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Oj Simpson's New Book....


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O.J. Simpson is confessing. Hypothetically, that is.

The former football great, who was acquitted in criminal court 11 years ago of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman, reportedly has been paid a whopping $3.5 million to write about the double murder that shocked and riveted the nation in 1994, according to a detailed report in the new National Enquirer.

But Simpson is not actually confessing to the murder — rather, he’s writing a “hypothetical” book — which the Enquirer reports is tentatively being called “If I Did It.”

The early part of the book tells how Simpson fell in love with Nicole and how the marriage collapsed, reports the tab. He goes on, according to the article, to describe in gruesome detail the killing of his ex-wife and Goldman; he stipulates that the murder scenes are “hypothetical.” But, notes the tab, the descriptions are “so detailed and so chillingly realistic” that readers are left with little doubt as to what really happened.

Simpson can never be retried for the murders because of double jeopardy laws, according to the Enquirer, which also claims that Simpson aims to keep any book money instead of paying it out in a civil suit judgment against him by spending it all quickly.

He'll make alot more than $3.5 million.

He should have titled the book " How to kill your wife and her boyfriend and get rich!"


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I cannot imagine anyone having the gall to do what he did, get away with it criminally, and then flaunt it in the face of everyone for any reason, especially money.

Not advocating anything, but he might need to be looking over his shoulder.......


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Nothing like being able to look justice square in the face.... and then spit. <_<

As if the book isn't bad enough on its own FOX is going to broadcast an interview over 2 day so the good old OJ can tells us directly about it. :angry: This is just a pathetic display of how a lot of people in this world will do anything for money. I just read that the company publishing the book is part of News Corp so FOX et al are making money all around on this deal. The thing I can't grasp is that he lost the civil case so he's supposed to pay the victims families a sizable chunk of money but apparently he's getting to keep the $3.5 million from the book to pay off his condo in FL, buy a house in the Bahama's, etc.

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Pretty tasteless. He should have called it

"Every Dime I Make Goes To my Lost Civil Suit".

The book may make millions, but he won't see a red cent of it.

i don't know about that. has the civil suit been paid any money? i don't think so. another reason to hate oj.


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I don't do the Hate forum much. But this gets the award for the worst thing that I have ever heard of. (To paraphrase what tightloop said) From O.J., the publishers, and FOX, all are robbing air that a decent person could use. :angry:

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"If I did it, this is how it happened" :blink:

Can you believe this guy?! <_<

NOPE... and I can't believe they found a jury racist enough to give him a walk despite all the evidence.

It still pisses me off, but the fact the he lives like a king and weasels out of paying the judgement against heim is even more infuriating.


The weather is so hot, OJ woke up and screamed:

"Oh, no! Am I dead already!"


I cannot imagine anyone having the gall to do what he did, get away with it criminally, and then flaunt it in the face of everyone for any reason, especially money.

Not advocating anything, but he might need to be looking over his shoulder.......


I'm amazed he is still alive. He probably has some serious security.

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I'm a law and order kind of guy so I firmly believe in letting things work themselves out through due legal process and I have faith that the system will work.

That said, if I was Nichole's brother I'd be asking for my own pair of Isotoner's for Christmas and taking my chances that the system would "work" by balancing back out.

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I'm a law and order kind of guy so I firmly believe in letting things work themselves out through due legal process and I have faith that the system will work.

That said, if I was Nichole's brother I'd be asking for my own pair of Isotoner's for Christmas and taking my chances that the system would "work" by balancing back out.

Too many things to remember, get the gloves, make a bump in the night, fly to Chicago, slow speed chase, and of course Johnny C is dead now...so what you going to do?...

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O.J. cant be tried again because of double jeopardy

its a good thing he didnt violate there civil rights like the rodney king cops violated rodneys

maybe a slight dbl standard?

it is too bad he can't be retried....given another chance a good jury might do what need to be done the first time.

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I don't do the Hate forum much. But this gets the award for the worst thing that I have ever heard of. (To paraphrase what tightloop said) From O.J., the publishers, and FOX, all are robbing air that a decent person could use. :angry:

Who do you think came up with the whole idea, it sure wasn't OJ, its the people who stand to make the money and ratings off the whole thing. It still has plenty of pull or all of you wouldn't be so upset about it after all this time.

Besides we all have heard him speak and you know he couldn't write a solid paragraph if his own life depended on it so you know there was a team of people somewhere writing the crap for him. They are just paying him to put his name on it.

As for the guilty not guilty battle....There had to be something that made 12 people believe he did not do it, thats the way or system is supposed to work and we have to have faith in the system as a whole.

As for the civil trial, I always thought that was total crap...double jeopardy with a new name... How can you be found not guilty but liable at the same time. Its like saying I didn't rob the bank but my money caused the other guy to do it.

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I would explain in detail why he was not found guilty in detail, but my post would not last till the water got hot and then the thread would be closed...

Imagine: 1. Where it happened 2. Who was the defendant 3. Who was his attorney 4. Think about the detectives who investigated it..

Now put that together...

the system is flawed when something like that happens..and civil trials are remedies for those who don;t get justice in criminal court...

Got it? ;)

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I'm in the minority I suppose, but also have some insight that others do not.

That said, he was found not guilty in court by a jury. Say what you will about the "facts" of the case, but the system is the system. Good, bad or indifferent. After working in a jail, I can say only this. The court system, much more often than not, gets it right. Is that to say some folks skirt the system? Sure.

Does that mean that because someone has had his day in court and it reached an unpopular decision that he should be eternally damned? Personally, no.

It's a lot like the freedom of speech. In it's truest definition, it gives a voice to the person you hate the most saying what hurts the most. You disagree with it with every part of your being, but it is the same right you have. You can disagree with the message, but must respect the right.

He stood before a judge and a jury. If there was any injustice done, it was by them and not him.


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+10 (or more) on what EVERYONE here said. When I heard this crap on the TV news I got physically sick to my stomach. If I'd been the kind to faint, I'd have fainted dead away that very moment! GAH!!!! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE THIS GUY!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

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I would explain in detail why he was not found guilty in detail, but my post would not last till the water got hot and then the thread would be closed...

Imagine: 1. Where it happened 2. Who was the defendant 3. Who was his attorney 4. Think about the detectives who investigated it..

Now put that together...

the system is flawed when something like that happens..and civil trials are remedies for those who don;t get justice in criminal court...

Got it? ;)

I paid attention to the whole thing and I spent enough time working for the media to know how much we saw and how they can push one side or the other even when they say thay are providing unbiased news. Plus we did not see all the info.

I won't bother with the rest as I like to stay out of that realm of this.

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How does this relate to shooting competition? ;)


Though the guidelines don't specifically point out that hate rants can be about anything they do specifically refer to what isn't accepted. This unwritten pattern has been questioned recently and many times in the past. ( yes I do see the winking smilie). As the chief hate forum evil henchman mod I'll confer with my fellow evil henchmen mods and attempt to make a clarification in the guidelines in the near future. Till then I'm closing this specifically because a few of the replies have edged towards being a rebutal and that part of the guidelines need no re-writing at all...

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