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The attitudes our young folks have these days


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So, I have a student that withdrew last week and then returned today. In making conversation with him I asked what had happened at the new school. His response was that he did not have to explain himself to me like I was dirt on his shoe. Did I mention this was a 10 year old?

Edited by Fireant
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Yeah, these new trends are disturbing. I could never have gotten away with that kind of behavior when I was ten. It hasn't always been like that though.

"When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of

elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint."

--- Hesiod, Eighth Century B.C.

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I can remember when I was about 5 years old my Dad told me to do something, I can't remember what, but I said, "I'll do it when I get good and ready". OOOOHHHH Big mistake.

My Dad, who I was standing next to, snatched me up by the hair of my head and held me straight out at arms length. I remember hollering, I'm good and ready !! I'm good and ready!! :roflol:

I never smarted off to him like that the REST OF MY LIFE !

I think more kids today could stand a "dose" of discipline.

Edited by baerburtchell
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Another reason I could never teach school
Well, I do teach school. Times are changing. Maybe I am just a cynical, burned out, old fart, but it seems to me like education has evolved into the most dysfunctional institution in the country. :unsure: Edited by Ron Ankeny
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Nate, I agree there. I was going to edit my post to say the attitudes of some of our young folks. I'm afraid the really good ones are getting fewer and fewer :( But I am looking for them everyday, and hoping to steer some in that direction.

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Nate, I agree there. I was going to edit my post to say the attitudes of some of our young folks. I'm afraid the really good ones are getting fewer and fewer :( But I am looking for them everyday, and hoping to steer some in that direction.

You should have been at the Jr. Camp last weekend. It was very refreshing to be around so many respectful and courtious young people. Every one of them were great kids. Well done Moms and Dads!



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A slightly related example...

A few years ago, we were having problems with a 14 y/o step-daughter...the usual "FU, I'm grown up enough and will do what I want"...to include skipping school, shoplifting, bad mouthing teachers,stealing money from Mom's purse, etc, etc., ad nauseum. I had warned her before that my belt would be off my pants and on her backside right quick if she didn't straighten out. She threatened to call Dept. of Children and Families if we touched her, and continued on her path of wanton destruction. She didn't, and I did as I had promised...consistency counts. She told one of her equally snotty friends, who did the evil deed of placing an anonymous phone call.

DCF shows up at my door the next day with a deputy, asked what occurred, and threatened to have the wife and I arrested for child abuse. Thankfully {or not} we were well acquainted with said deputy, as he had helped us track the errant waif down a few times prior.

Apparently I made my point quite clear and after the eyeball rolling deputy pulled Mrs. DCF dragon aside for a private conference, the evil step-child was ordered off to 3X/week counseling. As it turned out, a little more belt would've gotten her attention a tad faster.

Pretty shady times when the little heathens KNOW they can get John Law on your back for doing what needs to be done.I did my best to instill decent values.

Fast forward 6 years later, and the waif has enlisted, gotten married, and made me a grandfather. Apparently Mr. Leather left enough of a mark in the end. Literally.

I have no idea how HS teachers can stand it today... I'd be locked up quicker than you could say "CONTACT".

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I simply refuse to respect the authority of any AGENCY to tell me how to rear my kids. The way I discipline them is my own damn business and best of luck to anyone who dares interfere. Our modern society has totally F'd this one up - I blame the liberal, anything goes BS attitude that's so prevalent nowadays. It DOESN'T take a damn village to raise a child, only parents who aren't afraid to choose the hard right over the easy wrong.

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As a police officer, I'm amazed at the number of calls we get periodically where mom says...."I can't get my 8 or 10 yr. old to mind me.....or he/she won't go to school today......"

I think it has a lot to do with the parents not standing up to their children at an early age and showing them who is the boss.

I could go on for a while, but I need more coffee..... :mellow:

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Don't get us cops started......

The 10 year old who was growing pot in his room.

Mom and step dad call us and mom is beside herself because she doesn't know what to do.

The clue was when she knocked on the door to his rom and said "Joshua? The police are here."

To which Joshua replied :"So what!"

When he opend the door finally he had the attitude of one who is well aware of the fact that theres really not too much we can do to a 10 year old no matter how many little pot plants he has on his windowsill.

Mom asks me what do I do?

I say "Lady I'm sorry but its too late.

This kid is lost already. His bio father is a dealer and is where he got the pot seeds from.

But if you want to try the first thing you do is you go get your tools and take the door to his room off.

