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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Birth of a blaster


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Beyond Cool.

ETA: Is this a felony?

Not a felony. Not even a misdemeanor. I make my own guns at home too. It is allowed (I would not risk going to jail & leaving my wife & child high & dry if I had any doubt at all that its legal to do so).

-do you need a license? NO.

-do you have to be over 21? Yes.

-do you need "permission" from anyone first? NO.

-do you have to pay an excise tax? NO.

-can you make more than one per year? YES.

If the gun you want to make is legal to buy & own in your state, then its legal to make (provided you are not a criminal). The gun above might not be allowed in California, and in New York state you might have to get it added to your regular handgun ownership permit before completing it, but in most other states of the USA, you simply build it & enjoy shooting it.

One requirement is that you must have the INTENT to make the gun for your own personal use and ONLY for your personal use (i.e. - you can't make it with the idea of selling it). Actually, the same law applies to your reloaded ammunition - you can only make it for yourself and no one else.

You do not have to have any serial number at all on the gun. (repeat - NO serial number required - at all). But, that being said and true, I believe that about 99% of LEOs are not well versed on certain BATFE regulations and will probably arrest you (falsely) if they can't find a number on your gun - so I suggest simply making up a pretend, ficticious serial number and stamping it on the gun (like your birthday date perhaps). This might also help in recovering the gun if its ever stolen.

If anyone has any questions about making your own handguns, ARs, AKs, etc., please ask. Its not secret and its certainly not against the law.



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