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2008 Johnson 3-Gun

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We finally confirmed the dates and are happy to announce registration is open for the 2nd Annual Johnson 3-Gun sponsored by Sabre Defence. :cheers:

We will have a day and a half format on Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22 at Pueblo West Sportsman's Association, in Pueblo, CO.

We will have nine fun-filled and choice-filled stages, with lot's of options including what gun to shoot targets with, where, when and how? We're anti-box, and anti-stand and shoot. :surprise:

The 2008 application is available on our website:

Johnson 3-Gun Website

If anyone would like to join us in sponsorship or as an RO, please contact us at: johnson3gun@earthlink.net

We look forward to seeing you in June!

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Great match last year, I'm definitly in for this one!

Are you guys going to go with the choice thing again? That was fun. I think you handed each of us just enough rope to hang ourselves. See you in June.

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I'm already figuring on spending one week of vacation with ya'll, may as well go for both. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a great match. I have always wanted to put one on around here leaving where, when, and how up to the shooter (well, as far as that can be done ) I may have to take a couple days off and come out there.

Take care, BW

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Have to ask,

What is the draw to RO this year for you'all?

This month (June) is filling up fast with 3 gun matches...as I figure it, the FNH match is the 6-8th, the MGM Iron-Man is the 12-14th (a must shoot match since thier moto is: you get to shoot all you want...then you have another 9 stages!) and next is your match the 21 and 22 of June...whew!

Would love to attend/shoot and I believe preforming the RO duties will be the only way I can afford it. Since you guys do one hell of a job at the RM3G I am only guessing I really want to shoot your match.

Thank you in advance,


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Johnson 3 Gun is a 'poor' match; we can feed you and you get a free match. We try to get some 'extras' from sponsors for the ROs too. And there is also the one-of-a-kind free T-shirt! :)

You can dry camp with us on the range if you have a camper or want to use the back of your truck. There is a KOA about 5 miles away with 3 - 4 small cabins too. Lots of motels in Pueblo or South Colorado Springs.

Yep, a match of choices!


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I'm going to attend again in 2008. Last match was great! I now have a new shotgun so I will have no excuses for not shooting well. I used my nordic components certificate that everyone got to get a tube and clamp for my new Benelli M2.

The food vendor was a good thing and the food was great and reasonable.


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I'm going to attend again in 2008. Last match was great! I now have a new shotgun so I will have no excuses for not shooting well. I used my nordic components certificate that everyone got to get a tube and clamp for my new Benelli M2.

The food vendor was a good thing and the food was great and reasonable.


I don't need excuses not to shoot well. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I know it's a ways a way, but we haven't got many apps for Johnson 3-Gun yet.

If there's not much interest out there, let us know. We were hoping to have some cash and more prizes this year, and we've already gotten sponsors including our Match Sponsor Sabre Defense! Gram's Engineering, Cav Arms, Nordic Components, Point Blank and Trijicon! :rolleyes:

Last year, we had $10,000 worth of prizes for random drawings and in shooter's bags. I was thinking we could double it this year.

The match is full of choices, with lot's of shooting and thinking! Lot's of multi-gun stages and we've got some great ideas already ready.

Anyway, we'd love to run it again this year, but if there's not enough interest, we could use the time...to do something! :blush:

Check out our website: Johnson 3-Gun

Here's our application in word - 2008App.doc

Let us know!

Denise and JJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my confirmation today! Now I can go get beat by a different group of people! yahoo! At least with our new range & club, I'll have some place to practice a little bit. Having only shot two 3-gun matches ever, it will be nice to have a few more matches under my belt before I go embarass myself with you guys.

Sure looking forward to this match!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I know that JJ is a HUGE fan of the USPSA Multigun rules.....and it shows!!!

I just got my new issue of Front Sight (yes, still a member till Sept) and in the back where they list upcoming 3 gun matches.....it shows the big ole' USPSA logo by this match listing (meaning its a match run under USPSA rules)

somehow, someway, somewhere......I'm thinking someone made a mistake.

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Tim, if you EVER want to shoot an IPSC match, you will need to be a USPSA member......................................just a thought.


Actually, that's not the way I understood it. Yes, that's true for a Pistol match higher than Level I, but I didn't think it was true for Tournament & Multi-gun matches.

From 2008 Handgun Rules


USPSA Match Levels

2. Competitors must be USPSA members

From 2008 Tournament Rules (which also applies to Multi-gun)


USPSA Tournament Levels

2. Competitors must be registered for the tournament prior to their attempting any courses of fire in any component match.

Since the rest of Appendix deals with very specific issues in detail, I have to assume the difference in the wording was deliberate.

The last two years as we were planning the Ft Benning 3 Gun Match, we were having discussions with USPSA about making the match a USPSA event. When we mentioned that many of the shooters did not have USPSA memberships, we were told that would not be a problem. The problem was chronograph: It is very specifically required. Our objection to chrono was because of the time involved. Sending everyone to chrono would have cut over 30 shooters out of the match.

Also, if you look at the USPSA Multi-gun results posted from 2005, 2006 & 2007, you will see that a handful of shooters each year were not USPSA members.

Perhaps I am reading it wrong, but the difference in the wording is obvious.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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I haven't received my FrontSight yet, so I don't know what to say, but if you want to know what rules we are working under, please visit:

Johnson 3-Gun Website!

And I know this will surprise Tim and everyone :surprise: , but we're still using a derivation of IMGA rules, time plus scoring, 100 points per stage! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the bump! :lol:

Denise and JJ

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Linda, you are still talking about USPSA, not IPSC, as in overseas. I could be wrong but I know when I went to Greece for the European shotgun champs. I needed written permission from my regional director, (M.V.) that I was a member in good standing.

sorry for the thread drift.


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Trapr is right, in order to shoot overseas in IPSC sanctioned matches you HAVE to be a member of your region. I.E. USPSA. Also for level 3 matches you have to have a statement from your regional director stating you are a member of your region in good standing.....which is why I joined USPSA in the first place...so I could go shoot my scattergun overseas, if it wasn't for that I doubt I would have ever joined USPSA, but I am glad I did! KURTM

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're getting the USPSA Rules oversight remedied for the next issue!

On a brighter note: We've got lot's of sponsors! Sabre is our match Sponsor :cheers:

Nordic, LaRue, DPMS, Gram's, Point Blank, MGM, Flash Target, Dillon are all supporting us and we're getting new ones every day! Thanks so much to all of you!

Also, we've added a list of Hotels/Motels in the area to our website:

Johnson 3-Gun

It's on the page with the Map! We hope it will help you find a place to stay! :rolleyes:

We're getting excited! Can't wait to see you in June!

Denise and JJ

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