If he don't like that send him to live with his shithead drug dealing father. Daddy won't want him around. Daddy only likes having Josh around once in a while now because its his way of tweaking you by farging up your son. WHen he realizes that little Josh is here to stay he'll be calling you to come and take the little dumpling home because he can't handle raising a carbon copy of himself.

So he'll be back to you soon enough.

Make it clear he lives in YOUR house and he'd better follow the rules or its not going to be as much fun anymore. Just realize that you waited too long to crack the whip with this one but if you want to try and save him its going to be a long drawn out war and not a quick decisive battle."

I never wanted to smack a kid in the head as much as I did little Josh.

The comforting thought at the time was that if Josh is typical of the youth we deal with and mom follows suit I will get ample opportunities to smack Josh in the head in the coming years as he grows up and starts driving.

Ahhhh.....law enforcement...you gotta love it.


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A few thoughts:

My dad was Navy enlisted WWII/Korea - got through college on the GI bill. Mom was the oldest of 9 in a very strict Irish Catholic farm family - got through college because there was no tuition for teacher's college after the war. Lived with a demanding elderly couple and exchanged housework for room & board. Both became teachers back when 'seeing the principal' was a legitimate threat.

If my brother, sister or I even thought about stepping out of line, we faced the home military tribunal first, THEN got hauled off to church for confession. No questions, no negotiations, and your 'self esteem' was NOT a consideration. There were rules, regs, expectations ... and consequences for not keeping your toes on the line.

Was that excessive? Probably, sometimes. However, there was never a call from the cops to come get any of us. We grew up, graduated from grad school, became tax-paying, responsible, respectful, community serving citizens (yes, SIR! How high, SIR?). Two of us carry guns, though not professionally.

Teachers and law enforcement have my concern and sympathy now. I recently took one of my dogs on an elementary school meet-&-greet for the Humane Society. I was appalled at the classroom chaos. Teachers can't enfoce/reinforce what's not expected or done at home.

I also have to wonder what's being taught to the kids re: awareness of child abuse, abduction, etc. Twenty years ago, my best friend from med school and I were in the mall with her then-4-yr-old (now half way through his MD/PhD). Literally out of nowhere, he started screaming "don't beat me, mommy". Neither she nor the dad had ever laid a hand on this kid. It was apparently something he'd heard in day care. She was mortified, scooped up the screaming tot and headed for the car. Thank heaven we didn't get intercepted by some well-intentioned security person.

This isn't a rant to say that we've 'lost it' as a society, and there are fine lines and shades of gray everywhere. I have to wonder when/if the pendulum will swing back in the other direction towards expectations of civility, manners, respect, self-control, etc ....

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Fran - I was brought up the same way. My father was a career Marine and part of that time he spent as Drill Instructor.

Had I mouthed off to an an adult or a teacher like Fireant's student did, I would probably not be here today. at least not with natural teeth.

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Fran - I was brought up the same way. My father was a career Marine and part of that time he spent as Drill Instructor.

Had I mouthed off to an an adult or a teacher like Fireant's student did, I would probably not be here today. at least not with natural teeth.

Funny, my dad was the Army version of yours. This case was really just a mild one compared to my usual days, it just happened on a bad day. You know I actually had a parent file a complaint that I was being racist once beacuse I made the students say yes or no instead of yah and nah, or a shrug of the shoulders. They said I was being culturally biased :surprise: WTF!

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Fran - I was brought up the same way. My father was a career Marine and part of that time he spent as Drill Instructor.

Had I mouthed off to an an adult or a teacher like Fireant's student did, I would probably not be here today. at least not with natural teeth.

Funny, my dad was the Army version of yours. This case was really just a mild one compared to my usual days, it just happened on a bad day. You know I actually had a parent file a complaint that I was being racist once beacuse I made the students say yes or no instead of yah and nah, or a shrug of the shoulders. They said I was being culturally biased :surprise: WTF!

You, and the teaching profession have my admiration for having to put up with that. I don't think I could do it. Both my daughters-in-law teach kindergarden, one with a few years under her belt. She basically is not allowed or is strongly discouraged from keeping a kid back.

Edited by pas44
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Spare the rod.... Back when I was in school the principle had a frat paddle, with holes drilled in it, and he used it. You screw up once to often and you came out of the office with a nice waffle pattern on your ass. You didn't want to do that to often and the behavior problems went away, usually with one trip to the office. ;)

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