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Friday Flame-out 25-jul-03

SiG Lady

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What??!! No Friday Flamer yet...??!! (Well, the server WAS down, I admit......)

GET THIS!!... Range fees across the board at the local indoor range are going up by 25-30% come August 1st!!!!! Like, we can afford this...????????!!!!!!!

NOT!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::(:angry:

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OMG SG!!! I'm so sorry. The upshot is that you'll have some more time to focus on school for a while. I flat out couldn't do the coursework if I had to do work and school at the same time.

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The upshot is that you'll have some more time to focus on school for a while.

Uh - NO! Work was paying for school. I certainly can't afford it now! I'll finish the two classes I'm in now and PRAY that my next company offers tuition assistance!

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I hate that my computer is once again sucking the life out of me.

I hate that SG and so many others are joining the ranks. I've been dealing with the loss of a good paycheck for most of this year. I will say that even thou I'm not rolling in dough I'm much happier away from the idiot fringe that permeated my gone job.

I hate that the rollercoaser that I'm on with my girlfriend never seems to ever smooth out.

I hate that I'm not shooting as much now because I'm trying to make money.

I hate that all of a sudden most of my weekend is free and my kids are going to be gone.


I have to add one really cool thing thou,,,

Just stepped on the scale and I'm under 190 for the first time in ages!!!

Another milestone reached!!!

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I might as WELL be unemployed for all the minimum-wage crap I find myself stuck with. Not to mention the volunteer stuff (some is good; some is not). Why do you think I had to hock two perfectly good 9mm blasters to get the Kimber...... because I'm essentially broke. Business has fallen off THAT MUCH. And, yes, on top of that the range owners decide to up their shootin' fees by the aforementioned percentage. GGGAAAWWWDDD!!! What's WRONG with all these pictures!!!????? :o:o:(:angry:

3/4-- Good job on your under-190 status!! Boy, I bet that feels great. B)

One of my shooting buddies (Stuart)(too-bad-he's-married-Stuart) just lost about 30 pounds... essentially back to where he was when I first met him. Handsome hunkeroo that he is at ANY weight. :wub:

But, shoot, boy did he look good last Wednesday night for the loss. Ooopps... this is a thread drift.

Meant to mention last conversation with Jeffro indicated that American Airlines (and St. Louis hub realted gigs) about to lay off 5,000 (!!!) employees. That's almost hard to imagine, except for the help of a political cartoon in the paper right after the Sept-11 thing that had 5,000 dots in it and captioned: "This is what 5,000 looks like." (as they at first thought 5k persons had perished in the incident). I'm back to thinking in terms of those 5,000 dots when I think of St. Louis these days.....

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I might as WELL be unemployed for all the minimum-wage crap I find myself stuck with.

In Australia you would be part of the "working poor". In our stupid system kids can come out of school and go straight on the dole. These are the "un-employed poor" who are paid marginally less than the working poor and don't have the expenses associated with having a job. My wife and I work long hours in a small business in a rural town with barely a lunch break. When we go down the street to get the mail we notice the un-employed sitting in the outdoor cafes drinking coffee and smoking and looking quite relaxed. When we were visited by American friends they couldn't believe how people could draw social security without ever having worked. They said that the social security system in the States is more rigorous.

Sorry to hear of your job loss SG.

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Sorry, ShooterGrrl, but welcome to the club. Let the practice sessions begin!

Here's a Dilbert sent to me by a woman with a job...


Meanwhile, back at the hate cave...

I hate hardware or software companies that don't print their true and actual system requirements on their retail packaging. I hate that my LaserWriter died, that the StyleWriter included with my computer was never recognized by the computer, and that my new USB printer isn't recognized over the new card and cable. I can't print resumes and cover letters.

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Yes, we call it (us) "working poor" here, too. There seem to be quite a number of us... to put it mildly. :angry:

Seems to be part of the "level playing field global village" economics where western cultures are supposed to be competitive with asian third world manufacturers. Then how about our political advocates of this system providing us with a level playing field cost of living. Used to be that local craftsmanship and pride in one's work was protected by trade tariffs. Now our children's futures have been sold for jobs overseas and short-term profit for the few. How long before Asia has to start sending aid to the West?

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In our stupid system kids can come out of school and go straight on the dole. These are the "un-employed poor" who are paid marginally less than the working poor and don't have the expenses associated with having a job. My wife and I work long hours in a small business in a rural town with barely a lunch break. When we go down the street to get the mail we notice the un-employed sitting in the outdoor cafes drinking coffee and smoking and looking quite relaxed.

Hey, George! Isn't socialism great? <_<

At my high school reunion activities, I learned that a girl I'd known since the age of 4 or 5 has become an extreme socialist. She's a minister now and I know she means well, but she just doesn't "get it." Socialism beyond the very bare essentials (for the people who absolutely can't help themselves) hurts just about everyone, including the recipients of the largesse (extorted from the people who work, of course).

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I hate the fact that some ***hole stole my credit card number. Have the card turned off so all is well, but I'm going to miss that old number considering i have it memorized.

What is with all the pizza places charging a "delivery fee" and then the driver expects a tip?


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Hey, George!  Isn't socialism great? <_<


Don't you guys have a system where you have to work and pay unemployment insurance in order to get a social security payout? Here if you've worked and payed tax for thirty years you find yourself in the dole queue behind a 17 year old who has to look the word "job" up in a dictionary. :(:angry:

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Not sure this is really a hate.... but I joined the ranks of unemployed today too!

And I gotta skip a match this weekend cause I gotta fricken work! Life is a comedy....(or a tradegy, which ever side you are on....) :(

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Tragedy & Comedy go hand in hand. Can't have one without some of the other showing up.

I hate that I can either laugh or cry at the world we all live in, but I can not change it easily.

Thankfully I can at least change it's effect on the way I feel by changing the way I feel. Some control is better than little, or none at all.

I hate drifting with the current in life. Even if it's just holding position, I like being under power.

I hate that gasoline is back near $2/gallon, and we just shut up & buy it like it's still cheap.

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