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There is a large lake (Lake Pontchartrain) in New Orleans and a small lake (Lake Maurepas) off of Lake Pontchartrain. I live off of Lake Maurepas. It looks like we are going to get a direct hit from Gustav. They are expecting a 10' to 12' storm surge in Lake Maurepas. I guess you can figure what that means. Anyway we are under mandatory evacuation and we are going to leave, but there are some neighbors that will stay. Please pray for their safety.

My dog must feel the danger, she is stuck to me like glue.



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I cannot believe "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"'s comments in teh news last night. He is glad there is a hurricane to disrupt the RNC convention. tsk tsk tsk.

Edited by bulm540
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I cannot believe "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"'s comments in teh news last night. He is glad there is a hurricane to disrupt the RNC convention. tsk tsk tsk.

It would be really nice if you would take your political shot to a separate thread.

It would be a shame for the thread to be shut down because you had to get your shot in.

There are folks really hurting in the LA area and they asked for prayers, not rants.


Mods, if I'm outta line, let me know...please

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I cannot believe "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum"'s comments in teh news last night. He is glad there is a hurricane to disrupt the RNC convention. tsk tsk tsk.

It would be really nice if you would take your political shot to a separate thread.

It would be a shame for the thread to be shut down because you had to get your shot in.

There are folks really hurting in the LA area and they asked for prayers, not rants.


Mods, if I'm outta line, let me know...please

Your not...

It looks like you may have dodged the bullet Buddy... I hope that it so.


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Jim & Buddy - I'm in Memphis, planning to go back (Beauregard Parish) this weekend...and there just happens to be a major IDPA match on the way in Hot Springs. Making lemonade out of lemons...;)

Attaboy, THAT's the attitude :cheers:

Hope all is well with ya'll, I am all too familiar with the frustration of bailing out then coming back after a storm. It's the price we all pay for living near the coast.

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Things are A-OK here in New Iberia...some tree damage in the neighborhood, lots of mess from tree leaves and loose branches stripped from vegetation by the wind. Powers out until who knows when. DSL is up so I can maintain the emergency Web pages for our client, an electric utility. Basically, a category 1 by the time it made it in about 20 miles from the Gulf.

Came back from three weeks vacation in Colorado to this! :roflol:


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Well guys I'll be away from the range for a while. Gustave did a number on me.

My big old red oak in the back yard snapped off about 15 feet up the trunk. The tree then fell on the carport, wifes car under the carport, the outside storage building, and hit the main part of the house in the kitchen and master bedroom. I've got at least 3 holes in the roof 3 feet in diameter and several smaller holes. Of course water is gushing in which is taking out the sheetrock and insulation. About half of the roof is compromized and is too dangerous for me to get up there to tarp it. The house is not fit for habitation.

My reloading area is in the outside storage building. All the reloading components are stored there as well as completed ammo. It will be a while before I can even get to the building to see what was damaged.

What I need right now is a crane to get that tree off my house and some brave and insured individuals to tarp it. Also need a FEMA trailer.

So, as much as I was looking forward to the Multi Gun Nationals and getting back to the range after my foot problem, I've got a much higher priority to deal with right now.

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Stay safe Hank, my thoughts are with you;
Thanks man.

I'm at work right now so at least communications is possible. Top priority is housing. My neighbors are gold and we have multiple offers to stay once electricity is back on. The next few days is getting the basics of food, water, shelter, clothing under control. Then the cleanup and rebuild process can begin.

eventually it will just be a bad memory.
Funny that you mention that. The wife came up the idea that we should keep a good chunk of the trunk and make a coffee table top out of it. I'm considering it as it will make one great conversation piece. Our tree guy also does artwork out of treestumps. Think ice sculpture with a chainsaw except he does it with treestumps. We're looking at that also.

On the positive side the homeowners insurance will cover the reloading equipment so I should have all brand new stuff once I have some place to put it. The ammo is stored in surplus ammo cans so that should be OK. The shotgun ammo is questionable as it was in the usual cardboard boxes. Brass is well, brass and nothing that some tumbling can't fix up. Powder and primers were stored inside and is fine.

My airguns, pellets, rimfire and ammo were either in the safe or in one of the undamaged parts of the house so when things calm down maybe I can get some trigger time in till I can graduate to centerfire.

Till later.

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Sorry to hear about your troubles, Hank. For a Cat 1, this storm managed greater than normal damage to trees and the power distribution system. We are lucky here in New Iberia: just branches and trash and the power was even restored to our neighborhood Thursday evening.

It seemed that the Baton Rouge area in particular sustained a lot more damage from trees falling that usual. That said, a man was killed in Lafayette from a tree falling on his house and a least two people in Mamou were killed by a tornado the day after the storm.

Reminders that property damage can be replaced...our friends and family can't.


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