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I've read the complaints about flying on airlines with too much gear. There was a Shotgun Nationals in 2005, and of course the UK had a Shotgun Nationals because that's the only game they have left.

Is there any interest in having a Rifle Nationals?

How about Area, Sectional, and Other?

If it's too late for the 2006 calender, how about 2007?

Multi-gun, 2-gun, and 3-gun competitions are fun, but how about traveling with less gear and attracting shooters who just want to shoot rifle?

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"Look's like tiger valley in waco, tx. is going to put on the U.S. national limited shotgun championship the first weekend in july."

He (Benny) may not have gotten the rifle championship BUT he did get the shotgun championship in Texas. I am LMAO. That is trully funny. Hell.. ops I mean Arizona must be cold now.

Scott P

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Must be an arctic front going through Arizona because that was COLD Kelly :D:lol: Still going to the Boris/Nordics this year?? KURTM

Yes, I am planning on going to the Nordic. Americans have to go to Europe to shoot in a rifle match!

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I would love to see it.

If there were more tactical rifle matches, I probably would not shoot many pistol or even three-gun shoots.

As to the comment about shooting NRA High Power, I stopped doing that when I found out how much fun practical and tactical shooting is. My eyes fail me when I try to do that 600 yard part of the game. Also, High Power is too much like work.

I suspect that the big issue is not so much finding people who want such an event, as finding a critical mass of people to put on such matches leading up to and including a National Championship...


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  • 9 months later...

You want a rifle only IPSC style match, then here ya' go.

The 2007 Bay Area Rifle Championship date has been set. It will be held Sunday, April 29th, 2007, at the Richmond Rod & Gun Club in Richmond California.

The match will feature at least 8, maybe even 10 stages ranging from CQ to 220 yards. The round count will be upwards of 250 and even though we will be using USPSA/IPSC rules, we will be structuring it so that you will be able to shoot the match with pretty much any rifle you have, from a cowboy lever action, to a bolt action MOR/hunting rifle andM1 Garands. This will be in addition to all of the regular rifle equipment divisions would expect to see at a typical 3gun match.

The manual operated crowd will only be required to put 1 round on each paper target to get full score (two of whatever hit made will be entered in the scoring program to make this sort out). This will allow the extra divisions to be run inside the main match results instead of having to run a separate match just for the manual divisions.

The Divisions will work as follows




Bolt Action


Open, Tactical, Standard & Bolt Action will award for PF at the two USPSA power floors. All Cowboy shooters run as minor (like production). Cowboy shooters may use a different rifle on the LD/Precision stages, but may not use multiple rifles within a stage.

Plaques will be awarded per Division and if we get 3, or mor competitors shooting a Garand in Standard/Limited, they will become a category (ala' HM).

A webpage with more info will be up soon at http://www.3gunrules.com/

Match fee is looking to be in the $60 range. There will also be a pre-registration option available at 3gunrules.com which will shave you a few bux off the match fee.

We will probably cap the match at 60 shooters to make sure ot can be run efficiently in one reasonable length day.

Looking to see a bunch of west coast Forum members bring out their favorite smokepoles and find out how much fun can be had with just a rifle ;-)

More later and elsewhere.

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This will be our 4 th post-3715-1161336283.jpg year, sells out very quickly ever year, 150 shooters

Our 2007 match as been approved by NRA under a Special Tour. event.

7-8 stages with long range 330 meters, rifle field course, house clearings. run and gun and speed stages. Last year I shot my AR on one day and my M1A socum and the next day, what a blast. Apps and stages will be available first of the new year.

Edited by hockeydadnu27
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I would love more rifle only or rifle/pistol events. Near me (SE Michigan) there is ACTS in Battle Creek and then... well, I went to NY for Square Deal's Rifle Championship in April. It was a great match. So, I would even travel for rifle matches.


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You want a rifle only IPSC style match, then here ya' go.

The 2007 Bay Area Rifle Championship date has been set. It will be held Sunday, April 29th, 2007, at the Richmond Rod & Gun Club in Richmond California.

It would be cool come and shoot the match, BUT, how do I bring my AR-15 to California?

Scott P

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You want a rifle only IPSC style match, then here ya' go.

The 2007 Bay Area Rifle Championship date has been set. It will be held Sunday, April 29th, 2007, at the Richmond Rod & Gun Club in Richmond California.

It would be cool come and shoot the match, BUT, how do I bring my AR-15 to California?

Scott P

in a case...

just don't bring yer beta mag...

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No issues coming into California with a legally owned AR and your legally owned 30/40 round mags. You are travelling in for a match and leaving afterward. This is not the same as importing them into CA to stay.

When driving in CA with guns, keep the ammo and mags in a locked hard case that is totally separate from the guns and you are good to go. If the ammo and mags are in their own locked case, then also keep both in a locked trunk, or other visually inaccessible compartment and you cannot even be searched unless you offer the option, or provide legal cause for it in the first place.

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2 Big matches will happen in 2007. The Nordic rifle championships in Finland ( level III) and a big 18 stage level III in Norway. I hope I don't feel as lonely as usual at these matches!

The English don't have a shotgun Nationals per se. They do have a shotgun open, but the English championship is determined by several matches through out the year. I have won the open twice in limited, but have never been the English champion, as it is just one of many that comprise the "champion".

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Nordic rifle Championships in Hamina, Finland next year will be part of the first Nordic IPSC Tournament. That is, July 14th+15th rifle match in Hamina, July 17th (+- one day)shotgun in Mikkeli and July 21st+22nd pistol match in Sipoo. All of the separate matches are counted towards the tournament as per IPSC tournament rules, see http://www.ipsc.org/pdf/RulesTournament.pdf

The time between the shotgun match and the pistol one can be used e.g. for visiting St. Petersburg, Tallin or just relaxing in Finland. I'm on holidays the full month of July so I can help with possible ways of spending the inbetween days as well (might even be possible to arrange for free lodging in southern Finland with sauna, lake and shooting range).

We hope to see as many foreign shooters as possible in the full tournament but of course you are welcome to shoot only part of the menu as well. The person to contact for more info is Tommi Forsell, tommi dot forsell at welho dot com or me Tommi Verho, tverho at cc dot hut dot fi.

t tommi

p.s. You are going to get kicked your ass in standard rifle, KurtM :)

Edited by tverho
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