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You know what i hate DIVORCE!

Not the parting from someone you obviously cant get along with, But the whole loosing all you have worked for because your Attorney isn't quite as slick as her Attorney thing!

I have watched my life spiral down a bad bad road for about 2 years now and i just can't do a thing about it? Everytime i think i hit bottom someone finds a way to shove me further! <_<

I hate the fact that this DIVORCE has taken not only my son from me but the second love of my life USPSA!

And also lets not forget your pocessions that you have worked for all your life that you had some slick haggleing over them trying everything he could to get your stuff as cheap as he possibly could just so he can tell all his buddys at the range that he really screwed this guy who had to sell his stuff just to be able to survive another month! So if you are one of those people who got one of my Bedell guns or Dillon loaders or any of my guns and beat me down to do it then CONGRATULATIONS to you but I'll tell ya now you weren't the first to get me! And when i get back on my feet you wont do it again!! :angry:

I really dont want to sound like my pocessions made me who i am as a person because they didn't , but those things gave me a release from life, every weekend when i could go to a match and shoot and compete and see all the people who make this the greatest sport on earth was what i looked forward to!

And now i cant afford the match fees let alone the gas money to get there!

By the way this aint no pitty party for me it is simply a rant that i hope will keep me from screaming out loud ;)

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sorry bout that...long ago ...several friends got together and talked about this...we started a "pawn a shooter program"...laughf if you want....i never used it but did support it...what happened with a few of the group, was that they did go thru a divorce....and instead of giving it all up....several of us did buy their gear and other things at a reduced cost.....but, by signing a note,that was legal,stateing the person had either 6 months to buy it back or lose it...at least they didnt sell it at a big loss....

i guess in my eyes...the kids always get screwed...and i truely hate that....hope that part will work itself out with you.............

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Been there done that.

Now for the good news.

The kids have all done well, gotten advanced degrees, gotten married, one 3 year old granddaughter and I get along with all of them. Have a better job, a better relationship and living in a better house.

This really is a new beginning. Go with it. And in the short term remember the line from a Kris Kristoferson song Janis Joplin made so famous...."Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

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Just to be honest the pawn a shooter program would have been a great thing for me i had about $9000.00 dollars in 3 Bedell guns and sold them for a grand total of $4000.00

But as bad as it sounds i needed the money that bad! :angry:

but i will say this my little rant did make me feel better without going out and hackin and slayin folks!

Thanks alot for the responses and also not telling me i should have been more prepared ( i seem to hear that one alot these days now that i have nothin :)

But thanks to Aikidale, Gmancdp and TIGHTLOOP!

Sometimes a guy just has to vent!

I had to start another topic on the what i like forum!

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Have any ideas why divorces cost so much?---------I know.---------Cause they are worth it. It takes time to recover from it, but its not worth living miserable, not for anyone, you, your ex or the kids. Hang in there. Believe me, it gets better.------------Larry

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Have any ideas why divorces cost so much?---------I know.---------Cause they are worth it. It takes time to recover from it, but its not worth living miserable, not for anyone, you, your ex or the kids. Hang in there. Believe me, it gets better.------------Larry

Thanks Larry!

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Have any ideas why divorces cost so much?---------I know.---------Cause they are worth it. It takes time to recover from it, but its not worth living miserable, not for anyone, you, your ex or the kids. Hang in there. Believe me, it gets better.------------Larry

Is that you Coach?

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Have any ideas why divorces cost so much?---------I know.---------Cause they are worth it. It takes time to recover from it, but its not worth living miserable, not for anyone, you, your ex or the kids. Hang in there. Believe me, it gets better.------------Larry

:D +1 for me :D The up grade is realy cool ben happy for 20 years now with the new one, and she helps run the shooting club. Go for the up grade after a few years


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Hey Marc,

Sorry to hear about that. I've been out of it long enough I didn't get the word thru the grapevine yet...

Been there done that myself.

If you'd like to borrow some gear let me know. Heck might even get me out shooting some too!!! lol...

PM coming with my contact numbers...


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Been there and done that.... I was fortunate to keep all of my fun toys...I sold two off but have now since replaced.

One thing to try is some therapy...You need to take it out on someone, you might as well pay em for it. Check around, you can find some lower cost therapists..It did help me.

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I disagree....therapy is not for everyone....you can be your own theripst....I know divorce is one of the hardest and most trying things to go through in life, but it does not automatically require therapy.....I think your time and money is better spent by getting your life back in order..and if you do it by yourself, it happens faster and you never have to question if it is your idea or not...my older son is a child psychologist, and while he makes great money, unless there is abuse or drugs involved I see little need for it..but this is not the place for debating the pros and cons of psychotherapy....just not my cup of tea..

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Take it from me (I am a divorce attorney), get a good lawyer. I take money from less experienced (knowledge not years) attorneys every day. People can really get screwed all day every day by representing themselves or picking cheap counsel

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Although I haven't gone through a divorce, I do come from a divorced family (mom x5 & dad x3) and my boss is starting to go through one now and I'm kinda stuck involved as well (long story).

The only advise I can give is: Surround yourself with family and true friends and feed off of their good vibes! Start to rebuild your life from the inside and then the outside, not in reverse order. You have to feel good inside and get your mind clear and back on track. I know it sucks to lose someone you have spent a long time with, but you have to think about your kids & yourself, not her. I send you all the well wishes possible and hope to hear a better outcome for you.


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