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Which gun? Heck, which sport???

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Ok so! I'm a former low level USPSA competitor who has been bitten hard by the competition bug lately and I'm finally just about ready to kick myself back into high gear in the sport. I'm definitely the burn out type to get all obsessed for a few months or a year and then take a long break, but in my frenzied activity I like to get a lot of shooting done.


I've been shooting Cowboy Action which is great and fun and all but I'd like something a little more fast paced with guns that aren't quite so fiddly haha - my original plan was to just come rolling back into USPSA as I've thought of doing on and off for years. With that in mind, I had and sold a CZ SP-01 Accushadow and miss it tremendously - nicest DA I've ever used. So I could find another one of those and then shoot Production which is the only division I ever classified in before. OR I could buy and trick up a Gen 3 Glock 34 and shoot in Carry Optics, which is a division that didn't exist last time I was into this sport but which is pretty interesting to me since I currently have no pistols with dots and have been itching to try one. I don't really love Glocks tho, but having to deal with the California pistol roster makes things a little tougher. A friend swears by his Sig P320 X5 but getting one here is $1500 - something of a hard pill to swallow. Or I guess I could get an Accushadow and have it milled out for a dot? But I love the stock sights on the Accu as is!


And then to complicate things even further I recently went to a multigun practice match and loved it! I've got tons of semi-appropriate rifles already and whatever pistol I choose above would be ok as a 3 gun sidearm I think. I adore the Beretta A400 so I've already got plans to purchase a Beretta 1301 Comp Pro when it comes out (the blue receiver just slays me!). So I could end up shooting that sport too!


I know I'm probably biting off more than I can chew, trying to chase down 2-3 expensive competition sports at once, but I'm probably going to buy all the guns for them eventually anyway and if you have the tools... well why not shoot them? SO Production vs Carry Optics, Accu vs G34. Anything I'm overlooking? Is all this as dumb as it sounds to me in my head? Thanks!

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3 minutes ago, perttime said:

You are overthinking it. Get a pistol that you like - and go shoot it.


Yeah. Most people wind up buying/selling a couple pistols on the way while they fine tune what they like and which division they enjoy the most. You might as well just get started and buy something. It's really just up to you and your budget. Nothing you wrote specifically jumped out at me to sway your decision one way or another.

Shooting Production will get you out to a match sooner than CO - no wait time to get something milled.  IMO, easiest option is to get a G17 and start shooting Prod right away and then keep an eye out for an optics-ready slide for a G17 to pop up for sale. They're all over the place. When that falls into your lap, go try out CO for a couple matches. Be forewarned, the dot isn't a magical GM maker. It takes lots of dryfire and practice to have it visible when you present your pistol and then keep it in the window when you shoot. If you're interested in a new challenge, go for it.


PS - I say G17 because the advantages of a G34 disappear soon as you put an optic on the slide. Further, swapping in a 17-length slide onto a 34 frame is technically an illegal USPSA configuration (even though it would never be provable or even called out at a match).

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Interesting point about the Glock 17 - and I definitely should have mentioned, I do have an H&K USP I used to make C-class way back in the day. It's my HD gun now so I'm reticent to have it out on the range taking thousands of rounds again tho. I'm gonna continue using it in matches in the mean time but I'm actively searching out a permanent competition replacement. I've got a few other pistols as well but nothing that really fits in a USPSA division. Tbh half the fun of competing to me is the excuse to buy more guns lol 


I'll have to do some more thinking on a gun with a dot. I'll get one eventually just to have, so it might as well be something good for Carry Optics - I've always wanted an excuse to pick up a G34 but yeah I guess the longer sight radius is the big thing there huh?

Edited by flightlessgreeb
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4 hours ago, flightlessgreeb said:

 trying to chase down 2-3 expensive competition sports at once,  SO Production vs Carry Optics, Accu vs G34.  


Small steps, Greeb.   (To paraphrase the movie, Contact).


You don't like Glocks  (excellent taste)  ….    avoid them.   You love the Accushadow - great start.


Buy one back and go shoot it.   Have a ball.   Over the next few months, you shall decided what

else you want to buy.  As you gain the experience, and get to talk to other shooters about their

gear and guns.


Take it slowly, and enjoy.    :) 


Instead of ONE Christmas morning - have 3 or 4 Christmas mornings.

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Get a Glock 17 - should be relatively easy to find even in CA on a budget.


