side of the nose, right next to the glasses. Raised a big welt.

He went home.

He never came back.

That picture has got to be the poster child for getting shooter's rated glasses!

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