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Limited/Lim10/Rev Uspsa Nationals 2006

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Just an update so you don't get carpal tunnel checking for the list all day today: I had a handful of last minute dropouts so I went to the wait list to fill those slots. I'm going to register those folks today and then finish squadding over the weekend. I hope to get it posted by Monday morning from home.

Thanks for your patience!

Jim, FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS? What will I do with the change??

:P Kim

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From these discussions about squad lists, are we to assume this will not be self squadding as in the past? And, if that is the case, then why not? It seemed to work really well, allowing the shooter to decide (whith obvious limitations) who he / she would shoot with.

Seems to me we should have some input in the matter....

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I think it was covered in this or another thread but from what I understand it wasn't that smooth and easy as it may have looked from this side of the monitor :( . If my poor memory serves, Ms. Kim said it was rather tedious and complicated because of all the juggling, jumping, and last minute alterations "behind the scenes" too keep up with exceptions and requests as the date neared.

I guess you could say that we did have a say in it this year because we didn't do a good job of following directions last year regarding squadding issues - so this year it was not utilized. With a match of this size it could get crazy trying to keep up with that many shooters jumping around on a web page :wacko: .

We should try to remember that squad requests are a privilege and convenience for us but an added thing to worry about for the folks that put on the biggest match of the year.

PS - Kim, do it on Tuesday - from work...you get a weekend too :)

Edited by redmist10
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Thanks for the information. However, this is the first notice I could find from anyone that self squadding would not be employed, and my email to USPSA inquiring about the matter has been ignored.

As for a "privelege", I disagree. We are paying the bill, and spending (each of us) a ton of money to attend this match. We all know that. To choose who we shoot with should be a simple matter. If it is an inconvenience to staff, then that is unfortunate, but to those of us who do not plan on beating Robbie or Manny, the match is just a good time, and who we shoot with is very important.


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Self squadding didn't work for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is that the self squadding matrices don't just import into EZWinscore--they have to be manually input. Super squads also added to the problems, as they were not self squadded. Last minute changes and requests didn't help either.

Kim and the rest of the people who produce the Nationals do all they can to try and honor squadding requests, and put people who want to shoot together in the same squads. Sometimes it's not possible due to squad size limitations, last minute cancellations, and requests from some competitors to NOT be squadded with others.

There was a space on the slot form for making squadding requests. Squadding is the biggest headace of all the pre-match chores, IMO, because even though you do everything you can to honor requests, you still can't please everyone. It is indeed a privelege, but it takes a lot of abuse at times. You will also note on the slot that there is an agreement you sign that basically says "I acknowledge that not all squad requests can be honored, and I agree to shoot where I'm put, and be a sportsman about it."


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I think the old standard of "you can't make 100% of the people happy, 100% of the time" would apply.

I have schedule some large things like this quite often. Whenever you leave it up to the mass group, the scheduling will never settle down. There will be some who will make their choice and stick with it. But there will be a signifigant group who will drive you crazy with the needs for their change.

What will also happen is you will get a squad or two with only one or two people on it. This is labor intensive for the behind the scenes group. We have all seen this at local matches, and they usually end up getting lumped together at the shooters meeting. At the Nats someone would complain that they had been told they were going to start on bay 5 and that all of their mental planning will be messed up by starting on 15.

The sheet that we were all given asked who you would like to be squadded with and why. From this I have more friends than could fit on the page, or in a squad. So I made my choices and so did they.

I am sure that Kim will do the best she can to make 350+ people happy. Kim, IMHO you are doing the right thing by just making a choice. A leader must ultimately just make a choice, and then set the wheels in motion to make that choice happen.

I don't know who I will be squadded with, but I know that I will have 8-10 new friends by the end of the first day.

Look forward to seeing all of you in Sept. :D

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Due to last minute dropouts we currently have about 10 or so slots to the Limited Nationals unfilled. If anyone is interested in shooting this match please call me at the office: 360-855-2245 and I'll sign you up on the spot.

These slots are on a first-come, first serve basis and once they're gone, they're gone. This promises to be an exciting, well-run match and we're looking forward to the challenge.

Please pass the word along and come out to join the fun!


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I just gleaned the following stats from the competitor list for the Nats

Revolver 35 shooters

Limited-10 101 shooters

Limited 233 shooters

as of tonight there are apparently 369 people signed up.

It is interesting to me that we have smaller squads, this should mean that we will spend more time shooting and less time sitting around. Also we shoot only half of Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday and Saturday we shoot half of the half. I think that I will like this. We can watch a few other shooters, scope out some stages or rest.

Looks like so long as the weather cooperates we should have a really great match.


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