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Emode Iq Test

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I don't know about that being close to our real IQ, I think my best real test was about 128 or so, and I think I got some style points for being so old.

It does make you wonder why Duane isn't some kind of Linguist , insightful or otherwise. He is one of the writers on the forum, not me and I don't think you write professionally; do you.

Maybe it is because I'm not smart enough to understand half the stuff Brian gives us, but my gut feeling is that his score would be off the chart. Got to give Duane credit, 140 is wayyyyyy upppppp there.

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I agree about DT, a little hard headed sometimes, but he’s a very bright guy.

MY “best ever” I.Q. test was 126, a couple of others in the low 120s, just smart enough to get myself in trouble but not always bright enough to get myself out of it!

Do I write for a living? If I did I’d starve! I never got past the eleventh grade so what writing I do I do “by ear”, I simply don’t have any training in the rules of grammar or punctuation.

I’m always a little shy about putting things down on paper because I know I’m making mistakes and can’t “see” them, especially when corresponding with someone such as yourself (IIRC) who used to TEACH English. So there you go, YOU did (do?) make a living with the written word… Insightful Linguist indeed! ;)


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Sig Lady and Run&Gun

You did notice, didn't you, that it is we, of the Visual Linguistic clan who did well during the limerick contest. Damn we're good, now if I could just figure out the meaning of what I'm saying...

loves2shoot, don't feel bad, I think this thing must be very inflated, concerning scores, and like I told R&G, I got quite a few style points for being older than dirt. My actual IQ is nearer yours than Duane's.

If I have any talent with the written word it is due to my Mom. She was an English major from Rice Univ. Yes I used to teach English, but am pretty helpless without my dictionary and thesaurus beside my desk, plus there is always Spell Check to rely on. A man's got to know his limitations...

Everyone notice Sig Lady took pity on us mear mortals and didn't post her IQ, probably higher than Duane's. Anyone who's avitar resembles Mr. Spock has got to be smart.

I'm still waiting for Benos to chime in, and show us his score up in the "buck and a half" area. I just don't know if this test can quantify how a Zen Master thinks.

George, what is a Visual Mathematician, and what do you do for a living? No I haven't bought the report and do not plan to do so. Maybe, we'll see these same questions in the Trivia section next month...and then Duane will provide the answers for free.

I've got to say I am jealous, I want to be a Visionary too, like Duane and Liota.

Damn, I love useless stuff like this...

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129 score on IQ test (although I'm not sure I completely understood some sentences to be filled in).

Personality test says:

Luca, you're a Socialite!

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Socialite which means you are a Golden / Thinker. Your primary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Thinker" characteristics.

That means you're confident, dependable, and goal-oriented — and when you make a plan you stick with it. Your natural friendliness and charm mean you're great at meeting people. And chances are you handle this popularity with grace since you take your personal life very seriously.

Given this, especially the plan sticking stuff, I should be among the top shooters instead of brainfarting each 2/3 stages in a match... :wacko:

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Sometimes the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My younger son took the test, 131, Insightful Linguist. He would have scored higher, I think, but he didn't get the old age style points I did.

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(tightloop)"...but am pretty helpless without my dictionary and thesaurus beside my desk..."

You're no doubt good at writing BECAUSE you accessed those very resources on a regular basis! It's called good Lifelong Learning habits. I read encyclopedias and dictionaries as a very little kid because they seemed to have the most content. Fortunately, I didn't have to deal with the "Dick and Jane" reading texts as a kid, either (Catholic grade schools had MUCH better readers, to say the least). Also, as the public school system wanted to make sure we were all getting a proper education in these 'private' schools, we were tested CONSTANTLY on both IQ-like material and written comprehension material--long, grueling tests that took hours. We all consistently scored at the high school level. :P:P

I, too, tutored English as the years went by, taught English to Russian immigrants in the 1980s and taught first-year Russian at a couple of venues in the 90s [created ALL my own curriculum]. Studied French intensively early on, too. And spent all those years on the air besides. I guess it IS "linguistics" for this lady. (But I could've told the Testers that...!) ;)

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Pop me into the Insightful Linguist club. I have taken a lot of I.Q. tests over the years and, regardless of the scale used, they have all put me into the same grouping. None of it does you much good when you work for a guy who has half the brains and twice the money. :blink: Oh well all they really measure is potential anyway so I guess I have to quit bi@#%ing and DO something about it!


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Well, Sig Lady

One aspect of being "smart" is knowing when to ask for help. I've done that a lot. You certainly qualify as a linguist with your background...now don't keep us in suspense, if you don't care to share your score, at least tell us that you smoked Duane in the IQ score, none of the rest of us could do it.

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Nope, not posting the score. I've always considered "IQ Tests" as 1.) deeply personal, and 2.) a reflection of largely how well one can jump thru the hoops of this KIND of test, and 3.) (in this case) a brief overview of the real thing--which (like the message in my post) can be long and last for hours. However, one CAN be tutored (or review material that coaches you on the matter)--just like prep for SATs--in ways to approach the test and end up with higher scores than someone who's perhaps highly intelligent but who's not been exercised or prepped in this TYPE of questioning. There is a WAY to succeed at IQ tests, and ways to practice FOR them. And whether that, in reality, raises your actual IQ or not is the question... but it's a way to raise your SCORE. :ph34r:

One way I used to screw up on this kind of logic/true-false questioning nonsense was to go much deeper into each question's issue from a wider logical perspective and end up with a mental answer of "well... that depends." Which was a realistic, real-world answer but NOT the answer the damn' TEST wanted! This got me into trouble every time and I even argued with teachers about it. The test was trying to get me to follow directions, and I kept peeking around corners at alternative options and it wasn't what they wanted. Can you imagine a little kid trying to convey this view to the nuns in school...? <_<

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Sig Lady

My request for your score was in jest, didn't mean to offend you. We knew you didn't jump thru hoops when we saw you heading into the forest with your chain saw in one hand and your Kimber in the other. Yes, I can see you confronting the nuns in school...

I think this is Duane's way of gathering data on the QT, so he can write an article comparing and contrasting the mental capabilities of Open vs Tactical shooters; or who is a Visionary and who isn't. We should see the results in either the American Handgunner or Front Sight, depending on who comes out on top.

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