Avoid tricking it out and shoot it in limited minor for 3 or 4 matches. Make friends and talk often about “I’m thinking about trying [whichever division guy in front of you is geared up for].” You’ll wind up shooting his gun in short order, we all love our particular gear and are eager to show a novice it’s greatness.


Repeat for different shooters and guns, at different matches. Fondle every division’s guns in the safe area.


Decide what you want to shoot.


Sell the Glock to break even on it, or keep it. Whatever. Buy the new gun you test drove and fell in love with - and make a single informed purchase this way.


(Personally? After 10 yrs in Production I have to say that I’m enjoying the hell out of welfare open minor... er... carry optics.)


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I shot a Glock in matches for about six months and liked it a lot, somewhat to my surprise.  Another surprise was the accuracy thing.  Sometimes I'd be much more accurate than I thought I should be, and other times I had no joy when precision shots were called for.  So I decided to go back to 1911s, which I knew all along I'd do anyway.


For not much money I was able to gear up with high capacity mags (Magpuls).  They all worked perfectly and they went like greased lightning into the magwell.  That was probably my favorite aspect.


There was a lot I liked about the Glock as a competition gun.  It's just that I like the 1911 better.

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2 hours ago, MemphisMechanic said:

Get a Glock 17 - should be relatively easy to find even in CA on a budget.


Avoid tricking it out and shoot it in limited minor for 3 or 4 matches. Make friends and talk often about “I’m thinking about trying [whichever division guy in front of you is geared up for].” You’ll wind up shooting his gun in short order, we all love our particular gear and are eager to show a novice it’s greatness.


Repeat for different shooters and guns, at different matches. Fondle every division’s guns in the safe area.


Decide what you want to shoot.


Sell the Glock to break even on it, or keep it. Whatever. Buy the new gun you test drove and fell in love with - and make a single informed purchase this way.


(Personally? After 10 yrs in Production I have to say that I’m enjoying the hell out of welfare open minor... er... carry optics.)


Any particular reason to shoot a G17 in limited minor rather than production? Also is there any particular reason to get one over an Accushadow if I already know I like them? 


Thanks for the advice tho all! I'll try and keep myself to just the one gun purchase for the next little while anyway! 

Edited by flightlessgreeb
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1 hour ago, flightlessgreeb said:

Any particular reason to shoot a G17 in limited minor rather than production? 

Easier for a new shooter to stage plan with more ammo in the gun, need less magazines.


Since you're in CA and likely only have access to 10-round mags, yeah, you would shoot Prod.

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Especially since you are in California, get a G35, then you can shoot production, L10, Limited, and carryops(you could even go plumb goofy and shoot open with it) and never be at a capacity or power factor disadvantage.  Possibly the only plus to being in a 10 round state.


Or am i wrong and there are still grandfathered mags?  I was thinking they did away with them all together

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The mag situation is weird here right now. They're illegal to buy etc but not illegal to own, but they passed a law making them illegal to own. But a judge overturned that law and the whole mag ban, making all mags legal again. But the 9th circuit appeals court put a stay on that injunction. So right now I think they're still legal to own but not buy? And tons of people bought mags during the 1 week we were allowed to and as far as I know, are allowed to keep them. 

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7 hours ago, flightlessgreeb said:

Any particular reason to shoot a G17 in limited minor rather than production? Also is there any particular reason to get one over an Accushadow if I already know I like them? 


Because you need fewer pouches and you might decide you like limited, or open, or a polymer gun in carryoptics.


And something like a G17 or 34 or other common plastic gun won’t be a large investment of cash. A glock holster and mag pouches will sell easily if you decide to move on.


If you’re sure you want a shadow, don’t buy one yet. Get to a match without a gun and find a guy with a Shadow 2. You’ll like it even more, likely. (If they’re available in Cali-stan)




Thanks for the advice tho all! I'll try and keep myself to just the one gun purchase for the next little while anyway! 




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I do already have 6 mag pouches and a CR Speed belt from the last time I shot USPSA thankfully so the only real gear investment I need is a holster. 


The Shadow 2 is not available here (neither is the Accu really but I have a line on one locally). I did used to own an Accu and I put probably 1k rounds thru it so I do already know I like it for sure at least. I've put at least that many rounds thru a G17 thanks to having one in the safe (tho not actually mine) for the last five years. I shoot Glocks fine and I feel almost, I don't know, negligent? As a gun collector not owning one lol - that said I'd trade any 3 Glocks I've shot for 1 Accu. Which is handy since that's about the price difference! lol

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Greed, get non-Shadow SP01. Plentiful and cheap in our state and feels exactly like your Accushadow. Add some CZC or Cajun parts and you've got a sweet shooting Production gun.


