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Fighter Jet Engines


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....jet engines?

Lockheed Martin has been flying F-22's over my house quite a bit the last few weeks.

Funny thing is that it's not an annoying sound....not like the sound of commercial jets...they bug me for some reason....hell, even the cargo jets sound better....

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I would tend to disagree w/ that. I've been living at then end of an air base in Iraq. I have the joy of listening to F-16's, F-15's, C-5's and C-17's taking off at full thrust. It was kinda cool at first, but after 11 months of it, its getting annoying.

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The difference is true jet engines on the fighters vs high bypass turbofans on the airliners.

stinger, I know what you mean about hearing them all the time, I was on a cruiser escorting a carrier for a few months in the Gulf and it gets OLD quickly.

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Maybe that is why they call it the sweet sound of freedome! I have been putting fighters in the air all over the world for 18 years and I will never get tired of that awesome sound! It is best when you can feel the thrust in your chest! Nothing like a fully loaded F-15E taking off in full after burner on his way to eleminate another terrorist and make it safer for us all to sleep at night. God bless all of americas brave Sailors, Soldiers, Airman and Marines!


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When I was stationed in Guam in the... well, lets just say it was a few years ago, the Naval Air Station and the International airport shared the same runway and we lived about 500 yards off to the side about midway down.

The 747's just seemed to have a whine which I have learned to associate with high-bypass machines. But the military jets. Nothing but thunder.

I agree with shooter_rob, "It is best when you can feel the thrust in your chest!"



then there would be the times they were doing night time touch and goes during the evening news.......

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Used to work in an engineering plant next to a civil/military airport runway (my window looked right towards the end part of the runway, at some 200 yds), where the first 2 Italian Eurofighter prototypes were built and test flown.

Nothing I've ever heard could've been compared to the screaming of the two eurojets (rated at 90KN/20'000lbf with afterburner) on a short takeoff and subsequent candle climb ... :wacko:

It felt like the whole sky was being rippen ... :o

Edited by Skywalker
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StingerJG and DJ,

You mean like F-15s, F-16s and A-10s all taking off all night long?

I have to admit, being right at the base of the flightline at night when the jets take off is quite a show. The ground shakes, you shake, your heart beats faster, the flames blow out the rear of the jet. Oh, my! It's very close to another type of beautiful moment.

After about four or five, I think I had my fill for that particular night. [shameless plug for E.A.R. Inc.] Thank goodness for earplugs! [/shameless plug for E.A.R. Inc.]


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When I was a kid playing in my yard, a fighter pilot flew low over my house while doing a 4 point roll.

He was inverted when he passed over my head and was close enough that I could clearly see the colors of his helment as he looked up and waved at me.

I got a real thrill out of that.

I still do.

Feels like tax dollars well spent.

The sound is more than the turbines.

It is the sound of heavy metal streaking through the air at high speed.

An A10 has a totaly different sound than a fighter jet. It is very distinct.

I suspect it sounds pretty sweet to a ground commander in close combat.

To the enemy it just sounds like bad news.

I like it.


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On my first cruise our berthing (sleep hole) was near from the jet engine shop. The F-404 engine is so loud if you had something sitting on table it had better be tied down. Two deployments and one shore tour with F-18's and I'm not sick of it yet.


That is one loud place to be.


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The pic of the Tomcat brings back memories. If you're close to an F14A in fill afterburner "Zone 5", there's a vibration...a very loud and penetrating A-note Whoooouuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm that NO hearing protection can protect you from. It comes up through your shins and rattles your skeleton. It not irritating, it just this enormous power that stuns you still.

The A6 Intruder (EA-6B prowler) was actually the loudest aircraft on the boat. The noise from those engines is downright painful...

On my first cruise our berthing (sleep hole) was near from the jet engine shop. The F-404 engine is so loud if you had something sitting on table it had better be tied down. Two deployments and one shore tour with F-18's and I'm not sick of it yet.


That is one loud place to be.


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In the fall of 1969, I had the privilege of spending a few weeks in WWII-vintage barracks on the Northside of NAS Memphis. These buildings were about 1/4 mile from the end of the runway. The premier fighter of the day was the F-4. That plane had 2 afterburning J-79s. The local naval aviators would do formation take-offs in the middle of the night. Nothing like waking up to the sound of 4 J-79's in full A/B. I would love to hear it now but then it was not all that appreciated.

On a different note, a couple years back, Boeing had a Family Day at the Long Beach Airport. They had a B-1 on static display. It left for home on Monday morning but not before doing a low altitude pass over the airport. The airport got so many complaints we no longer get our own airshow. :( The BONE; now that is a loud plane! :D

Edited by ChuckS
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You guys that like the fighters vs the comercial aircraft are out of your mind!!!! I have been around F15s F16s A10s and other assorted "jets" in my 12 years with the USAF. I have to say I would rather be around C5s for the reat of my life if I did not have to hear after burner ever again!!

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The pic of the Tomcat brings back memories. If you're close to an F14A in fill afterburner "Zone 5", there's a vibration...a very loud and penetrating A-note Whoooouuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm that NO hearing protection can protect you from. It comes up through your shins and rattles your skeleton. It not irritating, it just this enormous power that stuns you still.

The A6 Intruder (EA-6B prowler) was actually the loudest aircraft on the boat. The noise from those engines is downright painful...

On my first cruise our berthing (sleep hole) was near from the jet engine shop. The F-404 engine is so loud if you had something sitting on table it had better be tied down. Two deployments and one shore tour with F-18's and I'm not sick of it yet.


That is one loud place to be.


A big fat +1 on that one!!! I had the same feeling when I saw that picture. Thanks for posting it Joe! Our line shack was just off the bow cats and at night when the Tomcats would take off it was quite the show. We would just sit on the egde of the deck and enjoy!!! I will say that if there is a possible equivalent that I've experienced it would be standing at the finish line when a top-fuel dragster crosses the line at 300+mph. Not quite as flashy, but just as intense...

A Hush House isn't just a military term. Lots of major airports have them for use when we need to do a high power maintenance run-up. Most folks experience take-off power sitting inside as the aircraft is preparing to shoot down the runway. Its quite a bit different standing next to it...


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I spent three days on the Enterprise a few years ago and part of the show included watching F14 Tomcats and F18 Hornets in action. When they go full throttle on landing then take off after missing the wire, there is an awesome sound that makes you vibrate with the cosmos. :)

Edited by AikiDale
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I do have to admit that a carrier would be a joy.

It's fun for about a week, then reality sets in... :( Imagine being locked inside your house 24/7 for 6 months and never stepping off the front porch, that's what it's like on a carrier.

I've worked CH46's, 53's, 60's, H1's, Harriers and KC135's, but hands down the most annoying aircraft ever to pollute the sky's is the T37 "Tweet". I would rather stand behind a C5 at power without hearing protection than to ever hear the T37 again.

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There is only ONE air superior fighter-----The F-15 Eagle---- Oh yea its the largest distributor of MIG parts in the free world!!!!!!!!!!! And nothing beats an F-4 Phantom II on the deck. The only bad thing about both of them----BOEING now makes them :D I guess if you can't beat em', buy em'!!!!

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