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Dan Carter


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For the rest of this week it is just cardio....Tredmill or eliptical. Starting Monday I will start with an upper body workout including bench press (both flat and inclined), arm curls and extensions, lat pull downs and crunches. I will also work in shoulder work now and then as well. Tuesday I will do a lower body workout including squats, leg extensions, standing calf lift and laying leg curls. I need to build up larger muscle groups to help burn off the fat! I will continue with the cardio everyday.

I got 30 minutes in today but I missed yesterday. As was stated before "Life" happens. My sister was in an auto accident yesterday and was taken to the hospital. She is fine but is going to be sore for a while. While checking her MRI for possible injury they discovered a "growth" in her neck so she is going to see a specialist in a few days. This accident may have been a blessing in disguise. We will see what the doctors say.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your sister. She will be in our prayers.

Cardio every day. Now that is dedication. I can only make myself do that every 3rd day. The upper body weights I love to do. That will really help with reciol control. It won't be long and your arms will be holding the muzzle down just like a comp without any effort.

Squats I shy away from. Already had one hernia operation and I do not want to go through that again.

A suggestion that is often overlooked that really helps with shooting. Deltoid work and grip strengther's.

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Thanks guys. My sister called today. She is going to be ok as far as the accident goes and like I said this may have been a blessing in disguise. If they caught this "growth" this soon she may have a better chance of getting it taken care of.

As far as the grip strength I work on that on a daily basis in my car and at home. I have 2 of them and put them in places I can use them the most.

Any ideas for a workout on the delts?

Edited by dcarter
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Thanks guys. My sister called today. She is going to be ok as far as the accident goes and like I said this may have been a blessing in disguise. If they caught this "growth" this soon she may have a better chance of getting it taken care of.

As far as the grip strength I work on that on a daily basis in my car and at home. I have 2 of them and put them in places I can use them the most.

Any ideas for a workout on the delts?

I do front, side and rear dumbell raises. I tend to pause longer when level with my shoulder doing front raises since that closely simulates the position my arms are in when shooting.

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Cool I can work that in.

I just got back from the gym after doing 40 minutes on the eliptical and some arm curls and extensions. I added 10 minutes to my cardio today because I missed it the day before. I will keep doing a little more than planned until I make up the time lost. I'm not letting one day go by without doing something to improve myself or my shooting. I'm still trying to get all of my starting wieghts figured out so I don't kill myself in the first few days. I always feel like I've done something after my workout and it feels good. I have my class tomorrow with Bob Vogel and I am really looking forward to it. The only problem is that I will be just getting off of work and may need a few energy drinks to make it through the day. Wish me luck!

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Don't know if you have tried the FRS energy drinks/chews but they really help me when my butt is dragging and they aren't a sugar high.

Tried them? I've never even heard of them. I'll have to look into that.

Just got back from the class with Bob Vogel. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. The biggest help may have come with my grip. I have read a lot of books and seen a lot of videos but having someone stand there and show you how it all works is easier to learn from. I now need to add all this info into my dry fire drills when I start doing them in ernest. A big thanks to Bob for coming out to show us so much and to the people in the class for helping to set up the stages and setting up after each student.

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8 hours of work, 3 hours at court and 40 minutes doing cardio. I was going to start wieght lifting this week but I'm going to delay for one more week. I want to get my list of exercises and a way to track myself all worked out before I start. Next Monday for sure.

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Just a thought but when I am stuck at trials I'll go out every once in a while and run a quick set of stairs in the courthouse. Not enough to get stanky and drenched in sweat but just enough to get the heart moving a bit and a short bit of leg work in. Besides, how long can you sit and look at the same damn pictures out in the hallway?

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Replacing the extractor can be a pain. Expect to break punches, they are usually in there pretty good!

I'm going to take it to the department range staff. They should be able to do it with no problem and if something should break they have the parts to fix it.

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Got my lifting schedule all worked out and wil start this Monday. I got 30 minutes of cardio in yesterday and will get another workout in again today as soon as my wife gets back from parent/teacher conferences. I will be attending the Miami Rifle and Pistol club dinner this Saturday where I will pick up my award for first place production shooter for our club. That makes 2 years in a row and I'm going for a 3rd.

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Thanks guys. My sister called today. She is going to be ok as far as the accident goes and like I said this may have been a blessing in disguise. If they caught this "growth" this soon she may have a better chance of getting it taken care of.

As far as the grip strength I work on that on a daily basis in my car and at home. I have 2 of them and put them in places I can use them the most.

Any ideas for a workout on the delts?

