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Getting BANNED!


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I pretty well play by the book the best I know how. I don't knowingly cheat PERIOD! I will take advantage of the rules as that is what they are there for, for you to follow.

With that being said, I was banned from somewhere. I needed X comments to comment in a specific comment section and I got my comments erased because I didn't have enough. Fair enough my fault, so I went and made enough helpful comments to meet the X amount needed then went and recommented in the comment section I wanted to comment in. After following the rules I was told I was "skirting" the rules and banned for 30 days. I did not comment needlessly, I actually commented beneficially as best I could. I could have gone around an +1 everything but I followed the rules. Needless to say I will no longer comment there again, not that that will mean much other than to me.

If I have commented out of place please close it up and I apologize...JUST DON'T BAN ME HERE!

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Been there, done that....or something similar. I was given a lifetime ban from a golf forum..I won't say the name, and it was total BS. I posted something helpful and then added a catchall like "but other folks will probably try to convince you otherwise". They decided that the catchall was a direct insult towards another poster (who hadn't even posted in the thread) and was inflamatory, so I was banned. They didn't like anyone there developing a "persona" and the mods were anonymous so the minute folks had a following they looked for a reason to ban you. Trust me, I was spending a lot of time giving fellow posters there a lot of help for zero benefit to myself, so it wasn't my loss....it actually gave me back some free time to work on my putting :D

You're better off not dealing with places like that, they just make you crazy and waste your time in the end. R,

Edit to add: For those golfers out there, no it wasn't GEA....still on great terms with those folks.

Edited by G-ManBart
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The internet truly is an amazing method of communication. No where else can the napoleonic complex shine with such brilliance -- I am on a forum that will ban you if you discuss PRODUCTS not sponsoring the board. So much for first amendment rights.

Edited by Sethmark
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No where else can the napoleonic complex shine with such brilliance

+1 Many people who have sites/boards apparently have no other place in their lives with any control. SO they "rule" their own little cyber worlds like fuedal lords. Things like "this is my house play by MY rules or I will BAN you"...BFD I'm also guessing they kick their dogs after their wives kick them...

I have a ban or two for not placating the admins of other boards No buddy-tudes here.

This obvisouly does NOT apply to our great host!

Nice job steel...

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You are a rebel.

I guess you will need to sell all of your guns of that type and shoot either production or revolver :P

Once you are banned from a forum, you must relinquish all that pertains to what that forum covers. I am sorry but them's the cyberrules.

Bring all your equipment, of that type, to the match Sunday and I will cart it away for you.....except the one that I will break over Fomeisters head. You must then carry the broken frame with you as a badge of internet shame. :devil: (You are too young to remember the TV show Branded-but it's kinda like that)

Spent the time you would have spent on "that" forum chasing that young fiancee of yours around-it's more productive!

Forget about it-see you Sunday.


BTW-I read the thread-you got banned for that?

Edited by Airedale
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As one of the "Banned" I welcome you to our little club. Beware, someday some one might put up a web page listing the most egregious (in his/her opinion) offenders. You may be inundated with fan mail. and some may wonder if they will ever be able to be seen for the shadow you may cast.


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You are a rebel.

I guess you will need to sell all of your guns of that type and shoot either production or revolver :P

Once you are banned from a forum, you must relinquish all that pertains to what that forum covers. I am sorry but them's the cyberrules.

Bring all your equipment, of that type, to the match Sunday and I will cart it away for you.....except the one that I will break over Fomeisters head. You must then carry the broken frame with you as a badge of internet shame. :devil: (You are too young to remember the TV show Branded-but it's kinda like that)

Spent the time you would have spent on "that" forum chasing that young fiancee of yours around-it's more productive!

Forget about it-see you Sunday.


BTW-I read the thread-you got banned for that?

But...but...I wouldn't have any pistols then lol.

What pissed me off the most was that it was a 30 day ban. Not like hey dude don't do this again 1-5 day ban. I mean I won't be able to, not that I would, post there again until I get MARRIED!! I've been on a forum hopping kick here lately visiting my old stomping grounds so to speek. I jumped around from stangnet.com to there and wamo. The funny part was I was told by the mod in the most recent email that I joined just to post stuff for sale....ummm I joined in 06 and still didn't have the required amount of posts to sell, I think not.

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The internet truly is an amazing method of communication. No where else can the napoleonic complex shine with such brilliance -- I am on a forum that will ban you if you discuss PRODUCTS not sponsoring the board. So much for first amendment rights.

Perhaps a little rereading of the First Amendment is in order? :P :P

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accept it...you have been found guilty of something...whether it is just or unjust...the writer of the rules has spoken! B)

Oh I admit that I broke the rules the first time, just didn't pay attention to the post count rule. The thing that irks me is I went and made that right, helping out while doing it, and get banned for 30 DAYS!

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Sometimes if you say something That rubs a person in power , the wrong way <_<

They will lash out at you.

Its even worse...when what you said is TRUE and correct.


Now I wish I had called somebody a dumb dumb head or something so I could of at least felt like I accomplished something worthy of getting banned :roflol:

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Sometimes if you say something That rubs a person in power , the wrong way <_<

They will lash out at you.

Its even worse...when what you said is TRUE and correct.


Some people can't handle the truth, or so said Jack

OK, I have NEV ER frequented a golf forum, so someone please enlighten me via PM, what is this site that is banning you guys. I will be happy to throw some INFORMED fuel on the fire!!!

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