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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Dan Carter


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Dan there's tons of exercises you can do at home. Start out with something simple like push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Then in your *spare time* look for some other exercises to mix it up. Dont forget burpees, lunges, squats, none of which require any weights or eqpt. to do at home. :)

Excellent point Chris.

The list is nearly endless...varying types of lunges, squats, etc.

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I haven't added anything to this diary in a while cause I didn't want to jinx myself. I have been working out since last Monday. Everyone in the house is healthy again and I thought it was time to get back into it before I run out of time. You are correct Chris and I am taking it to heart. I will be doing what I can at the gym and doing other things while at home and work. So if I don't get to the gym I can keep from losing a day. I have court tomorrow and will be going to the F.O.P. to get a key to the gym there. That way I can workout even at night. I have never even seen this gym and I am hoping it also has room to get some dry fire in as well. Our club is putting on another beginners course in March and it is almost full. I have been busy getting that all organized for the past few weeks. We will probably put on another about mid-way through the season. This translates into a lot of new shooters at our matches. Our first match in 2009 saw 88 shooters (a club record) all because of these classes. I have taken over as MD this year and still have a lot to learn about being one. I have a bunch of great people helping so I'm sure I'll be fine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been very busy lately and haven't had time to post much. I did get that key for the F.O.P. gym and have been putting it to good use. I haven't been doing a lot of dry fire (no excuse)but I have been very busy with my new position as MD for our club. I have 2 beginners classes set up with 25 students per class and I've been working on a special level 1 match for our May match. This special match will be like any level 2 match with just some minor differences. Because this is a level 1 match we will be allowing shooters who are NOT USPSA members. The reason for this is several fold. First, our club gets a lot of new shooters and we would like to impart to them that you do not need to be a GM to shoot in a major match. Second, this match will take place the month after our special classifier match and the hope is that we can get some of those new shooters interested in joining USPSA before that match so we can help with boosting membership.

I have been busy with getting all of this set up from port-a-johns to score sheets and making sure we don't go over budget. I will be posting information about the match and a sign up form in about a week. I just have a few more hoops to jump through before I post but I want to give people enough time to sign up so things need to get moving.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been too long since I have posted in my own range diary but things have been a little unreal lately. I got my car back from the shop about a week ago after $2700.00 worth of work. Maybe I should have bought a new car! Anyway, I have also been busy getting the 2 beginners courses set up for 2010 as well as working on the Buckeye Challenge. We will have our last big planning meeting this Saturday and get all the little odds and ends tied up so we can have a good match. I haven't been doing a lot of working out either. I have no excuse. I am going to try to start doing something starting tonight. I really need to watch what I am eating and get beck on track to where I want to be. My first major match will probably be the Area 6 and I am hoping to improve on last years performance by having my sight secured to the pistol this time. :angry2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I can't believe how these last few weeks have just gone by. I am so busy it is not even funny. I now have 2 full beginners courses set up for March and April, a classsifier match also for April, 2 major matches to go to in April and setting up for a match in May that should be a level 2 match. I'm also studying for two promotional exams. One this weekend and one in 3 weeks. I really don't want to be a supervisor but it means a lot more money and more time off to go shooting. My scheduling skills leave a little to be desired. I'm going to miss the Battle in the Bluegrass because I set up the first beginners course on the same weekend and the second beginners course is on the same weekend as the Area 6. I'm not going to miss the Area 6 so I guess my fellow teachers are going to have to run that one without me. I have to get back to the books.

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Dang DJ, you are busy!!! Good luck on the promotion search. BTW if you get it how about making me a special deputy? Police creds might make getting my dream G18 more likely!!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the my first match of my 2010 season at MRPC Sunday. It was also my first match as MD. I had a great time even though I didn't have my normal squad. I didn't even get to speak to some of the folks I haven't seen in 5 months. I have a few administrative issues to work out so our matches will run a little smoother in the future but for a rain soaked match we had a good turn out.

