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I just watched seasons 1-4 on DVD in december to get caught up...much better watching the entire show in real time (though I am not hardcore enough to watch all 24 episodes straight through)

What I enjoy most about the show is that nothing goes according to plan, and there are always time constraints to do something regardless of how well it works, and all the characters are fair game to be captured, tortured, and killed...this makes it seem more realistic to me.

Jack needs to quit tea-cupping his pistol, but over all the gun handling is decent.

My main complaint is every season has some internal mole chracter that causes problems for everyone else...this constant plot element gets annoying.

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Jack needs to quit tea-cupping his pistol, but over all the gun handling is decent.

The actors do a better job than the sound effects crew. I don't know how many times I've heard them cock their Glocks! Or re-cock a gun that they just cocked a few seconds earlier.

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I watched part of the last season when it was on TV. I thought it was a great show and looked fwd to seeing it every week. Im in iraq now. Would anyone be willing to part w/ any of their previous seasons or sell them at a discount price?

You might try Netflix? At $20 a month, my wife and I have found it to be a cheap way to satisfy our 24 past season fix. I don't know if they'll mail all the way to Iraq, but if they do, there's no late fees/time limits, so if the DVD spends a month in transit, you won't get dinged for it. If they don't mail out of the country, then maybe you could have a family member have them sent to their house, then forward it to you out of country?

Ill have to look into that. If it includes the whole season, ill go for it. If its only one disc at a time ill just buy it.

There's usually four episodes per disk, so if that's all you ordered (they'll let you keep out three disks at a time) then you can go through a season fairly quickly.

Well i tried to sign up for Netflix but they wont ship to my address in Iraq :(:(

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That was the best part of season 4, LOL.

Isn't that so!! Even with her personality disorders, she was so calm and not panicky in that situation enough to unlock the gun, un-safety it etc enough to nail him. I was soooo proud of her!

Ah Jack.. he always looses his loved one. Amazing he has ability to still love someone. he must have a really bitchin therapist!!! :D :D

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Ah Jack.. he always looses his loved one. Amazing he has ability to still love someone. he must have a really bitchin therapist!!! :D:D

Naw... that's just what he has to go on a once a year "bad guy killing spree"... :lol:

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I have a friend who practically archives his episodes. I won't be the least bit surprised to find boxed sets on his shelves. he made me watch it once. When it was done, my polite reaction was "That's nice, where are the gun magazines?"

At least it was more interesting than Napoleon Dynamite.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I tried the first season but it just couldn't grab me. Maybe I'll try it again sometime. If so many people like it, it can't be that bad can it? ;)

I think you should give it another chance. IMO the second season is better than the first. And believe it or not, I thought season 4 was the best to date. Conceptually, maybe a huge stretch, but if you could let go with your imagination, it kept you on the edge of your seat every dang minute.

One thing that I read about Season 1, it was a new show and the story was designed to be wrapped up in 13 episodes in case the contract didn't get extended to 24 episodes. Which is kind of why they "wrapped things up" half way through only to have them go "wrong" again. (Sorry for the code, trying not to add spoilers)

Not that I follow it or anything

(yeah right)

Season 1 was a Sig 226 reverse two tone

Season 2-4 was a H&K USP compact 9mm

and yes he did pull a Glock 19 from under the sofa but went back to his standard H&K UPS 9mm compact.

Yes while there are some technical difficulties with pulling off what they do in 24 hours it is still a very original show full of good action.

What other show on tv starts off with killing two main characters from the previous years?

Should be another great season.

Per Season 2, I don't remember the HK USP. He starts the day with a two tone Sig. Towards the end, when he's looking for the computer programmer dude, he is carrying a Beretta 92.

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I like the show, but my roommate is totally hooked on it. She is anti violence in any manner but can't keep from watching. She may turn her head but always wants to know "What Happened?" and then gets right back into it.

The only problem with the show is that it is on the same time as 2 1/2 Men. Thank God for TiVo.

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My wife and I went to the video store a few weeks ago, nothing looked good, so we rented a few DVDs from the first season.

Now we've got into the habit of watching them.

It's a fun show, but it's like Gilligan's Island, you have to put your brain on hold while you watch it.

Robbing a gas station to stall a terrorist :wacko:

I the desert, Marwan is escaping in a Jeep with part of the Nuclear football. Why didn't the CTU chopper knock him out like it did with the other Jeep? :wacko:

Somebody needs to show him how to hold a handgun !



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  • 2 weeks later...

I missed the first episode of Season 1, and haven't missed an episode since!!! Yeah, I have to add some imagination, but it is exciting TV. At least I have seen Jack actually do a reload on screen, so they are trying :) I find one of the funniest things is their ability to use personal cell phones in a high-security-top-secret-facility.

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I find one of the funniest things is their ability to use personal cell phones in a high-security-top-secret-facility.

That and their continuing breaches of security in CTU... you'd think they'd get shut down or something... at the very least that they'd start immediately looking for the mole anytime something happened.... :lol:

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I love that show, but I must say :

Special agents, others than Jack, Tony or Curtis all get killed pretty easily !

Otherwise this is a great show.

Here in France, the Shield went right after "24" on Thursday nights, but the rythm is slower !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely the greatest show on TV... I've watched it since season 1.

Fact about Jack Bauer:

"Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man."


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Definitely the greatest show on TV... I've watched it since season 1.

Fact about Jack Bauer:

"Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man."


only with Chuck Norris's permission ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok what is with them showing a close up of the gun, which is being used to threaten the Intel broker, and leaving the footage of the gun being out of battery. First he takes the gun from the US marshall and then has to rack the slide to chamber a round? I said come on, that gun was already hot, then showing it out of battery. They need some help with the firearms consultation.

Other than that i am a huge 24 fan.

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