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I Just Had A Great Idea


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I've got a "emergency kit" for every competition gun for which I don't have a back up gun.

Each kit has all the parts most likely to cause problems for that specific gun.

1911s---springs, firing pin, firing pin stop, slide release, extractor, etc

Revolver - springs, cylinder stop, hand, screws, etc.

The key is that these parts have all been fitted and run in the gun for at least 1,000 rounds.... That way I know that they are REALLY drop in parts.

Edited by MichiganShootist
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I've been doing that for 10 years, I keep spare recoil/fireing pin/main springs, sear springs, front sights, & screws & pins for my bomars, recoil buffers, small tools etc....FP-10 1 oz bottle.

I was watching a stage at nationals when a guy had a problem with his 1911, probably a bad recoil buffer, he came off the stage asking if anyone had a allen wrench so he could remove his guide rod, he as shocked when I opened my little tool box and handed him the wrench he needed,

I may not be able to shoot very well but I'll be damned if a 30 cent part is going to take me out of a match..

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Good idea, zhunter. I'm going to do the same thing. I've got a few extra pieces in my bag, but not the fp stop, extractor, and a couple others. I mostly just carry a spare gun (usually a Glock), so I'm covered for local matches.

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A spare gun is best, but it is the most expensive option too.

The Open gun I just built and the Limited gun I am working on now have EVERYTHING but barrel, slide and frame as fitted spares. I have been taken out of a Sectional match for a broken extractor and that is not going to happen again. I may zero a stage, but not 3!!!

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Other than the slide and frame, a known good spare of each part in those pieces is not a bad idea to have in the match box. But nothing beats having a spare working gun of each type you use in the truck ;-)

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I understand that in the old Southwest Pistol League days, it was common to have three pistols. One you shot, one as a back-up, and one at the gunsmith being build. They were rotated as needed - when the primary went down, the back-up became primary, the old primary went to the shop and hte one just back from the shop became the back-up.


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I have changed parts for cosmetic reasons,,, stainless or blued, they off color become spares and I know they work. I have extra sears and hammers allready fit. I have quite a few spare parts that dont really need fitting I also routinely tune my guns and replace parts before they fail usually the spring items like the extractor so I guess I am nearly there guess I should fit an extra firing pin stop.

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I just found out on the weekend, that my trojan .45 has a 38super/.40 firing pin and not the bigger .45 firing pin. I was looking at the spare one that I picked up, and said to myself gee that look big compared to the one in the gun. Sure enough, it does not fit!

Like you said, fit all your parts before putting them in the range bag. :) Great idea.

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