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Ripped Off

Merlin Orr

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Ripped off last night at the Chili's resturant. Laptop. Sig P220 and a few little items. I guess when they popped the glove box and saw the P220 they must have squealed with joy and hauled...because they left the .32 NAA Guardian in its front pocket holster, another Sig 8rd mag and a loose 140mm SVI 9mm mag that were also there.

My 5th day of living in the Corpus Christi area... :o

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M - that sucks! How did they get into the car?

I looked again this morning but saw no visible sign of entry. I guess they could have used a slim jim..? At least I don't have to buy a new side window.... :) The officer who took the report said she figured it to be young bangers... They are about as common here as mosquitos...hehe

That really sucks. On the other hand .. you have taste in guns.

I really liked the gun. Dark blued with night sights and was inside a Milt Sparks Summer Special II. Some youngster is really set up now... Not the useage I had envisioned for the gun for sure.

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That SUX!!!!!!!

Were you carrying in the restaurant? I would not want to interrupt them while they were hold MY gun!!!

Nope, not carrying in the bar. Actually I had just as soon not catch someone ripping me off as I am afraid the situation might lead to something "final". My possessions aren't really that important to me. Life, safety and those I love - Yes. Stuff - not. ;)

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Man, that sucks. I feel for you.

On another note, those of you that have shooting related stickers on the rear windows of your car be aware one of the things those stickers do is kind of advertise that there might be a gun in the car to steal. I'm not trying to criticize anyone for being proud of their hobby or interest, it's just that this is a side effect of those stickers. And the NRA, USPSA, etc. give them away constantly.

Another possibility is that these guys may have been watching the lot and saw you take the gun off before you went in (if that's what you did). If the local mopes know that guys who carry either take the gun off by choice or as required by law before entering a bar they may watch the lot in the chance they'll see a guy stash his gun before he goes in. Takes the guesswork out of thievery.

Just things to think about and help others avoid what happened to you.

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Thats a shame, consider yourself lucky... I lost 60 guns to theft about 8 years ago and only recovered 5 of them and the 5 that were recovered I had to buy back.

How did that work? Did the police refuse to take a report on someone in posession of stolen property?

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Thats a shame, consider yourself lucky... I lost 60 guns to theft about 8 years ago and only recovered 5 of them and the 5 that were recovered I had to buy back.

How did that work? Did the police refuse to take a report on someone in posession of stolen property?

Police found them in a local pawn shop. Not sure about other states, but here in Ohio when a person pawns an item the release form a pawn shops makes you sign saying your items aren't stolen property releases the pawn shop from liabilty for receiving stolen goods and in order for me to get my guns back I had to fork over what the pawn shop had invested in them.

Then the police go after the person who pawned the items. f*#ked up how that works, pissed me off.

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The Ford truck can be jimmyed with a screwdrive into the lock = Crap heads broke into my truck last month = got my brief-case and my buss. check book. I did not know they brok in untill I got home.

Check the pasenger side doors to see if you can use the key to open them = if the key will not work that is the door they got in.

:( Dam Dam Dam


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Ripped off last night at the Chili's resturant. Laptop. Sig P220 and a few little items. I guess when they popped the glove box and saw the P220 they must have squealed with joy and hauled...because they left the .32 NAA Guardian in its front pocket holster, another Sig 8rd mag and a loose 140mm SVI 9mm mag that were also there.

My 5th day of living in the Corpus Christi area... :o

I feel your hate.

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Damn, buddy that sucks.

Too bad the little shits that stole it probably can't even appreciate the 220.


Pawn shops/businesses should be collectively burnt to the ground. all they do is foster the theft business.

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Damn, buddy that sucks.

Too bad the little shits that stole it probably can't even appreciate the 220.


Pawn shops/businesses should be collectively burnt to the ground. all they do is foster the theft business.

yeah, noshit!

In the theft we lost a total of 122 guns of which 60 were mine the rest my grandfathers...I was just thankful of the floater on the insurance policy.

BTW, the ATF didnt want to help at first, I told them.....ok, well your about to have numerous AK's a few AR's and other shit hit the streets of Cincinnati.

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Damn, buddy that sucks.

Too bad the little shits that stole it probably can't even appreciate the 220.


Pawn shops/businesses should be collectively burnt to the ground. all they do is foster the theft business.


Here in Ga, you have to pass a back ground check to get your gun out of pawn. I think you should have to pass one to pawn it too. That would stop alot of this kind of stuff. I don't like the idea of more back ground checks, but I don't pawn anything anyway. The only thing good about not doing one before you pawn is, it can get the guns out of the wrong hands.

FWIW, their are alot of times I'll get out of my truck and go into a place, wait about 30 sec, then walk back out to see if anything is going on. Your right, they will watch a parking lot. I've seen them doing it.


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Hell on background checks, you should have to have a warrant check to pawn a toaster.

Then you could simply have a line of "Dog the Bounty Hunter" types waiting to take dirtbags in and cash in on the bail money. :D

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Damn, buddy that sucks.

Too bad the little shits that stole it probably can't even appreciate the 220.


Pawn shops/businesses should be collectively burnt to the ground. all they do is foster the theft business.

yeah, noshit!

In the theft we lost a total of 122 guns of which 60 were mine the rest my grandfathers...I was just thankful of the floater on the insurance policy.

BTW, the ATF didnt want to help at first, I told them.....ok, well your about to have numerous AK's a few AR's and other shit hit the streets of Cincinnati.

By AK's I meant MAK-90's....I don't own any Class III weapons, LOL

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On another note, those of you that have shooting related stickers on the rear windows of your car be aware one of the things those stickers do is kind of advertise that there might be a gun in the car to steal. I'm not trying to criticize anyone for being proud of their hobby or interest, it's just that this is a side effect of those stickers. And the NRA, USPSA, etc. give them away constantly.

+1. Good advice.

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You hit the nail on the head Merlin...I tell all my CHL students that nothing they own is worth shooting someone over...your life, and the safety of your loved ones is different...but nothing you own is worth it..

Sorry for your loss...that is the very reason a beater Glock is my truck gun...if they get it, I am only out a couple hundred bucks...if they get a Colt, Sig etc...you are way above that figure...

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Check around the door handle real well. Some of the "unknown" entries I used to see actually went in by manipulating the door handle mechanism from inside the door. Usually left a very small dent on the bottom side of the handle. Very hard to see unless you were looking for it. I don't really know how it worked, I just remember seeing it when I took the BMV reports.

Sorry you got hit. It used to break my heart when I would see stolen guns recovered that were probably really nice when they were taken but were in various states of neglect when recovered. I hope you get it back and soon.

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I bought the Sig in a face to face deal. Never wrote down the serial number. I have been told that it will be impossible to recover even if it is found as I have no way to "prove" it is my gun....

The insurance company is also saying - as much as - it will be looked at by "management" as I have no serial number to put on my paperwork. :wacko:

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