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GA 2008 State Match website and general information

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Unlike yesterday, it was a great day to shoot today weather wise. It started out around 50 degrees and warmed up to 65 or so by mid-afternoon. We even caught a few rays.

The stages were challenging for the most part as evidenced by my 5 Mike performance. There was a good mix of short, medium and long courses of fire.

Squad 1 had a great bunch of shooters and I thoroughly enjoyed myself shooting with old friends and new ones.

There was one shooting injury today. When our squad hit the chrono, the chief chrono operator manged to take out not just one but two supports on the second CED chrono. He did it with a Glock. I guess they run flawlessly but don't shoot very straight. :roflol::roflol::roflol:

My thanks to all who worked so hard so that the rest of us could experience another terrific weekend of competition, camaraderie and just plain fun. :cheers:

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Unlike yesterday, it was a great day to shoot today weather wise. It started out around 50 degrees and warmed up to 65 or so by mid-afternoon. We even caught a few rays.

The stages were challenging for the most part as evidenced by my 5 Mike performance. There was a good mix of short, medium and long courses of fire.

Squad 1 had a great bunch of shooters and I thoroughly enjoyed myself shooting with old friends and new ones.

There was one shooting injury today. When our squad hit the chrono, the chief chrono operator manged to take out not just one but two supports on the second CED chrono. He did it with a Glock. I guess they run flawlessly but don't shoot very straight. :roflol::roflol::roflol:

My thanks to all who worked so hard so that the rest of us could experience another terrific weekend of competition, camaraderie and just plain fun. :cheers:


We've been looking for you but have not been able to find you. I have seen your truck in the parking lot. Hope you will be back today.

John and I are on Squad 23. Great Squad and we are having a lot of fun. John has already beat me on two stages....not because I tanked them, either <_< . The stages are challenging. Weather has been great for us. Well, heading out now to shoot stages 9 - 2. Take care.


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I'm sorry I missed you guys too. Not hard to find that Gator truck in a lot full of Bull Dog fan vehicles was it!

I'm mixing pleasure with pleasure this weekend and enjoying some vacation time with my wife so I didn't come back for the closing ceremonies. It was a 90 minute drive each way from the cabin we rented for our vacation so I decided to save the three hours of driving and the gas. I hope you and John had a great time and shot well. The final results aren't up yet but it looks like both of you are forces to be reckoned with. :rolleyes:

We'll catch up the next match we shoot together. Hopefully we can be on the same squad then.

Take care.

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Any word on results?

What about Jesse Abbate? Shooting limited she apparently has won a stage and a stage with strong hand / weak hand at that. I am impressed.

Chuck, I don't think Bill's had a chance to post them to USPSA yet, but I saw the results this afternoon. Jessie was ~ 4th overal in Limited and is the new Georgia State Limited Champion.

Way to go, Jess!

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I just wanted to thank the folks who put this match on! Georgia can always be counted on to have one of the best section matches around. It was very well run, despite having to shoot in the pouring rain on Fri. Of course I especially enjoyed the match since I was able to pick up my first major match win in Limited :surprise: If I had know that Jessie Abbate was shooting so well, I would have had to pick up the pace a little!! Thanks and congrats to all :cheers:

Mark Dye

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It sucks to get beat by a girl. :o But she is well deserving. A very accomplished shooter. She truly practices hard.

Hats off to Mark Leeber,Kevin Allen,Boris Zoretsky and the rest of the GA staff that put this match together and set it up. It was one of the better matches I have attended. Everything seemed to go smoothly and on time.

Also want to say I think Boris did a great job as Rangemaster despite some of the doubt.

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Cant help but wonder if there is a problem getting scores uploaded tonight. Server problems a possibility? Are the scores posted anywhere other than USPSA?

No, no problem. I just had to drive a 3rd of the way across to state to get home after the RO's got away from the range after dark. I just uploaded the results 5 minutes ago.

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To just chime in my 2 cents:

This is a wonderous range. For those of you who missed this opportunity, you are going to see many more great things from River Bend.

Mark is a rising star. No one could believe that this was his first major match as MD.

When a MD has the right assistants, the match excels

The hot dogs alone were worth the trip. Way to go Weiner Woman.

It is wonderful to shoot a match with challenging stages which are balanced between long, medium and short courses.

It is truly wonderful to shoot at a range where it can pour the rain and yet the footing remains firm. Drainage and firmly set gravel are virtures.

