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Getting Caught


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Been there, lived that.... As others have already said RUN AWAY........ Many years ago I kept going and in the end I had to go through 2 Pager and 3 cellphone number changes before she stopped trying to contact me (then she switched to notes on my car). It's been 10+ years and if she comes in conversaion somehow all of my friends preface her name with "Crazy". I finally found someone who's not crazy and married her 4 years ago..

Edited by j2fast
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It's obvious from this girls behaviour she is nuts. Stay away from her. Remember no matter how cute you think she is, some guy somewhere is tired of her, no reason for you to be the next guy on that list.


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Just exactly what did you get caught doing? I didnt get the idea you were in a commited relationship with her. Shes a drama queen and all you did was provide that days dose. She thrives on the stuff, has to have it, cant live without it. Not worth the trouble to worry about her sorry life. But stay away from her, shes crazy.-----Larry

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Run like your hair was afire and your ass is catchin'! Or not.....

An alternative would be to persue her for the required period, knock a few sparks loose (do it right or the rest is wasted advice!), and then call her at 2 a.m., crying your eyes out. It would help if you're out of breath from a fresh game of bump-and-tickle with the NEW girlfriend she doesn't know about. Between sobs tell her it's over 'cause you've just learned she's been cheating on you with a recently-migrated transsexual. Explain that even if you were willing to forgive her thoughtless transgression, having to compete with that pump-thing they give the new recruits to Manhood is unfair and you just can't bring yourself to suffer the shame.

Before she can (rightfully) deny any of the alleged charges, offer up a blood chilling scream and hang up the phone. Then, send the new girlfriend home and prepare yourself for some extraordinary "make up sex" as she tries to convince you that none of the above rumors are true.

Make 3 or 4 passes around the track in this fashion and then change your name and move to another state. If you know any really indictable Mafioso types it might help offset your costs by entering the Witness Protection Program.

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I think that you men are right. If she is going to go off the deep end with something so small she definitely has a few screws loose. She would be the type that can do what ever the hell she wants but you wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom with out her holding your hand. I would stay away. But don't be surprised when she comes back wanting to start things over. Just stand your ground and tell her that isn't the type of relationship you want.

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I am so very glad a lady decided to chime in. I was getting the feeling all the women were standing in the back of the room rolling their eyes and calling me a pig. She was/is a very sweet girl and has a lot going for her, she just doesnt trust anyone and has a personality that leans toward the dramatic. I still havent heard from her and I dont think she will call. If she does, I will gladly talk to her, but I really dont think it would go much further than that.

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Well, you could always follow this rule:

Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself.

I don't know who coined that phrase, but oh how very, very wise they are.

No, no, no...

It's perfectly fine to go to bed with someone crazier than yourself. You just don't want to, 1) Give her your real name, and 2) Tell her where you live!


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I don't think that you are a pig Kimber. You are talking about one women. If I thought you were a pig with what you had to say about one women I would be as crazy as her. I am glad to chime in. :D I am also glad that you are willing to talk with her. I just don't think that you sould get into a relationship with her at this point. I am sure you can do alot better than that. There is lots of pretty women out there.

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Right now it is all a sorta moot point as she isnt calling me, and I am not gonna call her. It kinda sucks though cuz she was really gorgeous, and lets be honest here, aint nobody beating down my door. Ohh well, such is life, shooting season starts soon and then there wont be time for such foolishness.

Dave~ Who ever said she was crazier than me?

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Dave~ Who ever said she was crazier than me?

No one. It is one of those "break glass in case of emergency type sayings" if you (or anyone else for that matter) somehow arrived at that conclusion at some point.

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It kinda sucks though cuz she was really gorgeous

While it may be a cliche to say, there are more important things than outward beauty (though admittedly, you do need to at least find a person not visually ugly - people's standards differ on what that means, of course :) ).... The longer I'm married to my wife, the more I appreciate that cliche. I love her, and want to be with her, because of what's in her heart and her mind. I find her physically attractive, but that's not what keeps me there. You can't rely on her physical beauty to buoy your spirits, or help get you through tough times, or in matters where you need trust and faith. Besides turning you on, all it's good for is turning other guys on, too.... ;)

So... more important things might be, say, psychological stability?? Which this one certainly doesn't seem to have....

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Xre~ Yea, I totally feel you on that. When rocket said that about a "lot of pretty girls out there" almost said something, but I figured what she meant was just the whole more fish in the sea thing and didnt really mean to sound like pretty girls are the only ones worth dating. I have always said that there is something beautiful about every woman and it is just up to us to see it. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes otherwise. I have dated a number of girls that I was attracted to, but didnt nessecarily find attractive in the physical sense. Just bites cuz the one in question was a serious hottie.

Nemo~ considering the time and space difference, I dont think that is a possibility. Aside from which the platonic got mad I ever wanted to talk to the girl in question and should they meet, I would expect to see a throwdown, not over me mind you, but just the situation. I also tend to think that the quickest way for a girl to repulse me is to start fighting.

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...This is just like something Dr. Phil would have on his show :D Just kidding, you guys are too serious. Why run anyway? Enjoy yourself if she comes back, if not, no big loss. Life is too short to avoid every rocks on the road [i'm gonna get flamed for this post! :) ]

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