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Not Trusting My Instincts


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I hate it when I don't trust my instincts. I generally have a pretty good knack for knowing when something just isn't right very early on. I especially hate it when I allow politeness to keep me in what I just *know* is going to be a bad situation one minute longer than I ever should. At least I had the good sense today to get up and walk out before things got *really* bad, but I wish I'd left about 15 minutes sooner.

Trust the inner voice. It's trying to tell you something for a reason.

Edited by EricW
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Nothing that seedy. I didn't walk out of a bad dentist's office quite soon enough. The warning signs were there the minute I walked in. I was smart enough to not permit anything invasive, but wish I'd have gone with my gut and walked out the instant after I walked in.

Edited by EricW
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I hate it when I don't trust my instincts. I generally have a pretty good knack for knowing when something just isn't right very early on. I especially hate it when I allow politeness to keep me in what I just *know* is going to be a bad situation one minute longer than I ever should. At least I had the good sense today to get up and walk out before things got *really* bad, but I wish I'd left about 15 minutes sooner.

Trust the inner voice. It's trying to tell you something for a reason.

Great advice no matter what the situation. Don't do what you think or even feel you should; do what the little voice says.


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I think it was Michael Bane who said in his blog that he had a dentist screw up royally.

An infection started in his tooth and then spread to his eye. And I think it was his shooting / dominant eye, too.

Yeah, EricW, thank your lucky stars for that little voice. You got out of there in the nick of time.

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