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I Like The Ultra-low Gas Prices Here In Ohio

Chris Keen

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I cant believe that right now the price of gas in Ohio is at a 3 year low. Here in Dayton it is currently $1.96 & it looks like there are a couple of stations in Springfield with a price of $1.94 :o:o:o

This is an awesome, since summer is about over, but Fall ...... it seems has only just begun. Maybe there's still time to get some good weekend driving in. ;)

Some of us from Dayton, Ohio are headed up to Pittsburg this weekend for the Western PA Sectional. Don't mind chipping in for gas .......... no, not at all! :lol:

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Let's all remember why this price reduction is happening.

It's the SILLY SEASON, the elections.

Have no fear, when the elections are over the prices will skyrocket again.

The best I saw was somewhere in the midwest when returning from the Nats. - about $2.19

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gettin to be almost time to buy a 500 gallon tank and stock up....here a few weeks ago we had one gas station selling gas cheap so another station owner took some tanker trucks over and bought all there gas up saying he could buy it cheaper from them than from his own people......LMAO

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I never thought that I would consider $1.95 gal. fairly cheap. We better enjoy it. I hate to try and guess how much it will be six months after the election.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we'll never have to hear any more news about China growing too fast, or refinery shut-downs, or Alaskan pipeline troubles, or emotional traders, or how we all keep buying too much and refuse to walk to work.

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Let's all remember why this price reduction is happening.

It's the SILLY SEASON, the elections.

Have no fear, when the elections are over the prices will skyrocket again.

Hmm .. There are some implications in that which would assume that a huge number of governement and private employees could keep a conspiracy secret. I don't have that much faith in their competency. I'd say that oil prices dropping to $60 from nearly $80 might have something to do with it. Maybe the end of the summer driving season might also have something to with it. Just some alternatives.

Oh yeah .. $2.29 in NJ

Edited by Vlad
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Just did 2,900 miles flyfishing in the west..

California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming - and back

Oddest thing ever.. California was the cheapest, $2.55, but they do somehting to the gas here, the 87 octane in Calif, gets less miles per gallon than the 85 octane in Montana..

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don't get all excited, it is the end of summer special from the oil companies...it is our payback for repeatedly asking the CEO's why the prices go up weekly...this will last till about early Nov and then go back up for those that want to travel over the holidays then you have spring and up it goes again...just the lull before 3 buck per gallon on the summer next yr... :(

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I take no pity on you if you work for one of the oil companies...

How is it that they all go UP on the same day....once could be coincidence, but not all the time...and I have seen it go up 3 times in a week...now you can't tell me that they cannot forecast better and longer into the future than 3 hours...damn...and it never comes down except when we ( the driving public) make the Congress demand the reasons why it goes up and up and never comes down..maybe I am just skeptical..

Not that I have seen it, but betcha there is a red phone in the office of the CEO at Exxon straight to the office of the CEO at Chevron... :lol::P:D

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How is it that they all go UP on the same day....

I think I have the answer to that one. I learned by accident that the nice lady who runs the station/convenience store at the corner goes out every morning and "shops" the competition. She then returns to her store and they adjust prices accordingly. This is actually part of her assigned duties. When I commented on it I was told, "Hell, EVERYBODY does it!"

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I take no pity on you if you work for one of the oil companies...

Far from it, I'm at the mercy as of the oil man just as much as anyone else. However I have learned that conspiracies are almost never true.

How is it that they all go UP on the same day....once could be coincidence, but not all the time...and I have seen it go up 3 times in a week...

So when ammo prices go up all at the same time from all the manufacturers are they all in the same bed as well? How about the price of letuce? The price of lead and the weather in California affects all the producers and consumers more or less the same. The oil industry has a couple of extra helpings of crazy added to it because of spot markets and futures markets and loons with nukes. I'm not saying they aren't trying to make money, nor should we blame them for it, but I think complete control of the oil market is impossible and without it the whole consipracy theory folds.

now you can't tell me that they cannot forecast better and longer into the future than 3 hours...damn...and it never comes down except when we ( the driving public) make the Congress demand the reasons why it goes up and up and never comes down..maybe I am just skeptical..

My morning drive takes me down a major highway. There are two gas stations facing eachother, from two different companies. I can buy gas from one or the other, on my way to work or returning. For 5 years I've been watching them change prices. If one drops its price in the morning by $0.02 by the time I drive home, so does the other one. If one goes up by $0.02 the other one goes up by at least $0.01. If I drive to a station off the main drag I can get better prices. All of those things are prime indicators of demand and supply and economics at work.

At the end of the day a product, of any sort, will cost as much as people are willing to pay for it. If it costs to much people will buy it from the competitor. If it costs to little you won't make all the money you can from it. Do you really want to tell me that a Glock costs $450 to make, distribute, and retail? I'm guessing that everyone would still make a profit at $350. A Sigma costs what, $250? How much harder is to build a Glock? But optimum combination of volume and price sets the price at $450. They could proabably sell more guns at $400 but make less money over all, or fewer guns at $500 with a higher profit margine and make less money overall again. Gas is no different. If it is too expensive, you drive less, and they start not making as much money as before.

I'd like to remind you all again, that a gallon of no-name spring water at my local ShopRite costs $2. This was made locally, water came out of the hose, and shipped maybe 100 miles. Your gas came from across the globe, after much effort in getting it out of the dirt, got refined and blended a few times, shipped to your station, taxed like nothing else, and it wasn't much more expensive then that bottle of water. All the while, loons with guns where kidnapping oil workers, blowing up pipes, hurricanes where trashing refineries and terminals, and the occasional drunk captain drove his boat into a rock.

If you really think ANYONE could really control that mess I have a fake lunar lending to tell you about. I don't like paying the high prices any more then you do and if you want to start a company that makes a car the runs on water, or sand, or good feelings, I'll gladly back you up. If you want to blame market speculators for stupid fluctuations in the price of oil or of gasoline spot markets, I'll back you all the way, while remind you that our 401k's might have made some money too out of the deal. I'm just not buying the picuture of fat cats in tuxes, sitting around a table smoking cigars and trying to figure out how to steal your milk money ... and nobody having any actual proof of it beyond midnight bull session type of speculations.

It kind of reminds me about the Brady bunch and their theories on how gun companies get together and find a way to get guns to criminals so people will be scared and buy more guns.

Also accusing politicians of controling the price is a bit strange too. Not only can't they control their own staff, not only can't they get a blowjob without being all over the news, but does anyone really think that Bush (or anyone else for that matter) would take a 5 to 7 point drop in popularity (thats the range some people estimate the gas prices cost him this summer) just so he can get some it back right before the election? Selling off that much political capital for almost two years to get back a 1 or 2 point rise before the election makes no sense what so ever. It doesn't matter how much money Exxon is giving you, 5 points in the polls is worth more then all of Exxon itself to a politician.

Edited by Vlad
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My sister works for an oil company.

Here is the way it works.

Oil company sells gas at the rack for say 1.00 a gallon. 3c profit

The distributor sells it to the gas station for 1.50 or more. 25c profit

The station sells it for 2.00 or more. 25c profit

If the distributor owns gas stations, he makes 50c profit.

Oil company make profit on volume, they may sell to 50 distributors.

Its like everything else the middle men make the big bucks and compition drives prices.

I dont like it anymore than anyone else but unless you want to live in a socialist or communist country thats the way it is.

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