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Complaints about the Post Office


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I cringe everytme I see a post about poor Priority Mail service with USPS. The occasional late piece is going to happen, everyone seems to take for granted the thousands of pieces that make it on time. For example, I've seen flat rate boxes, crammed full with everything imagineable with very little packing material or even the edges taped. The first time a box is split open or other problems, it's the post office's fault.

If someone would consider all the steps that go into getting this product delivered, they might have a little more appreciation for the pieces they do get on time. About 92 out of 100 make it in 2 days or less, not too shabby when compared to other shippers who have higher rates, surcharges, and don't post their performance scores to the public.

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If someone would consider all the steps that go into getting this product delivered, they might have a little more appreciation for the pieces they do get on time. About 92 out of 100 make it in 2 days or less, not too shabby when compared to other shippers who have higher rates, surcharges, and don't post their performance scores to the public.

Not everyone has bad service with their PO.

I live in a small town, and I know the postmistress so well, she CALLS me when my heavy (10#+) packages arrive.

Living only 1.6 miles away, I can pop down in a few mins.

I am VERY happy with the service I get from this Federal agency.

(Now, don't go callin' her telling her to stop callin' her customers..) :rolleyes:

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well... with an understanding that kudos are rare

and complaints common....

I happen to think the post office does a darned good job.

I want to say more.

I think it in agreement, however if not written carefully

it might be seen as a rebuttle.

in conclusion, when the PO dos its job very well no one says a thing.

that makes it a thankless task.

so listen carefully,

thank you for your efforts.

I do appreciate what the Post office does day in and day out.


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There is always another side of the story and I'm glad you came on to post it. I've had issues lately with all shipping companies including USPS Priority. Mostly having my packages opened when they arrive. Always gun parts from suppliers that put there name on the return address instead of initials. Nothing ever missing but feels like an invasion of privacy.

On the other hand, I really feel for the little, petite mail lady that had to tried to unload my 69lb. box of bullets the other day. I went out and helped her and told her that next time to leave me a note and I will voluntarily pick them up at the post office.


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This isn't a rebutal, I'm just answering your question.

"Complaints about the Post Office, Why only the late stuff?"

Why would anyone complain about something that was delivered on time? I know it doesn't seem fair, but working for an entity where you can do a thousand things right and get crucified for the one thing you do wrong, I can understand your position and think we just have to accept that it's the way things are and just try to do the job as best as possible.

The clock is ticking on this thread.... :devil:

Edited by G-ManBart
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I have virtually no complaints about my experiences with the U. S. Postal Service. I still find it amazing that I can put a $0.41 stamp on a letter and have it zoop across the continent in just a couple or so days. One would be hard-pressed to find someone willing to, let's say, drive cross-country to deliver that letter for $0.41. The cost of a letter has always been a mind-blowing bargain. :bow:

Moreover, all our neighborhood postal clerks at stations are cheery, informative and full of mailing tips that have made MY postal life easier. What more can I say. B)

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With the # of pieces of mail that go through the USPS everyday, I've never had one messed, late or failed to show up. I'm sure it happens and I'm sure it's frustrating when it does, but the USPS might be the best run governmental body that the Fed government has.

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My wife works for the USPS as a window clerk at the highest volume station in our city. If I had to put up with the crap that she does day in and day out, I would be the one to either quit or "go postal." People need to realize that the post office is not a UPS station where they wrap and pack your packages, or make sure that address label is right. That is the customer responsiblility!!!!!!!!! Pardon my rant.

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Ordered some fun new single stack stuff from Midway. They said it was supposed to arrive 2/4/08 (same day gun is showing up). Damn thing showed up 2/2/08!

Thanks USPS for making me look at gun parts that I don't have a gun for yet, you cruel, cruel bastards.

EVERYTHING I can ship through USPS goes through USPS, usually Priority or 1st class - never had a problem shipping or receiving...

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FedEx lost my last box of bullets, and the good ol' USPS had them at my door in 3 days. I like the Postal Service. Heck, while I strive to get our product out to customers on time even when on short order, think I'm only pushing 98% for the last four years. While that may seem great to most, I can guarantee that those 2% were none too happy. I try to please them all the time but hey, things do happen.


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I cringe everytme I see a post about poor Priority Mail service with USPS. The occasional late piece is going to happen, everyone seems to take for granted the thousands of pieces that make it on time.

The service I got from the woman I spoke to at receiving post office - checking with the carrier just in case it missed a scan - was exceptional. I'll be dropping the postmaster at that zip code a thank you for this person's assistance and helpful nature.

When a service is rendered to standard, I don't "take it for granted", but I am a satisfied customer. 12 days for something advertised as "2 or 3 days" is not acceptable, nor is 14 days for an overnight envelope (that's the amount of time it took a express mail letter to arrive at my PO box on one occasion last year).

The PO has tracking info on many of these packages (unlike UPS, they charge extra for this - but they do offer the service). I'd love to see them do some data mining and report on-time statistics - percent on time, and a listing of the percent at each number of days post mailing for any tracked category of mail. The data is there on disk and this would be easy - if the USPS wanted to do this. UPS isn't perfect, but they tell me the exact day of delivery and have always been right - but I got lazy and used the post office since they had a more conveniently located branch.

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We use the USPS for smaller shipments, shipping 100's of packages a week. Perhaps once a month, there is an issue with a delayed delivery. With that particular customer, it becomes a major issue and causes the "I Hate rants". The noise the hate rants produce give the impression that the USPS can't deliver.

But when you consider the volume of letters and packages that are moved, they do a pretty darn good job for the price. And they also supply packaging for Priority Mail shipments, that fact doesn't get out enough.

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We use the USPS for smaller shipments, shipping 100's of packages a week. Perhaps once a month, there is an issue with a delayed delivery. With that particular customer, it becomes a major issue and causes the "I Hate rants". The noise the hate rants produce give the impression that the USPS can't deliver.

But when you consider the volume of letters and packages that are moved, they do a pretty darn good job for the price. And they also supply packaging for Priority Mail shipments, that fact doesn't get out enough.


I ship A LOT of products through the Post Office - most stuff arrives fairly quickly, and hardly ever is a package lost.

Because of the PO I've been able to keep my shipping costs low, which is a good thing for everyone.


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two different shipments of bullets from two different suppliers to two different addresses in different states have now fallen into a black hole of 'uh, I don't know...' I'm currently out 6k bullets from powder valley. I two days, I start yellin.

Man, it's always my bullets that get lost....

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