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Sv Add In Latest Front Sight


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Has anyone else looked at latest add in the new First Sight? Pretty damn funny what they put in the black box!! :lol::lol:


NOT that I liked the fact they covered up the the "TRIGGER" but in the way they RESPONDED to that crazy letter!! AND what about JP's NEW VIPER rifle on page 51 COOL!!

Edited by DrawandDuck
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oh no-another to be thread drift...front site? what is that? oh yea, guess i'll get mine in april...

i believe "front site" is what we non-open guys use to influence possible directionality when pulling the trigger on our pistols.

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My wife, who is arguably a non-shooter, reads my FrontSight before I do each month. She was offended by the position of the compainers, not the photos.

Her response to this last ad was that if anything, it was MORE provocative in that unless you look closely, you don't see anything of the bikini bottom.

Just for the record, she was not offended by this one either.


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I think what SV said in that black box was chickensh*t, immature and unprofessional. JMUnpopularO

I have also talked with quite a few women about this. We share similar opinions (and some don't), but the problem is, they're not likely to be vocal about it. When you're up against a bunch of hard up, horny men it's very difficult to voice distaste. It's much easier to keep quite and remove yourself from the situation.

I'll also take this opportunity to voice my opinion on another matter... I am SO sick of seeing topics like "Itty Bitty Teeny Weeney sexy string bikini", "Shaved Pu##y" or discussions including "I won't even put my lips on that thing unless I get to swallow". And the post your girlfriend/wife... cool concept, but why do you post pictures of Christina Aguilara (I don't care how to spell her name) with her butt sticking out of the water? You wish she was your girlfriend? There is a clear line of appropriateness in posting pictures of your girlfriends/wives and Christina's butt.

I worked very hard to provide videos of FL Open, and where does the topic drift... to compliments about another members scantily clad avatar! At that point, I WAS offended!!!

What's the matter with (some of) you guys???

Talk about this kind of stuff to me at a match and you're likely to get slapped. (Actually, I don't hit people, but I'll certainly remove myself from your presence). THE FUNNY THING IS, YOU'LL APOLOGIZE TO ME ABOUT IT! WHY?!?! Apparently, you didn't say anything wrong... <_<

I showed this site to some of the nurses I work with. They were appalled by some of the topic matter and asked me WHY I hang out with these people. I know a lot of you personally and I know you're not bad people... but, is this the impression you want to give of this forum and our sport???

You can tell me to lighten up... won't be the first time... but maybe you should consider being a little more respectful.

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I just love the PC BS. Last time I looked we were still in the US. You have the right to be offended, pissed off, protest, etc. Just don't forget that the other side has the right to do, say and print things that will piss you off and offend you. Over the course of history many people died to ensure that you have the right to say and do things that others will not like....a little thing called FREEDOM. So for all the people that like the adds great ( I personally think it is funny as hell) for the rest that are offended turn the damn page! It amazes me that we as shooters are so quick to bitch about and call for the censoring of adds after we have been victim of numerous gun bans because somebody didn't like guns. As far as hard up horny men what can I say most of us are married so that should explain that issue pretty easily!

I am glad to see that Jim's wife is taking an interest and reading Front Sight to him now Dave will get a break from having to do that.

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I'll also take this opportunity to voice my opinion on another matter... I am SO sick of seeing topics like "Itty Bitty Teeny Weeney sexy string bikini", "Shaved Pu##y" or discussions including "I won't even put my lips on that thing unless I get to swallow". And the post your girlfriend/wife... cool concept, but why do you post pictures of Christina Aguilara (I don't care how to spell her name) with her butt sticking out of the water? You wish she was your girlfriend? There is a clear line of appropriateness in posting pictures of your girlfriends/wives and Christina's butt.


You can tell me to lighten up... won't be the first time... but maybe you should consider being a little more respectful.

I agree. This is not the boys locker room. I do agree this is a free country and people have fought and died to protect this blah blah...HOWEVER... Just because your audience is not visible does not mean that you can forget about acting and speaking with respect for different genders, viewpoints and beliefs. :(

.02 from me.

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