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USPSA election


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After considerable Admin discussion it was agreed to re-open this thread (after some housekeeping, of course) as it serves a very useful function -- reminding people to vote in the upcoming USPSA elections. The purpose is not to bash or promote any particular candidate or facet of the event. The USPSA forums allow that if it is your desire. Please contribute constructively or not at all.

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Curious.................Since the Enos forums are about shooting and not politics, why are these election postings not closed and referred to the USPSA forums???

Seems to me we are taking shots at the process, the candidates and posters with no sense of humor. :cheers:

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For those of you keeping up with the election, there have been a large number of recent posts on the election forum on the USPSA members only web page concerning several subjects. Many of these posts were made by the actual candidates. Go to that forum, get informed, look for your ballot in the mail and please mark and return it in time for your voice to be heard.

Charles Bond

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This election will determine the direction that USPSA takes in the next 4 years. We have every election contested. THis is good. There are a lot of very qualified people running for office. We, USPSA, are entering a new chapter here. We will have USPSA matches and rules and we will have IPSC matches and rules. No longer will we be running a intermixed mish-mash of rules. It will be very important to the organization that this be handled properly. Also we have the oppurtunity as we move forward to reorganize how the Natinoals are run and scheduled. There could even be a chance that we, the USA could host a World Shoot. We now have a couple facilities that are capable. All we will need is the leadership to make it happen.

Keep in mind, we need a decisive election as well. If we get a mix where no candidate gets 50%, then we have a run-off, in addition to the extra expense, we will also be faced with the possibility that the choice we would have prefered may not be in the run-off. Look for you ballot and vote.


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The last few USPSA elections have had turnouts in the low to mid 20 percent range. THAT is pathetic. At least we CAN vote for our organization's leaders; some other groups are presented as "take it or leave it". Regardless of who your preferences are in candidates, vote for SOMEONE! Don't waste the opportunity. It's a general truism in politics that if the elected officials perceive you don't care who is in office, they may become less inclined to care about your opinion on the issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to the over 1300 of you who have to date viewed this thread. Now if each of you will remind 4 or 5 of your shooting buddies to vote in the election, we will likely experience an all time high in election participation. Help us keep this your sport by casting your ballot for your leaders.

I would also like to remind everyone that there are new USPSA BOD Minutes posted having to do with a July 2007 online meeting in which amendments were made to the rules draft. Review of these votes will likely give you more information about who you should or should not support in this election. Whatever your opinion on who to vote for, please do not respond here since the effort of this thread is to simply get out the vote. There is plently of room on the USPSA Forums to discuss the various candidates and endorse whoever you wish.

Charles Bond

Area 6 Director

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When and how do we vote?

Ballots will be mailed out the first of August by a CPA firm. When you receive them, mail them back immediately. I believe the return address on the letter with the ballot might be the CPA Firm rather than USPSA and I say this to remind them this is not junk mail.

Charles Bond

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We just today received word from Dave Thomas that the ballots will start being mailed out tomorrow. Watch your mailbox and be ready to have your vote count.

Charles Bond

Thanks, Charles!

I'm ready for it!

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As previously reopoted, Dave Thomas, our USPSA Executive Director, informed the BOD that election ballots will start being mailed out today. For those of you with children like myself, that means you will have plently of time to get it, mark it and mail it before you have to hit the back to school sales.

This election has been much more lively than any in my USPSA memory. This is due in no small part to this forum and the USPSA election forum which Rob Boudrie created for USPSA. There is absoultely no way that the opinions and information that the membership can now receive by use of these forums could have ever been otherwise communicated. Thank you Rob. Thank you Brian.

If you are a johnny or susie come lately to this forum or the one on the USPSA site, good luck since reading the posts is not for the faint of heart. But please do not ignore the information since it is presented for your benefit and to assist you in making as informed a vote as possible.

One does not have to read all the threads to quickly decide that this election is important to each and every member of our organization. It is important to our most active shooters. There are issues that reflect the concerns of club shooters and senior shooters. If you are a match director or range officer, you are at least interested the new rules. If you desire to insure that the organization is financially responsible and the president and directors make decisions based only on what is in the best interest of USPSA, you need to read certain threads. Even the members who no longer shoot but keep supporting USPSA by renewing their membership have a stake in this election.

Of course the forums could not have been as interesting without all of you who have posted and all of you who followed these posts. Thank you for your participation in what has turned into a virtual town hall meeting with most of the candidates.

The final test and measure of success will however come when ballots are returned by the membership. It is certainly my hope that this forum and the USPSA forum have elevated the interest in this election to such a level that we will have significant numbers of ballots returned. If for no other reason, make an informed decision and return your ballot because as guardians of the second amendment, we should always participate in every democratic exercise.

Charles Bond

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We need to do one of those anonimus bar graph polls of "who did you vote for" and see if we can't determine the winner before the bean counters. Or is that politically incorrect. :unsure:

I doubt it would be as much politically incorrect as it might not be a good indicator of who will win. If we look at this group and those posting on the USPSA Forums as being the most informed and involved, that does not predict the election unless we work hard at our clubs and with our fellow shooters to educate them about the issues and the views of the candidates andthe manner in which the candidates approach them. Unfortunately, those who are the best informed are a minority unless they work hard to make themselves a majority.

For me, it is not always about agreeing with a candidate but how they share their thnking with the membership on how they approach the issues. What we have seen on the USPSA Forums is that some candidates are much more involved than others in communicating with the membership and for my money, a candidate who will not communicate is not my kind of officer. A candidate who refuses to share his views before the election is not apt to do so after.

Ballots will start to appear in your mailboxes this week. Mark them and return them to the accounting firm by the first of September. If you care enough to post here, you would be better served in advancing the hopes of the candidate of your choice by calling your friends and asking them to support that person who you feel can best lead USPSA for the next four years. I doubt that by now anyone who regularly reads these forums has any indecision about who how they will vote. It is those of you who visit here who talk to your shooting buddies who will make the most difference.

Charles Bond

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+1 to communication. That will be a key factor in my votes. It doesn't hurt that there are candidates who are communicating what I want to hear ;)

I will be shocked if anyone who doesn't communicate via the USPSA forum is elected/reelected.

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Got mine today. WA State. Only an hour or so from Sedro...

Dave Thomas has asked members of the BOD to report when their ballots arrive so as to track the speed of distribution. If some of the members could do the same here, it would be helpful. When you post that you have received yours, please state your city and state.

Charles Bond

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