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Micah's Range Diary


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I shot both Michigan State matches. The Prod/SS/Revo was a hot mess: A combination of gun issues and mental issues. After going to the range to sort them both out it appeared that my mags were simply filthy. Huh. I guess I DO need to clean Glock magazines every once in a while. The Opem/Lim/L10 went much better. The match was in Polo (aka the beach if you have never been there). I cleaned my mags every stage, as they required it from being full of sand. At the end of the day, I shot the match clean and without any malfunctions.

I have the video from the L/L10/Open match and will edit it up when I create the video from today's Milford match.

Also, I am trying a new system for keeping my hands warm. Since I dropped all of that weight, my hands become ice cold and numb quite quickly. In a division where I need to feel all of my fingers to do tons of reloads, it is a distinct advantage to keep my manos in good condition.

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My video software is being crabby...so no videos yet. I shot the MRPC match well, but had two double feed jams and one stovepipe. I thought that I was through with these issues after I cleaned the hell out of them right before the Michigan State match last weekend (where I had ZERO gun issues). I ordered a Lee factory crimp die to see if it is an ammo issue.

pol, I use a combination of a football player hand warmer pouch and a Zippo pocket warmer. They worked so well that they are not a permanent staple of my non-summer gear.

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Uploading videos is S L O W today...but here is the video from the MRPC match this past Sunday. I truly cannot say enough great things about what Kevin Sanders is doing with that club!


I purchased a Lee factory crimp die that Sunday night, as I believe that the jam was ammo related. I have checked every part of my G34, and nothing else seems to be the cause.

I'll post the MI State match video once Youtube decides to finish uploading it.

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Wow! Thank you jun_1911! So much has changed in the past six years professionally, educationally, personally... However the fundamentals remain the same in shooting. There is always a more accurate shot, faster draw, stronger performance to discover.

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jun_1911 you inspired me to look through my old posts, and old match video. Thank you for sparking the synthesis of me reevaluating everything that has transpired over the past 6 years! My weight has certainly been a fluctuating variable. I even looked at video that came before I found the Enos forums...night and day man.

Edited by Micah
Posting from my phone = many typos!
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I've really, REALLY remained faithful to doing yoga everyday for quite some time now. As my job continues to ramp up and place more demands (aka earlier starts to the work day) I have noticed that yoga goes quite far in waking up my mind and body for my morning dryfire. I used to struggle with going through the drills at 5:30am, whereas now I feel as if I have been awake for hours and hours.

Although here in Ohio the variability of weather increases exponentially after August, yesterday presented a great climate for shooting! (Although is there really a bad climate??) I finally made it back down to Circleville for their monthly USPSA match:


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GREAT match today in Oxford Ohio! That, and a great squad. AND I learned something today:

The classifier was Fluffy's Revenge II. My comment as I walked to the line (I was the first shooter) was, "That first shot is SO critical! Nothing matters other than the poppers". So I shot, and shot well, but had a mike on the third target. This made no sense to me. Steve Anderson said that it was because I disrespected the target.

I thought about it for a few minutes and went back to Steve and asked him why he thought I had that "phantom mike". He told me that it was literally because I had disregarded the importance of the paper targets and had put all of my focus on the steel.

That made too much sense. In my haste to rush to the steel, I failed to look off the second shot on the last paper.

And so I learned something today: EVERY shot, every target is critical. There are no "easy" targets or "hard" targets...they all deserve the same level of respect. Not sight picture, but respect.

Thanks Steve. And thanks for signing my book yo :) Match video coming...soon...

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GREAT match today in Oxford Ohio! That, and a great squad. AND I learned something today:

The classifier was Fluffy's Revenge II. My comment as I walked to the line (I was the first shooter) was, "That first shot is SO critical! Nothing matters other than the poppers". So I shot, and shot well, but had a mike on the third target. This made no sense to me. Steve Anderson said that it was because I disrespected the target.

I thought about it for a few minutes and went back to Steve and asked him why he thought I had that "phantom mike". He told me that it was literally because I had disregarded the importance of the paper targets and had put all of my focus on the steel.

That made too much sense. In my haste to rush to the steel, I failed to look off the second shot on the last paper.

And so I learned something today: EVERY shot, every target is critical. There are no "easy" targets or "hard" targets...they all deserve the same level of respect. Not sight picture, but respect.

Thanks Steve. And thanks for signing my book yo :) Match video coming...soon...

