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YouTube and 2011s


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I’ve had this idea for months. I don’t know if it would work but it would be my passion. There’s no channel on YouTube reviewing high end 2011s, whether open or limited. Or even still high wuality revolvers, carry optics, pcc’s, nothing. Why not? Would anyone be interested in watching a YouTube channel that explains why a SV is better than an STI. Or a lincat shoots flatter than a Mclearn, or vice versa, because I don’t know which one shots softer and flatter. There’s so many manufacturers and they’re all differently so why don’t we have a channel reviewing this? If you’re interested in this let me know!!

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First off, I think that this is a great idea, and I'd enthusiastically follow a youtube channel that did things like this. As someone who's considering jumping into the world of custom 2011s and has been frustrated by a relative lack of objective comparison information, it sounds awesome. There are a few in-depth videos out there - which are great - but most of them are one person assessing a single gun in a vacuum. The few head-to-head comparisons that exist are put together by custom shops to demonstrate why their product is better than someone else's, and even those aren't generally apples-to-apples comparisons, more comparisons between different platforms.


That said, I can kind of understand why it doesn't currently exist - for one thing, I'd guess there aren't too many folks out there with their own collection of multiple high-end 2011s out there. There are some workarounds there (I'm sure that some owners and manufacturers would be willing to loan things out for this sort of effort), but it's a little bit of a logistical hurdle. The other thing is that I'm not sure that there are that many differences between a lot of options. There are tons of custom builders out there, but a lot of them use identical or similar parts - if Custom Builder A and Custom Builder B both put together a 5" Limited gun in .40 with a steel grip, are there going to be a lot of differences between them? Probably not.


But I do think there's more room for comparison in the less-prescribed builds. If I lay out a list of parts that I want, then there's not going to be much difference between two custom builders, but if I say "build me a gun that's good for this kind of shooting, and do whatever you think is best for that", then I think multiple people will have multiple ways of doing that. For example, I mostly shoot 3 gun, so I'd be looking at something that's almost exclusively shooting Minor PF 9mm. To pull two names more or less at random, both Hayes Custom and Atlas Gunworks build a lot of those. A lot of the Hayes guns are government-length sight-trackers with steel grips, but Atlas is adamant that an aluminum grip and a 4.6" barrel is the way to go. Are there any differences? And how does something like a PT Honcho compare to either/both? In other words, once you reach a certain threshold of quality, things like build quality probably won't be a major distinguishing characteristic, but how do the philosophies and approaches of the builder compare for a certain application?

Edited by Steve133
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I wish this idea was out there at the beginning of the summer.  I had a full custom Atlas Chaos, STI DVC,  and my Limcat to compare.  I also have access to a Venom Customs 2011.  That could have been a decent video. 

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I agree there is very little info on Youtube for someone interested in Open guns. 

Maybe The Humble Marksman would be interested. He's not an Open guy (yet), but has some skin in the game and a growing platform. No shortage of analysis in his reviews either. 

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I always thought it would be cool if Front Sight or some other source did a piece on the guns that will the various national championship.  I remember American Handgunner did a review of Matt McClearn's gun way back when he won the open nationals.  I'm sure if someone did that every year, kind a like they do the equipment survey, there'd be a lot of interest.

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On 10/9/2020 at 5:58 PM, Bdh821 said:

A top shooter in open once told me "Don't shoot an open gun made by any company that begins with the letter A..."  they didn't elaborate further than that

 👍  thanks.

. i will never buy  As.T.I. 😉

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