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Gun Ban In S.f.


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the fine residents of san francisco voted yesterday to ban handgun possession within the city. all handguns must be "surrendered" to the local cops. in addition, the proposition also bans the sale and purchase of any firearm and ammunition in the city as well.

glad i don't live there-hate the place in point of fact...but just another reason to leave this state. won't be long for me-4 more years!

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Outer, this actually what I have in mind all day yesterday. Checked the results this morning and felt like a bomb just dropped on me. Can't believe it actually won, even though the SF Police Officers Association campaigned against it because retired and off-duty officers will be prohibited to keep a handgun as well. The ban also prohibits manufacturing of ammunition, don't know if it affects reloading of rifle ammo too :angry: . What scares me know is that other cities might follow.

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SF has attempted to get around the pre-emption by writing the new ban very narrowly - persons who do not live in SF can posess (but not carry) hadnguns while traveling in SF, even without the protection of FOPA86. Remember, it only takes one judge with a personal agenda and even the most bogus law is treated as valid.

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SF has attempted to get around the pre-emption by writing the new ban very narrowly - persons who do not live in SF can posess (but not carry) hadnguns while traveling in SF, even without the protection of FOPA86. Remember, it only takes one judge with a personal agenda and even the most bogus law is treated as valid.

add to that jerry brown is running for attorney general in '06. outta be some interesting interpretations if that happens...

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The idiocy here is getting out of hand! Twice before it's been tried and failed, let's hope that thrice is NOT charmed for this stupidity!

I knew I moved outa' my birthplace and family hometown for a darned good reason, I just thought it was about property values at the time ;-)

BTW, I hafta' travel through SF to get to my local shooting club and I still have to "Visit" San Francisco when I work (See Rob's Post). I will just hafta' be a bit more carefull about hard casing and locking my gats when I leave the house with them now. I sure don't wanna be the poster child here ;-(

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Screw trying to defeat the ban whether is legal or not. I'm going to be doing some writing to gun and ammo manufactures to support the ban of handguns in San Francisco. I think all manufactures should stop any sales immediately beginning for SFPD. Since no one has guns, cops don't need them either.

It's amazing how the city I live in only 70 miles from SF has a ban on nuclear weapons, it's a $500 fine if you are caught transporting nuclear weapons, yet they don't have a ban on guns yet.

If anyone got any hook ups for a mechanical engineering job out in Arizona, let me know.

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SF should be renamed the city of lunacy.

I seem to remember that Diane Fienstein won a small piece of pork-barrel for her state by getting the Navy to donate a decomissioned WWII Navy war ship (USS Iowa) that was supposed to be docked at Fisherman's Wharf as a tourist attraction.

SF's city council, in its infinite wisdom, torpedoed the whole plan. Their justification? The city of San Francisco is against the illegal war in Iraq, the city council opposes the military in general over the Clinton era "don't ask, don't tell" policy on homosexuality, and the council is generally against offensive military weapons- including nuclear weapons which the ship might have once carried. Therefore, they were not interested in having this historical ship associated with their city in any way - even if it benefitted the city.

Fienstein was flabbergasted. I located these links:



The beliefs of the people running the city really are that radically outside of mainstream understanding.

Edited by Carlos
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add to that jerry brown is running for attorney general in '06. outta be some interesting interpretations if that happens...

Wow, is he still alive (and still dating Linda Ronstadt)? He's gotta be close to 70 yrs old. He was govenor when I was in high school...

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I hope this is the straw that breaks the back of the SCOTUS and finally forces them to make a decision regarding the 2nd amendment.

Be careful what you wish for . . . it is unclear how the Court would rule on the Second Amendment at this time . . . our chances are BETTER with Roberts and Alito (we think/hope), but SCOTUS is notorious for surprises . . . the recent Kelo decision is a glaring example. We would hope for decisions that support an individual right, but who knows?

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Actually there is a bit of good news in this. During the lead up to this EVERYONE and they pink dog came out against the ban, including the SF police association, and all the liberal SF papers. It brought the issue to the public eye and ( shortly after Katrina) the public happened to want guns around. Lott has an analisys of this at NRO http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/lott200511091053.asp

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