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Ohio Section Championship - 2007

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Thanks goes out to all who put in their blood, sweat and tears in to this match. Ohio almost didn't have a match this year but I know when Kyle (flexmoney) is at the wheel, people jump right in.

Met up with a lot of people I haven't seen for a long time, can't mention names for government reasons :P . It was a pleasure shooting with the Ball family, they have two great kids, which this country needs more of. David might want to watch over his should because Jane is developing in to one great shooter.

Hope to see some of you at either the Michigan Sectional, Western PA, Kentucky or if you were lucky enough to get in, Area 2 which will complete my major schedule for the year.

After speaking with Micah and Mr. Anderson, these two should go on a motivational speaking tour, I plan to take the winter off from shooting and get in to the gym and also work on a dry fire routine.

Good luck to those going to Tulsa!!!

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Congratulations to all of you involved in putting this match together. It was truely a well rounded and fun match. I'm new to this Brian Enos thing and this is my first year shooting majors matches, so it was nice to meet a lot of you this weekend.

I hope to see a lot of you in Michigan and at Area 3.

Great Match!!! :cheers:

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Thanks to all that made the match. We were happy to host it for you.

What a great crew we have. I can't think of anybody that I didn't work like a dog. It's amazingly hard to find the right words to truely thank the best people in the world.

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David might want to watch over his should because Jane is developing in to one great shooter.

Oh, I'm watching. And sometimes by looking straight ahead because I'm eating Jane's dust as she blazes on by!

Dave, you had better pick up Jane's open gun when she and the "yungin" are shootin...or at least caddy for them :lol:

Just kiddin, nice to see you again and the rest of the guys I talk to on here from up north!

Great match, only really bombed one stage do to a soft mag release spring. Flyin40 is EVIL with those A zone only targets! Got out gamed on the shopping cart stage but other than that I was pleased with my performance. Maybe after this update I'll be a B and you all can quit the sandbaggin comments :goof:

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It was great being there Kyle. Nice to get to put a face to the name finally. The match staff was great and it ran really smooth on Saturday as far as I could tell. Got the dates for the '08 match yet?!?!?!

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I drove seven hours for 26 seconds of shooting, then DQ'ed. While I would much rather have gotten that out of the way in a local match, I'm glad that it was a clear "my fault" DQ, took off running before drawing, and my arm swung up and knocked the gun out.

Thanks to the staff for being professional and understanding, I tried not to bitch at myself too much and bring everyone down. (Though there was some very loud cursing on the drive home.) I'll be back next year, and I've learned my lesson about a completely unlocked holster. Never again when it's anything but "hands at side, shoot from the box".


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To all match personnel, thanks for a great time. IMA45 and myself enjoyed the ride from Georgia, enjoyed the beautiful farm country scenery, and especially all the great folks that worked so hard to make it happen. Already planning a return visit next year!

And for the NROI staff we had dinner with Friday night at Roosters : :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

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Had a great time at the match. I was able to put some faces with some forum members names. I thought it was a pretty well rounded match also. There were a ton of target placements to make you think you can go faster than you should. Didn't perform very well but its fun no matter what.

The cart stage was probably the most discussed stage of the match from what I heard. It was better to push the cart up and shoot the turners. I shot it in 17.49 and pushed the cart but missed the mag when I went to grab it and push the cart the rest of the way so I didn't have any ammo to shoot at the turners even though I was right there.

I can't take credit for the A-zone stage, I just painted the targets before Flex could change his mind.

We have a great crew helping out. I had alot of guys putting in a ton of effort. We had the entire match tore down by 8pm Sunday night thanks to our great crew. I was glad I was able to shoot the match, on Friday I didn't even think I was going to be able to shoot it at all.


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I had planned on attending this match until I realized that it was a holiday weekend and I didn't have a chance in He!! of getting the time off from work. The WEBN fireworks takes up most of the police force so we really run short. Anyway it looked like fun just sorry I missed it. See ya'll in Kentucky.

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I need to add that it was fun to shoot with Thomas, Mike, Joe, and the Balsleys. Have gotten to know Thomas and Mike over the years and never had the opportunity to shoot with them. It was especially fun watching the top two Open guys at the match go head-to-head, and then strategize the "shopping cart" stage. Good stuff.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Tulsa.

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It was a wonderful weekend with a awesome match and a crowd of very cool people! The stages were a fine mix of fun and challenging shooting tests (which I mostly failed :rolleyes: ). I loved the fact that the non-Standards courses had so many options. It's all about Freestyle, baby! For example, there were over a dozen different ways to shoot stage 5. Whle I shot like crap (you get out of it what you put into it, right?), I doubt anybody had more fun than I did.

Brian and I misplaced the camera so we didn't get to catch a picture of our squad, but they were great people who made us feel very welcome. Thanks to everyone on squad 16 for a fine time. After checking out Flying40's .40 Open gun, I know if I ever decide to play in that division that I'll be going the same route.

I think the thing I enjoyed the most was just how many people from the forum were there. It was worth the drive just to finally be able to meet so many forum regulars in one place and put faces and names together. There were just too many to list here.

I tried to personally thank all of the officiating staff for working so we could play, but in case I missed anyone --

Thank You!

**If Flex can get his order in early enough to make sure the weather is as nice next year, I'll be back!

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This was our second big match (Steel1212 and I). Was a little apprehensive about the long range stuff at first, but everybody has to shoot them. Those in my squad know that the Calibration Gods were looking after me on stage 10. Stage 7 bit me even though I've shot it twice before (dropped a mag, with none on the belt). Lessons learned were many!

Thank you to all who worked this match. It ran smooth and was a blast to shoot. We camped at Deer Creek State Park nearby. Recommend it highly to anyone willing to "tent it" for a match. Make your reservations EARLY as it was absolutely full up due to the holiday.

Some vids:

Stage 1: Hit the close no shoot and splintered some wood on this one.


Stage 2: Accuracy by volume.


Stage 3: Needing the last make up shot cost me the stage win I believe.


I was REALLY looking forward to shooting stage 4 after seeing it and getting my plan together. I really enjoyed that one. Got sucked into the first no shoot though. No video.

Edited by want2race
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and for the NROI staff we had dinner with Friday night at Roosters : :cheers::cheers::cheers:

All I have to say is beware of the Georgia boyz!!! :bow: See ya at Area 6 next year... ;)

+1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 :sick:

It was a friggin' drive by kegging...Georgia-Style!!!! Damn terrorists.

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Now y'all see why i love the south! Damn I miss Georgia.

Great match it took lots of folks and some great guidance by flex to get it to done so well. he managed his magic with the weather gods. and even worked half the day he was shooting.

Congrats to all the winners, and thanks to all the shooters and staff that made this match possible. We had folks from all over the country there, as far as Georgia, Florida, Kansas. See everyone in Tulsa!

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