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Bladetech Doh Holsters To Be Illegal?


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I read in another thread about a different topic that the DOH holster is soon to be illegal for production. Anyone have any info regarding this? I just bought one for each of three different pistols and now I might not be able to use them?

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Where does this come from?? I mean, is there a ruling in the works or something, or??? Why would the holster be declared as not compliant with the rules? Because everyone's using one??? heh heh... I predict this will piss off more people than the Vanek ruling, if it's true... :lol:

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I heard about this from our local match director (formerly area 3 director). I didn't get the whole story but I think it is related to a recent ruling regarding the holster for the Single Stack division. I think it was discussed at the recent Single Stack Championship. Again, this is just what I heard. He said that the rule would be in place NEXT year, so I'm a bit curious myself as to what has been decided. Don't quote me on this though! I certainly know I would miss mine!

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Reading between the lines about holsters that were legal for the single stack classic, it looked like a warning from the BOD that the DOH would not be legal for SS starting next year. I'm not sure how/if that relates to production class.

Edited by 1911user
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Let's see

create a division to win shooters over from another shooting sport that they were pissed off at because of alot of new rules, most notable was a holster rule that made them mad (it did me).

Create that division to get more involvement from manufacturers of firearms and equipment that felt alienated by the other shooting sport

And then start making new holster rules that will make everyone mad!!!

Not a real smart business decision

Unless someone has anything other than second hand, might have overheard something that maybe might have been mentioned in passing over by the port a pot during this one match, then lock this up before people start to panic and burn their membership cards.

Edited by fortyfiveshooter
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Call me a skeptic, but the DOH complies with every part of the production division rules for a holster. It's pretty much the de-facto holster. I could list about a hundred reasons why it would be an incredibly stupid move, I won't list them as you can pretty much come up with your own. I think real life needs a don't feed the trolls sign.

That being said, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if SS got yet one more arbitrary gear rule added to it as it is already an amalgamation of a bunch of stuff that doesn't make much sense or jibe particularly well with the other divisions.

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Where does this come from?? I mean, is there a ruling in the works or something, or??? Why would the holster be declared as not compliant with the rules? Because everyone's using one??? heh heh... I predict this will piss off more people than the Vanek ruling, if it's true... :lol:


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Slow down guys, I didn't mean to start any trouble and apologize if this is indeed just a rumor. I had just heard it from our match director and just wanted to get more info to see if others knew more. I'm sending an email to the Amidon to see what I can find out.

Edited by Z-man
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If the BoD is seriously considering this, they should at least include a provision for ladies since the DOH was originally marketed as a holster to flatter their curves.

I use a DOH in Limited, 3Gun, and Revolver, but I use the regular belt holster for SS, Production, and Steel.

If this happened, most of the DOH holsters can be converted to a TekLok belt holster with a $9 TekLok and a screwdriver.

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...although this was discussed at the Single Stack, I believe the potential outlawing of the DOH was also in Production div.

Regarding spreading rumors...come on, you guys wanting to lock the thread and stuff need to chill out! If something is heard from a reliable source, by golley I WANT to know about it ahead of time. ...don't you?


I heard that it was being discussed with Amidon. Also, while I was shooting at the Single Stack, Blade Tech had a booth there. I went up and asked them about the rumor and they confirmed that it was being discussed.


Why spend $9.00? All you have to do is remove the drop and offset piece and screw the holster onto the belt piece.


If this happened, most of the DOH holsters can be converted to a TekLok belt holster with a $9 TekLok and a screwdriver.
Edited by ExtremeShot
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Why spend $9.00? All you have to do is remove the drop and offset piece and screw the holster onto the belt piece.


Your DOH must look different than mine.... the belt attachment part and hanger part are all one molded piece. I think on the newer injected molded hangers maybe they are two pieces?

I sincerely believe that ALL the discussion on this topic is related to Single Stack only... the reason it came up is that they more or less adopted the Single Stack Classic rules, which do NOT allow a DOH type holster. The inclusion of the DOH in the USPSA Single Stack rules was simply to appease all those who already owned one for their 1911, for now.... the rules were never set in stone, it was discussed almost from the out set of the Provisional divison that next year they would tweak some rules, and probably restrict holsters to be more like IDPA and Single Stack Classic rules to make a more "cross sport uniform rules set" so people could more easily "hop the fence".

