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CZ's Now Dominate USPSA Production Super Squad Gun Type


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CZ's Now Dominate USPSA Production Super Squad Gun Type

CZ75 SP01 the most used gun by the Super Squad

Just wait until the World Shoot

See these gun type and final score experpts from 2007 USPSA Productional National Championships:

GUN TYPE from the Production Super Squad:

Dave S. and Tony Hawkins, Glock 34

Bob V. Glock 35

Max Michel, Matt Mink, Angus Hobdell, Chuck Anderson CZ75 SP-01

* Not taking anything away from Dave Sevigny, Max Michel may have had his SP01 for maximum of 4 weeks leading into the Nats, He is an Open shooter, rarely practices with iron sights, and 1/100th of a % point seperated him and Dave S.

Dave Olhasso .40 XD

Doug Koenig and Steve Moneypenny S&W M&P in 9mm

Ernest Langdon S&W M&P in .45!! Minor!!

Here are the results. I took Max's course recently and there was a new SP01 in Max Michel's holster.

USPSA RESULTS: 1/100th of a % point and Max Michel and CZ would have won the USPSA Production Nationals driving an SP01

2007 USPSA_Limited_Production_Revolver_Nationals - Final results for Production

Place Name No. USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Match Pts Match %

1 Dave S. 117 TY42164 GM Production Minor No No 1767.5842 100.00%

2 Max M. 368 A26022 U Production Minor No No 1767.4430 99.99%

3 Robert V. 200 A49056 GM Production Minor No No 1737.9552 98.32%

4 Matthew M. 24 L2627 GM Production Minor No No 1697.0008 96.01%

5 Benjamin S. 226 A54313 GM Production Minor No No 1632.3400 92.35%

6 Tony H. 116 L2485 M Production Minor No No 1561.4684 88.34%

7 David O. 249 L2562 GM Production Minor No No 1540.2089 87.14%

8 Robert R. 171 A54465 M Production Minor No No 1538.4149


9 Angus H. 2 L2546 GM Production Minor No No 1514.3805 85.68%

10 Rodney M. 119 TY33973 M Production Minor No No 1511.5199 85.51%

11 Jason J. 100 A46918 M Production Minor No No 1457.5768 82.46%

12 Steve S. 190 TY26694 M Production Minor No No 1445.3148 81.77%

13 Jeffrey d. 124 A56592 M Production Minor No No 1443.4607 81.66%

14 Tony P. 39 FY11963 M Production Minor No No 1441.5305 81.55%

15 Eric F. 228 A40144 A Production Minor No No 1439.6590 81.45%

16 Ernest L. 360 TY25673 M Production Minor No No 1434.8586 81.18%

17 Roger S. 282 A38951 M Production Minor No No 1430.1259 80.91%

18 Barry D. 412 A53129 M Production Minor No No 1425.2907 80.63%

19 Kevin I. 299 TY31384 M Production Minor No No 1418.4094 80.25%

20 Russell B. 359 TY56833 GM Production Minor No No 1415.5331 80.08%

21 Steve H. 137 L2602 M Production Minor No No 1411.7875 79.87%

22 John M. 125 A21582 M Production Minor No No 1410.0212 79.77%

23 Douglas K. 353 TY5804 U Production Minor No No 1402.4010 79.34%

24 Steve M. 245 A42937 GM Production Minor No No 1401.8040 79.31%

25 Chuck A. 1 FY39640 GM Production Minor No No 1378.7967 78.00%


Jon Kushner

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Let's see maybe most used gun on super squad. To dominate I would say it should have uh, maybe at least won the match...didn't happen. I'm sure the fact that these guys are some of the best shooters had nothing to do with it, it was all the CZ. I guess since you have been shooting a CZ for several years you should be the dominate production shooter around area 8???

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I am a big a CZ fan as there is...

I think the shooters have something to do with what wins..

It is nice to see the diversity of guns that can race...

CZs, Glocks, XDs, M&Ps, Berettas.

that is a lot of choices for people to look at..that is the best part :cheers:

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I think saying CZ's "dominate" the super squad is overstating things a bit based on those stats.

I'm not a Production shooter so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I'd be much more interested to see what guns are being used by the top non-sponsored shooters since they have to pay for their stuff.

In golf they like to say it's the indian, not the arrow and that applies here too.

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Let's see maybe most used gun on super squad. To dominate I would say it should have uh, maybe at least won the match...didn't happen. I'm sure the fact that these guys are some of the best shooters had nothing to do with it, it was all the CZ. I guess since you have been shooting a CZ for several years you should be the dominate production shooter around area 8???

The SP-01 DID win the match! - Oh wait a second, that was the WORLD SHOOT I was thinking of. My bad. You are right - "CZs are cheap junk guns" that can't compete in USPSA or IPSC.