Sorry it took so long to get back.

Deltoid workouts suck. They are hard to do, takes a lot to get any results. From sitting on a the weight bench straddling it. weights in each hand. Raise your arms straight out to your sides till they are shoulder level, hold for a second then lower slowly. (hold the weights so that when they are raised they are vertical, not horizontal. More like your shooting grip) 8-10 reps. 3 sets.

With weights at sides raise one arm straight out in front of you till shoulder level, hold for a second then lower. Alternate back and forth between arms. 8-10 reps 3 sets.

Do not do the same workout very long continuously change it up. I seem to plateau very quickly if i do the same workout over and over. Change from high weight low reps to low weight high reps. 3 sets to 4 or down to 2 sets with the last set continue until you cannot lift anymore. Keep mixing it up.

Monster seems to be the best energy drink for me. Red or green.

Hope your sister is doing well.

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Thanks Mike and Micah. I have had a tough couple of days and I didn't get to do my cardio workouts or eat the way I should so I feel like I just cheated on my wife or something. I just got back from my clubs annual meeting and had a good time. I will get back on track with my workouts tomorrow or Monday. I have a match tomorrow at MRPC and Oxford the following Sunday and I am done for the next few months.

The plan: 1) Workout 6 days a week. Cardio everyday and alternate upper and lower body wieght lifting every other day.

a) While watching what I eat. So far this has not been as big a problem as I thought it was going to be.

B) Tracking progress on my calendar and making up for lost workouts as needed.

2) Starting in late December or early January I will start dry fire practice every other day. This will more than likely will be the most difficult to do unless I find a good place to practice.

3) Live fire ( or F.A.T.S. training) when possible.

a) Using drills from Steve Andersons books and tracking my progress.

As of today I am 1 1/2 hours behind on my cardio and will be making it up 10 to 20 minutes at a time in the next week. Instead of doing 30 minutes I will do 40 to 50 minutes.

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I had a great time shooting the last MRPC match of the year. We even added one stage for a total of 6 for this match. I had another of my failure to extract malfunctions on stage 6 and it cost me big time. I can NOT let this continue! I have a training day at my department range next month. I'm going to get our guys to look at it and see what they can do. If I am still not sure the problem has been fixed I will send it to Dan B and see if he can help. I did not get my workout in today. I was just too darn tired but I have my clothes in the car for an early morning workout tomorrow. I really feel bad if I don't get at least my cardio in. Hey Micah, I hit the same purf you did on that no shoot on stage 6. I'm starting to think about majors again for next year and have 2 in April that I want to go to so I don't have a lot of time to start getting things done. I don't want to get to March and find that I don't have the time to get things done. The time is now.

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Well, just like last year, my workout plan has fallen off. I am not eating the way I wanted and I haven't been to the gym in a month. I was so charged to make 4 months in a row and I only got to 1 before life got the better of me. We only have so many hours in a day and I'm just running out of them. With work, court, kids, details (to pay for Christmas) and my wife I just don't have enough time. My scheduled workout time has turned into me driving my 4 year old to pre-school if I don't already have court and if I do then I am picking her up on the way home. I told myself that I wouldn't let anything get in my way this time but I still have responsibilities that I can't just blow off. I am going back to the gym tomorrow and start over again with the cardio. Maybe I can keep it going this time.

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Portion control, the times I eat and what I eat are all problems. I have to learn to make my food in advance because the only thing to eat at 3:00 am is White Castles or Mcdonalds. I was doing fine for a while then ran out of time to even make my meals. I'm going to do what I can.

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Try to always skip the fries, and no colas. Drink water. The bonus is it's free!! :)

Free is good. I always have a bottle of water with me. You never know when your going to get stuck on a crime scene or accident scene for hours. :wacko:

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I read once that how you look is more than 80% what you eat. (hence the reason I am fat)!.

You can eat acceptably at Mcdonalds...just get a grilled chicken sand with tomato and onion and dont eat the bread for example. Drink more than a gallon of water per day...closer to 2 would be better.

While not easy, the formula is easy...you have to burn more energy (calories) than you take in. And the better you eat, the easier that will be to accomplish.

Another suggestion, run your dryfire sessions like we did in the academy, insert sets of pushups, situps, jumping jacks, seal kicks, etc into the routine.

That and hit the gym every time you can...it will become part of your routine if you keep at it.

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Dan there's tons of exercises you can do at home. Start out with something simple like push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Then in your *spare time* look for some other exercises to mix it up. Dont forget burpees, lunges, squats, none of which require any weights or eqpt. to do at home. :)

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