I felt very solid and only had 1 no penalty mike for the match. I was happy with the way I performed and noticed just a few little things that I could do to reduce some of my times. I am getting ready for the Indiana SS/Prod/Rev match and the Area 6 in April. I just hope it doesn't snow in Indi like last year. I'm bringing a coat no matter what this time. :roflol:

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For my first match of 2010 I'm pretty happy. I still would like to have seen PB run stage 4. He beat me by a good 5 seconds and I thought I was doing great. Guess I could work on a few things. Easter kind of killed any chance of a match this weekend but I have the Indiana SS/PROD/Revo match this weekend and Area 6 the following weekend as well as our classifier match the weekend after that. I should be getting a shipment of ammo from FGW while I'm at the Area 6 so I will be coming home with more ammo than I went to the match with for once. I need to get my basement cleaned out so I can set up a space to reload. I've had this 550 for going on 2 years now and it hasn't seen one bit of use yet. Kind of sad!

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I still would like to have seen PB run stage 4. He beat me by a good 5 seconds and I thought I was doing great.


Fast forward to 13 seconds Dan. Although I did not see how you shot it, I can tell you that I beat you on two things:

-Shooting stuff while the activator is doing its thing. After I hit the activating popper I hit the other popper and the static before shooting the dropper. Then at the second position I shot the lower static before shooting the two traps (although looking at the video I could have shot both statics).

-The second part was crushing the Texas Star. Since that position required 8 shots, you had a max of 11 before doing a standing reload. Manny Bragg says that each extra shot costs you 1% so....

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Just got back from the Indiana SS/Prod/Rev match. I had a great time as always. The weather was fantastic and the squad was a great bunch. I had a few really good stages but one good stage does not make a match be. I need to work on calming down and calling shot a little better. Of the 3 Mikes I had for this match all of them were wide open pepper poppers that I thought I had called good hits. On one occassion, if I had seen it, I could have easily picked up the miss but I didn't notice until I had already finished. I'm looking forward to going to the Area 6 and making sure I keep my head from the first shot to the last.

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Well Area 6 is history and I had a great time with my squad. I don't think I could have put together a greater bunch of people for a squad. The match staff was fantastic as always.

I went to this match trying NOT to try so hard and it turns out that that may have been a what I needed. After a not so good showing at the Indiana SS/Prod/Rev match I needed to have a good match to kind of boost my confidence. I went the entire match with no penalties and no Mikes until the second to last shot on our last stage. I had told several people while doing the walk through not to track the swinger and what did I do......I tracked the swinger. BANG....No shoot! I made up the shot but it hurt not to have it happen so close to the end. Looks like I took 3rd "B" class which I didn't expect at all.

I now have ammo that should shoot a little lighter so maybe I can get out of "B" class hell and move on to "A" this weekend at our classifier match. I'll just have to see how I do.

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I can't remember anything after that! I just had a very strong urge for wings when I left Sunday. I can't understand why. :roflol:

After looking back on it maybe I should have bought a Hooters T-shirt.

Edited by dcarter
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Dan, you shot well buddy. I picked up a few tidbits from you during the match. Hell, I even shot the same no shoot you did for my only one of the match as well. Thanks alot!! :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had a lot of time to add to my diary but I have to say that with everything going on it's been busy to say the least.

We are now done with the 2 beginners courses and 2 matches at our club including our classifier match. Chris has been doing a bang up job on scores (as always) and I am slowly working out the kinks in my ability to run a match. My shooting ability hasn't been suffering apparently. I ended Area 6 as 3rd "B" (16th in production). Came in 2nd to PB on my first local match of the year and won HOA in production for the classifier match. I had a couple of stages that will push me a little closer to the elusive "A" class I've been wanting. For now I am knee deep in planning the Buckeye Challenge and getting things in order for that. We are also putting on our first Level 1 RO course later this year. All-in-all it has been a busy first year as MD. I would still like to learn how to fully use EasyWinScore so I have the ability in case Chris isn't around. He has tried to teach me but I need to do it a few times to get it all down. Looking forward to shooting the Area 5, Indiana sectional and Area 8 in the future. I may also throw in a Western PA and/or Kentucky section if time and funds permit.

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