I don't recall seeing a thread that mentions the DOH would be illegal for Production, anywhere, from a BOD type person at least. If someone has something in writing discussing this, please post it, otherwise I think this rumor is just a knee jerk reaction, and speculation from someone who drew more from the Single Stack holster DOH discussion than they should have. Just because it might become illegal for Single Stack does not make it illegal for Production. Of course, I'm wrong quite often ;)

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I agree, you get tons of shooters from another sport, where they pissed off the membership by changing rules about holsters/equipment, and we do the same thing! Hope this is just a rumor and not true. Production works as is, why are we screwing around with it?

Why do we have to start listening and having the Wilson/Hackathorn IDPA rule stuff in USPSA? If we start making Production like SS, then the only difference is a SA gun and round count. Wow, what a very different division to shoot in!!

Lets hope this is a rumor and they dont start screwing around w/ Prod.

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Ok, so I thought (since I had a hand in starting this discussion) that I'd get the truth straight from the top. I emailed John Amidon concerning the subject and he said: "You may be better off going through your area director as the BOD makes the rules, as far as I know, the Blade Tech DOH is still legal ". The only reason this came up is because our local match director said that discussions at the Single Stack Championship where planning to make the DOH illegal for Single Stack AND Production. Trusting him as I do, I simply wanted to get more info on the subject here and see if anyone else knew more. From what it sounds like this topic may have come up but (from what Amidon said) isn't an issue currently. Sorry to have scared anyone or appeared to be spreading rumors. I figured the forum is about learning and I was hoping to get some more information on the subject. I'll be switching my Blade-tech back to DOH now :)

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This is what mine looks like. The two top pictures show the drop and offset piece being attached via three screws.



Your DOH must look different than mine.... the belt attachment part and hanger part are all one molded piece. I think on the newer injected molded hangers maybe they are two pieces?
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When I received my latest two DOH holsters from Blade Tch, they where different from my previous one. I called and aked and they told me there have been at least three versions.

1. the DOH hanger was molded as part of the same kydex as the holster

2. The hanger was seperate and the belt lop wrapped over the top of the belt

3. The hanger is a two piece item, screwing to the holster and screwing to the loop. This is the one Extreme Shot posted a pic of.

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I think this all started with the basic adoption of the 1911 Society rules for SS. It was Heine and the 1911 Society that said the DOH did not comply with their rules. If you can use it in Production and Limited you should also be able to use it in SS. We are not IDPA and I hope we never come to that, but this holster could certainly be used for everyday concealed carry.

If you don't want the DOH to be declared illegal now is the time to make yourselves heard not after it has been banned. Or we can just sit back and let the BOD decide without our input and buy new holsters, equipment and guns when the ones we have are deemed illegal by the powers that be.

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I just talked with Bobby at Blade-Tech and he was only aware of discussion of the DOH being outlawed in the Single Stack Division. Bobby said he would possibly post a message here regarding this subject. He also said to email him if anyone had questions (bobby@blade-tech.com).


PS: Bobby was at the Single Stack Classic and also talked with Amidon.

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Good deal, I appreciate Z man and everyone chiming in and giving us the info. I agree that now is the time to make our opinions heard and not after they are banned.

That's fine for 1911 Society if they want to ban it, but we are not the 1911 Society and Heinie, Wilson and Hackathorn can keep their rules for IDPA. Right now USPSA Prod works as is. I think it might be the fastest (or second fastest) growing division.

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I have heard from at least one BOD director that this rule is in consideration. They haven't made any decisions but now is the time to let your Area Director know how you feel. If you want the DOH holster to still be legal, call or email your AD and tell him your opinion. If you want it illegal, just stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself :lol:

The BOD has their own opinions of how they think things should be, but they do listen to the folks in their area as well. The forums are great for discussing things but make sure you let the decision makers know how you feel as well.

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