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I Hate Other Forums


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I belong to another forum, where i've posted since 2003. I actually wrote a post on a gun that i tried, ran about 100 rounds through it...Frickin hated it. big bulky, recoiled like a wet mule, shot low out of the box, trigger felt like i was squeezing a marshmellow. :huh:

And these guys call BS!!!!!!!! (no, it wasn't a Glock, but it was Plastic) I simply offered a little constructive input, yes i said it all rather elegantly......and instant swiss cheese is the result.

Please Rant away....

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I belong to another forum, where i've posted since 2003. I actually wrote a post on a gun that i tried, ran about 100 rounds through it...Frickin hated it. big bulky, recoiled like a wet mule, shot low out of the box, trigger felt like i was squeezing a marshmellow. :huh:

And these guys call BS!!!!!!!! (no, it wasn't a Glock, but it was Plastic) I simply offered a little constructive input, yes i said it all rather elegantly......and instant swiss cheese is the result.

Please Rant away....

Same thing happened to me. The first Browning Hi-Power I bought (still have it) was the biggest turd I ever owned. I posted some of the many things wrong with it a while and some dipstick started calling me a liar and then used me for target practice everytime I made a post.

That's probably the single most obnoxious thing on the internet: people who have a "lovesfest" or ""hatefest" for a specific gun type and make it their hobby 24/7 to assault anybody who doesn't agree with their opinion.

The funny thing is, the quality and fit is so inconsistent on production guns I would believe it if one guy told me his $600 Springfield was a match-grade jewel and I'd also believe the guy who bought the one sitting next to it in the case who said his wouldn't run.

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If "They" like it then you have to like it. If you do not like it then you are insulting their taste and you deserve a flaming for it. I hate self-centered ego-idiot attitudes.

Yeah, I know where you are coming from Bear.

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Not just other shooting forums. I'm on a martial arts forum that is quite obviously comprised of a high percentage of young teenagers (or at least people who act like them). They are quick to blast any idea that they disagree with, and will not hesitate to resort to name calling. I guess I've been spoiled by the professionalism I see here.

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Not just other shooting forums. I'm on a martial arts forum that is quite obviously comprised of a high percentage of young teenagers (or at least people who act like them). They are quick to blast any idea that they disagree with, and will not hesitate to resort to name calling. I guess I've been spoiled by the professionalism I see here.

Amen. I also read some MMA forums and the atmosphere there is horrible compared to this place. We are truly blessed with this special place :)

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I constantly get into similar debates on other forums...

And if you really want to upset them tell them this;

Anyone who shoots competitively even the lowest level shooter who does it regularly is going to have better and more valid criticism of guns and gear than the majority of the shooting public because we do it regularly in objective testing against our peers. People who simply blast ammo down range can only attest to the fact that something works, not how well it works.

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I constantly get into similar debates on other forums...

And if you really want to upset them tell them this;

Anyone who shoots competitively even the lowest level shooter who does it regularly is going to have better and more valid criticism of guns and gear than the majority of the shooting public because we do it regularly in objective testing against our peers. People who simply blast ammo down range can only attest to the fact that something works, not how well it works.

I tell folks, "Some people shoot guns......IPSC shooters wear 'em out!"

Edited by ima45dv8
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About a year ago on a "gun specific" forum site, a frequent advice giver/know it all (dispite being completely new to guns) blew a hole in his hand in his living room in front of his wife and daughter, while playing with his new gun.

His best(?) contribution was of course, posting about the gruesome details of the event, including pics of the result. :mellow:

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His best(?) contribution was of course, posting about the gruesome details of the event, including pics of the result. :mellow:

OK, so where's the link? :P


ps I'm just kidding I really don't want to see any more results of stupidity, I saw plenty on my drive into work this morning.

This forum is a breath of fresh air !

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..."doofi"... that's good. :D:D

I used to visit/belong to several forums (fori...?) and ended up narrowing it down to just two or three, two of which I'm technically involved in. This particular forum here is unique and remains so. It appears we've had to run off a couple of scruffy dogs here or there along the way, but that kind of vigilance is part of the reason it's cool. Ditto for the little Oregon forum we run out here... the membership and the management are EXCEPTIONAL folks. I could hardly ask for better company.

Thanks to all the 'vigilantes' who've kept BE.com clean and lean in nature, too. It's a big job. But, as you can see, I still drop in here a few times a day--every day. B)

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I hate the fact that because someone "owns" a forum (NOT THIS ONE) you are not allowed to disagree even in a respectful way. They know all and tell you so and if you don't like it leave (which I have on a couple). Then the minions start to bash without knowing anything of what they speak to kiss up to their leader.

Many places allow you to speak your mind in a polite manner. Many don't and the children all speak at once.

I have gotten tired of all the BS and just let them have their way. Life is too short. IPSC shooters shoot guns. On many forums they just shoot off their mouths.

I have found pleasurable experiences here and on Ted's IDPA forum.


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I hate this too. I used to check out the Sherdog MMA forums a lot, but it got to a point that was too immature for even me. I am still convinced the majority of those people do more to hurt their sport than help it. Unfortunatly, there are also some shooting forums the same way.

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