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Few years back a buddy of mines wife hit a deer with the family SUV twice in just a couple of weeks. ( Of course I attempted to explain that this was an obvious sign that they were attacking and she should arm herself in defense, but that didn't go very far... :D )

So he put a big ugly crash bar on the front. She hated it so he told her he would take it off after the rut season. But after driving around with it for awhile she started to like it and just kept it on!!!

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It doesn't help when somebody wants to feed them and not let anyone on thier ground to thin the herd.

These pictures were taken along a local highway. Almost never go through this area without seeing dead deer on the roadside. Which always brings back the memory of the $4000+ damage when we hit one here.



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Few years back a buddy of mines wife hit a deer with the family SUV twice in just a couple of weeks. ( Of course I attempted to explain that this was an obvious sign that they were attacking and she should arm herself in defense, but that didn't go very far... :D )

So he put a big ugly crash bar on the front. She hated it so he told her he would take it off after the rut season. But after driving around with it for awhile she started to like it and just kept it on!!!

That must be one tough Deer to get hit twice by a SUV

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Last November I hit a buck with my Jeep Cherokee while doing around 70. It totalled the Jeep. I ate his heart and backstraps that night, and got a really sadistic pleasure out of the whole meal!

Then, a few weeks later, we are visiting the kids in Canon City Colorado for Christmas. Around 10 PM I'm taking my stepson and grandson home, when a large Muley buck runs into the roadway a couple of carlengths ahead of us. A woman in a Nissan hits him solidly and swerves left into the median, I swerve right into the shoulder and stop to make sure she's OK. Well, this buck gets up after getting whacked at around 40 MPH and starts running madly towards the drivers door of our new Subaru Forester! Just before he T-bones me, he leaps in the air, comes down on the hood of wifees car, and does a "Starsky and Hutch" slide across the width of the hood. The stepson and I are in shock at what just happened, when we hear the grandsons tiny voice proclaiming from the backseat: "FLYING REINDEER!!" :D

So let this be a lesson: He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice; Then Santa's gonna sic his attack reindeer on you!!! So be good for goodness sake!

The wifes car suffered only a small chip on the bottom of the windsheild, and some paint damage, and the deer was never recovered. But we got an amusing tale to tell every Christmas.

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It doesn't help when somebody wants to feed them and not let anyone on thier ground to thin the herd.

These pictures were taken along a local highway. Almost never go through this area without seeing dead deer on the roadside. Which always brings back the memory of the $4000+ damage when we hit one here.

What they are doing is cruel. We've killed off most of the natural predators and, as such, accepted the responsibility.

Glad your loss was only monetary.

+1 Clay1.


Edited by Liota
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Sorry about the car Rocket,

Seeing those pics almost makes me want to go back up to the home area and drop a few myself. I haven't hunted in two years now since moving to AZ. I no longer have my dad as a hunting buddy due to cancer so it doesn't feel the same.

What I get mad at is people like that who won't let anyone hunt but then complain to the game drpartment about crop damage and sick animals. They expect them to rush out and make the problem go away.

The one time I hit a small buck with my truck was on shear ice at only 25 mph. He stopped right in front of me and I hit him and left a bowtie imprint on his side or hind quarter, he then went spinning up and over to the side of the road. I got out to see what damage was done and found nothing. I then looked over to where the buck was and watched him stand up, shake his head a couple times and slowly walk away. About then a Highway Patrolman pulled up and I told him what had happened with the buck standing about 60 yards away looking at us. I think he was a bit pissed at me .

A buddy saw him a week later while bow hunting and he had a little road rash but looked fine otherwise.

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I must be one of the most unlucky people in the world! This goes along with the link about another post of "what I hate". I hate winter although you can hit deer anytime of the year. I seem to always hit them in the winter. I don't know why I live here, I don't do anything that involves winter! Maybe we should move to Arizona! I love it there. Or maybe Texas? I really like the southwest. ;)

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Sounds like a winner already! I have never been to Texas, but in the 10 years of serving in the Marine Corps I met alot of Texans. All of which thought there was not better place in the world. Our good friends and neighbors just moved back to Oklahoma. They were really trying to get us to move with them. But it is pretty hard to relocate. Especially if you've never been there before. :( But I think we will be traveling more this year, going to matches and what not. So I am sure we will be on the prowel for new stomping grounds. I wanted to make the Double Tap Championship, but am hosting a CRO course that weekend. <_< But I plan on going to the Open Nationals in Tulsa next October. Hopefully we can get slots!! :huh:

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Hey I am from Colorado. What part were you at?

Yeah Rocket 35 has hit, I think, maybe 3 deer so far. One time was on Thanksgiving day and he was a truck driver at the time. He called me to come out there with the truck. He had just hit a deer and the cop said he could keep it. Go figure it was hunting season and he had baged the biggest one. :lol: Then he hit one with his mom's car, and now our van. Like he said earlier he has the worst luck. He never seemed to have any luck hunting. He just wasn't patient enough. He just wanted to shoot things.

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