Bonus question: how much did Max and Chuck get paid to shoot a CZ? (after all, WHY else would they choose a CZ, right?)

Edited by Carlos
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I am a big a CZ fan as there is...

I think the shooters have something to do with what wins..

It is nice to see the diversity of guns that can race...

CZs, Glocks, XDs, M&Ps, Berettas.

that is a lot of choices for people to look at..that is the best part :cheers:

I love CZ's also, but I have to agree with the above :cheers:

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Let's see maybe most used gun on super squad. To dominate I would say it should have uh, maybe at least won the match...didn't happen. I'm sure the fact that these guys are some of the best shooters had nothing to do with it, it was all the CZ. I guess since you have been shooting a CZ for several years you should be the dominate production shooter around area 8???

The SP-01 DID win the match! - Oh wait a second, that was the WORLD SHOOT I was thinking of. My bad. You are right - "CZs are cheap junk guns" that can't compete in USPSA or IPSC.

Bonus question: how much did Max and Chuck get paid to shoot a CZ? (after all, WHY else would they choose a CZ, right?)


Nobody even remotely said "CZ's are cheap junk guns"....nothing that could even be mistaken as such. They are well made guns sold at a good price...nuff said.

Bonus question: How much did Max and Chuck PAY for their guns?

Just because someone wasn't paid to shoot a particular gun (can't really pay an Army member like Max in that fashion if I remember correctly from my active duty days) doesn't mean they don't have an incentive to use it. Heck, I'd consider switching if I was getting guns, mags etc for free!

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A little off the subject but E. France finished 15th overall in Production and he shot a G17 that he had NOT practiced with more than a week before the match. He'd been shooting but not with the Glock. Not too shabby if you ask me.

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I would be interested to find out if Max really did pay for his gun at this point or if it was otherwise procured, I.E. the army paid for it.

I seem to recall talk once of they were able to shoot glocks or beretta's through the team. Don't remember what that was on.

One thing I think a lot of the top guys come from a 1911 background and the CZ closely matches that grip angle and pointability.

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Whatever division a shooter primarily shoots really has nothing to do with how he shoots in other divisions.

Yeah, Max is primarily an Open shooter...but homeboy can shoot with anything that is put into his hands. Yeah, he shot an SP-O1 that he only had a few weeks. He would have most likely performed the same with any other gun and any greater amount of time he had with it.

Once you get to the top level, switching platforms doesn't take more than 100 rounds to get the timing down and be an effective shooter with it.

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Eric had been shooting a S&W M&P and doing well, why the switch, do you know?

Yeah, he was getting a lot of hits hard right on the target and couldn't get the kink worked out. He didn't have the problem with the Glock. He does love the S&W though. He shot very well there but I'm sure we held him back because we all shot Limited except for his Dad.

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I think Brian's advice that "one bad shot takes away all the bells & whistles advantage" applies to Production more than any other division [or it's a tie with Revolver]

Having said that i've tried most all the guns talked about here & like the SP01 best.

back to my homework now...

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The way I see it is, It is only the business of the party mentioned.

Now back to business.................

What about Rodney May in 10th overall shooting a SIG 226 !!!!!! Seems like no one mentions those cheap, junky guns either !!! :surprise:


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I'm sorry, but what business is it of anybody's how someone else's gun got paid for?

It's not that it's anyone's business, but if someone uses the justification that shooter X uses brand A as a way to claim brand A's quality it becomes a relevant question. To be somewhat blunt, if someone is a sponsored shooter they've opened that can of worms themselves by accepting sponsorship since they're endorsing a product with their name. Heck, if CZ wanted to sponsor me (not too likely!) I'd consider running them as I don't have any doubts about their quality :)

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For USPSA you're right. There really are a huge variety of guns that you can do well with. CZ, Glock, XD, S&W, and all the others. There's really not a bias towards any particular gun...in USPSA. The reason I switched was for shooting IPSC, which does have a definite bias. IPSC production is obviously going to favor high cap 9's, which do fine in USPSA as well. The big difference is the trigger pull rule in IPSC. There are very few guys, Dave jumps immediately to mind, that can shoot a 32 round course with a 5.5-6 lb trigger the whole time, as well as other folks can shoot the same course with a 2 lb trigger on all but the first shot. That's why I switched. As far as who paid for my gun. I am a member of Team CZ-USA now. I got picked up at the L-10 Nationals, but I've been shooting a CZ since April. The gun that I've been shooting all year I won at a match. A match that CZ was a sponsor for, like so many others.

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I am a member of Team CZ-USA now. I got picked up at the L-10 Nationals, but I've been shooting a CZ since April. The gun that I've been shooting all year I won at a match. A match that CZ was a sponsor for, like so many others.

Chuck..congratulations..that is good news for CZ..

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