I agree with your conclusion. I screw that up way too often.

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My back up is a two-tone!

I give every target respect, or I should, the difference is how much respect the target gets. For me the wide open close targets still gets 2 sight pictures but they aren't getting the same respect as a noshoot head shot target.

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Soooooo a few weeks ago I purchased a CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow from a member of the forums here (thank you August!). The gun came out of the Cajun Gunworks shop with all of the trimmings. On Monday (10/8/12) it finally arrived at my FFL.

No, I am certainly NOT packing away my Glock gear. Glocks are what I started with, and with the exception of the half-season that I shot a 1911, have been the only platform that I have competed with.

I have only shot Glocks because it made sense to keep things as consistent as possible. I know where my 34 likes to be grabbed on the draw, how the cycling feels, and I have performed so many mag changes that I can do them upside down wearing a blindfold while underwater.

Truly good shooters can pick up any pistol and shoot it like they've known the gun for years. I felt that it is time to broaden my horizons. I am going to post about my thoughts and experiences in trying to get to know a non-Glock pistol. I will use my tablet and phone to collect my ramblings as they come to mind, and will then post them here for all to scratch their heads and wonder what the hell I'm doing.


I was doubting UPS and their "tracking" but the CZ finally arrived. After some extremely laborious waiting for the FBI system that I am who I say I am, I immediately took it to one of the outdoor bays and gave it it's first meal.

Like a baby, it vomited all over me.

The first rounds that I tried were 147 Precisions loaded at 1.155. My 34 loves this load, but it would not even chamber. No biggie…I already knew that my CZ preferred shorter loads.

I moved on to 125g Precisions loaded at 1.130. My 34 loves this load too. Anddddd nope. No chambering action here.

Last load: 125g Precision loaded at 1.070. The CZ ate around 60% of this load. I was 100% sure that I was going to need to create some new loads.

I also realized that my Glock grip HATED the humongous safeties! Fortunately Johnathan Taliani had a set of the super sexy, super tiny safeties and installed them for me that night. Ahhhhh! That feels infinitely better!

Getting home around 9pm and still wearing my work clothes (as shown in the picture a few posts ago) I made myself dryfire for an hour. 10pm is past my bedtime, so I boxed it up and conked out.


Today is the first real day with my CZ. After cardio and yoga, I loaded up three mags with dummy rounds and went to work.

My first draw was my only bad one. The middle of my hand hit the beavertail. Holy crap this gun is heavy! The double action really forces me to study how my trigger pull effects the sights…this is a good thing. I started with my " 'Round the World" draw drill. After 20 minutes of that my trigger finger was exhausted.

Then I moved on to 'Round the World draw and reloads. First one…*thunk*. Hit the butt of the gun. Second one *thunk*, another wide left. The CZ does NOT reload like a Glock. I would imagine that the grip angle, weight, and magwell location are all factors in my epic fails. After 50 s-l-o-w reloads of paying complete attention to the movement and orientation of the mag, things got better.

PM dryfire was essentially the same. It's going to be a process.

I tried to hammer down the ammo issue. For whatever reason, my major match load (147g Zero loaded to 1.155) seemed to chamber perfectly. This didn't make any sense, as my much shorter loads had issues. I measured the thickness of the case and there was no variance between the two that I could find. I can't be bullet shape that is the key factor…can it? The CZ also chambered my carry ammo (Hollow point loaded at 1.10) cleanly. Maybe shape is it. Anyway, based upon the recommendations of several GM CZ shooters, I will look in to having my chamber reamed tomorrow.


Okay, now we are caught up to today. Again, after cardio and yoga it was dryfire time. For right now, as I continue to learn the fundamentals of the gun, I will stick to standing draws and reloads. Once those smooth out, I will move towards making all of my drills "on the move" oriented.

Reloads were still clumsy…but smoothed out more towards the end. My support hand index finder is RAW from trying to hit my grip high up, as it runs in to the trigger guard. There is no avoiding this…I am going to have to bring my support hand down on the draw to form a tighter grip.

...to be continued...

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Something I've noticed while doing reloads with the 1911 vs the Shadow is on the 1911 I look to the back of the gun, MSH, area when doing my reloads. On the CZ I look to the front of the gun, front strap, to do my reloads. I haven't quite figured out why that works out better for me but it does. I'm wondering if its mag size or grip thickness difference.

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