I bought a used SP01 for $500. I added about $200 in Cajun parts. Some elbow grease and polish polish polish, holly molly I've got a CO gun that has an awesome trigger. 

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14 hours ago, balmo said:

Greed, get non-Shadow SP01. Plentiful and cheap in our state and feels exactly like your Accushadow. Add some CZC or Cajun parts and you've got a sweet shooting Production gun.


I bought a used SP01 for $500. I added about $200 in Cajun parts. Some elbow grease and polish polish polish, holly molly I've got a CO gun that has an awesome trigger. 


That was my plan until I found an Accu for sale. I really dislike the stock trigger on the SP01 tho and having worked on and spoken to friends who have popped out the sear cage on a CZ it sounds like a nightmare to be honest. Plus I feel like little things would bug me about it since Im already used to the Accu. If that deal falls thru tho, thats probably the route Ill take.

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First, I'd look around on Practiscore and search some past matches in your area that you plan on attending.  Then I'd look at the participation in the various divisions that you are considering shooting in.  I love production at heart, but I'm honestly thinking about switching next year to CO, or maybe limited.  Not a whole lot of people shooting production, at least at the clubs I'm able to attend in my area.  I enjoy the sport more when the field I'm competing in is fairly deep with participants.  

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Yeah that makes sense and was something I was looking into a little since a few out of state friends who shoot USPSA also warned me that production was one the wane. Maybe its just my club or the fact that im in CA but the match I signed up for next weekend at least has more Production shooters than Carry Optics people. Could just be a one off of course. That said, it's always theoretically possible to transition a gun like an Accushadow into a CO gun from Production right?

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12 hours ago, flightlessgreeb said:

Yeah that makes sense and was something I was looking into a little since a few out of state friends who shoot USPSA also warned me that production was one the wane. Maybe its just my club or the fact that im in CA but the match I signed up for next weekend at least has more Production shooters than Carry Optics people. Could just be a one off of course. That said, it's always theoretically possible to transition a gun like an Accushadow into a CO gun from Production right?


OP, Production shooters is deep and very competitive in our area. We're ducking the trend; CO has been stagnant over the years but I've seen it's picking up this year. No problems switching from Production to CO in your Accushadow.

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well I made it out to my first match in years today, took my trusty old USP and some mags and had an absolute blast! ROs were very nice and gave me helpful tips to avoid easy safety pitfalls on a couple trickier stages (stand all the way up from prone before trying to reholster!!) I was slow as heck but it was a lot of fun. Cant wait to get my dedicated competition gun in and really hit it hard!

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On 7/21/2019 at 12:59 AM, flightlessgreeb said:

well I made it out to my first match in years today, took my trusty old USP and some mags and had an absolute blast! ROs were very nice and gave me helpful tips to avoid easy safety pitfalls on a couple trickier stages (stand all the way up from prone before trying to reholster!!) I was slow as heck but it was a lot of fun. Cant wait to get my dedicated competition gun in and really hit it hard!


i know right? Stage 1 was our first stage: that prone and low port was not good for the knees, hehehe.


By a long shot: did I talk to you in the parking lot before the match? Hoping the clouds would clear out as the day goes on? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Greed, get non-Shadow SP01. Plentiful and cheap in our state and feels exactly like your Accushadow. Add some CZC or Cajun parts and you've got a sweet shooting Production gun.
I bought a used SP01 for $500. I added about $200 in Cajun parts. Some elbow grease and polish polish polish, holly molly I've got a CO gun that has an awesome trigger. 
Listen to this guy.

I live in Southern California and I shoot USPSA Production. I have a plain SP-01 Manual Safety model. I put about $250 worth of Cajun Gun Works parts in it and it runs just as good as any of the Shadow variants that my buddies shoot.

I don't know where you are in California but if you're So Cal, shoot me a PM and we can see about meeting up and you can shoot my SP-01. I guarantee you'll love it.

By the way, we shoot standard cap and high cap mags at matches in here California. The laws are no deterrent. They're ridiculous and unenforceable. Hell, we got many LEOs that shoot competitions. They don't care.

Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk

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