There is a special place in heaven for staff who work hard in clear weather after the staff had to shoot their stages in driving rain.

When you secure the very best range staff available, you guarantee a problem free match.

Boris Z (still can not spell it) is a great asset to any match.

Having met Jessie Abate's mother, it is evident that the nut fell really close to the tree.

When Bill Noyes scores the results post immediately and awards are over early.

After cooking all summer, it is a nice change to shoot a major match in area six in cooler weather.

Sam Conway, Chris Patty and Glock and others are great supporters of our matches and have more than earned the support of every USPSA shooter.

This match further extended the tradition of excellence of the Georgia State Match

Charles Bond

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When Bill Noyes scores the results post immediately and awards are over early.

Thanks, but Linda Chico drove the awards process, which was more complicated with two different scales of prizes (1 for trophies, 1 for payout) and she got it done. And I had very, very good help in the form of Dan McGeorge. He and Ed Chatlos (who wasn't at this one) can score for me any day!

Edited by wgnoyes
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Excellent match. My hats are off to all of the people that made this work. Great stages, good timing and a very smooth operation. I had a blast. Winning overall Production was a highly pleasant surprise!

I'm already looking forward to next year.

To all who attended, as with most clubs the board has to balance the interests of all of the shooting disciplines.. Please take a few minutes to send an email or letter to them in support of the match, facilities, etc so that the USPSA and other action sports can grow and thrive at River Bend. www.rbgc.org

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It was a fun match and thanks to all who made it happen. Great facility and a great crew. Mark, Peter, Boris, et al. Great job!

The stages were fun and challenging. Squad 23 was a lot of fun...

Same time/place next year????

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It was a fun match and thanks to all who made it happen. Great facility and a great crew. Mark, Peter, Boris, et al. Great job!

The stages were fun and challenging. Squad 23 was a lot of fun...

Same time/place next year????


I am glad you enjoyed yourself, I know your youngster did, that is the plan, to make sure everyone has a good time.

I am game for next year. It was Mark's first State level match, he really works/worked hard at getting and keeping River Bend Practical Shooters monthly match running, and the State match was a larger challenge that he originally thought, especially when his new job got in the way.

He was/is a trooper, and stayed at it until the bitter end. I am sure he is tired today, I know I was, and he did way more then me (apart from the inadvertent lay in Sunday morning due to his high tech alarm clock changing to the old day light savings time)

I am trying to talk him into doing it again next year, now we know all the pitfalls, and have all the props, we know we have good competent staff we can rely on, a little more assistance from a few more local shooters and we will be staging GA. state like it's a monthly match. Next year I will not be responsable for all the stage design, we/I am polling all local GA. State clubs or shooters to submit a stage for use in the Championships next year, the back of the match T shirt details all the clubs that currently operate in the state, I think it about time they all get involved again!

I am pushing for an earlier date, like late June, when the weather is a little more reliable. Any opinion on a good timing for the GA state would be welcome feedback, we stood on a few toes this year, and will try not to do that again next, our regualr monthly match is the 4th Saturday, so that weekend would be favorite.

Maybe we will revert to a trophy only match and reduce the cost back down closer to where Cherokee used to set it? Again feedback/constructive criticism always appreciated. (PM me if you would, rather not air dirty laundry in public)

See you all again sometime soon.


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Mark, Peter, Boris and Co. -- great match!

I don't work major matches as regularly as I have in the past but I haven't forgotten how difficult it is to bring one together (Cindy Noyes is the Queen, and having the chance to see up close what she goes through was a helluva an education -- Thanks Cindy for the schoolin'!). As some others have already stated it was an outstanding accomplishment for your first attempt. But I'll up the ante -- I've been to sectionals produced by people with a lot more experience that were no better than this one, and a few that weren't nearly as good. You did yourselves proud.

Pete - I liked the stages a lot. Even the ones that, at first glance, seemed fairly straight-forward had some traps and pitfalls you could be lured into all too easily. And without any 20-yard dashes from one position to the next you managed to keep the focus on the shooting, as it should be.

One suggestion I'll offer is to apply additional scutiny to the layout of the stages relative to complexity and reset times, to reduce the possibility of bottlenecks. That's more of an art than a science so get as much input as you can.

I was on a squad of really cool people, some of whom are now *new* friends, caught up with a lot of old friends, all while shooting a fun and challenging match in a beautiful setting. Short of a winning lottery ticket in my shooter's packet I don't know what else I could have wished for.


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